Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
...I can't believe the SiC dishes are THAT much better tasting than Ti! So if I wanted to experience this pleasure, I would have to purchase an OG wraparound with SiC insert? Pretty easy to swap on the coil i'm guessing, or do some of you have a second coil just for concentrates with the SiC?

Yes... some of us have an extra setup so we can run both! :D
Nothing wrong with redundancy... it's saved me from grief many times in life.
I'm currently "Dual-ing" the ShowerHead for flower, and a WrapAround SiC dish with coil cover for concentrates. I keep the SiC rig set to 710, the flower rig temp varies often but generally hovers in the 640 to 670 range.

...i do just so i don't have to wait for cool down to change heads... just unplug coil swap over and wait for heat-up.... i decided its time to get another controller to eliminate any wait time LOL...

This is what I did before I owned a second controller. ;)

My plan is to try glass and ceramic screens on top of an errlectric Ti screen. I think that will be a good setup.

That is my plan as well, if I can ever find a large enough glass or Quartz perforated plate screen. I've already located fritted discs, but I'm concerned about the draw restriction, plus they're expensive... so I keep resisting and waiting for a 3/4" perforated plate to become available. All the glass perf plate filters I've found so far are 7mm to 12mm diameter... we need 18mm or (ideally) 19mm Dia. for FP use.
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Well-Known Member
Finally it has arrived. 20mm with SIC dish. Circular stand with lollipop carb cap. Started with a little piece of a nug (not ground) and a tiny dab. Totally baked! Great taste.
Ran the first one at 340C (650F).

Very happy at the moment.

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
Hey all...

My advice for those considering a NewVape FlowerPot purchase. This advice is worth exactly what you paid for it... what a deal! :)

1 - Just buy it already! Hesitation is for people who like to see "out of stock" messages during cart checkout.

2 - Unless your glass dictates otherwise, buy the Female 14/18mm bowl and pass the male FlowerPot bowls by. I've found that the Female FlowerPot bowl sticks to tapers FAR less often... and can be freed faster and easier when it does get stuck.

3 - If you prefer vaping flower, buy a ShowerHead - it's the way and the light! Otherwise, for more concentrate-centric operation, a "WrapAround" head with your dish of choice is called for. I personally like SiC, and I'm looking forward to trying a Sapphire dish soon (D-Nail Halo with D-Nail WrapAround FlowerPot head.) Of course, the only TRUE answer to this option is to get both the ShowerHead and the WrapAround heads, and be super bitchen like myself! :)

4 - Buy a coil cover if you are going with the WrapAround head for concentrate dishes. It makes a difference, and it's only $20.

5 - If you can afford it, buy an extra coil - especially if you are in Europe and don't have quick access to parts with fast shipping. Looking at the NewVape setup, I'm thinking this might be the most "consumable" part of the whole thing... and possibly the most likely component to die on you. Plus, it's fairly inexpensive

6 - If you want to keep your glass clean and ABV particle free, buy some "Degummed Hemp Fiber" and a glass carbon filter or other glass adapter fitting that will allow you to put a wad of fiber somewhere in the pre-pipe vapor path. Works great, and you can vape the fiber filter afterward for great award-winning effects! :o

7 - I like Ti screens for an almost 100% "all Titanium and glass" vapor path. Errlectric makes a double-weave $8 screen, and Beamer Smoke makes single weave available on amazon for about $0.40 each. Price definitely reflects quality... but I use the cheap ones because they work, and work well.

8 - The only piece of NewVape gear I'm questioning purchasing at this point is the ShowerCap... which I once considered "essential equipment". Now? I'm not so certain. I've been experimenting a lot with my ShowerHead, and I'm beginning to think you can do away with the need for ShowerCap if you use proper draw and capping techniques, and already have and use a LolliCap with your setup. I think if I had it all to do over again, I'd probably just buy a LolliCap and be OK with the whole setup sans ShowerCap.

9 - I have no advice on the Stand... buy whichever one you want or improvise. I personally like the OG square stand with hemp wrap, but I opted to built my own stand for personalization reasons.

10 - If you buy the black version of the NewVape controller, you will notice there are 2 on/off switches on the rear of the unit. One powers up the controller, and the other allows power to flow to the coil. Make CERTAIN when you first unbox and set up your FlowerPot, you turn BOTH switches on. This cost me 1/2 hour of head scratching and frustration when I got my first FlowerPot setup... and I'm a fairly technical geeky guy! :)

11 - Have fun! This is almost mandatory for this vape though... you probably won't have a choice! :D
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Well-Known Member
8 - The only piece of NewVape gear I'm questioning purchasing at this point is the ShowerCap... which I once considered "essential equipment". Now? I'm not so certain. I've been experimenting a lot with my ShowerHead, and I'm beginning to think you can do away with the need for ShowerCap if you use proper draw and capping techniques, and already have and use a LolliCap with your setup. I think if I had it all to do over again, I'd probably just buy a LolliCap and be OK with the whole setup sans ShowerCap.

I second not needing a ShowerCap. It's $40 and really not needed if you just vape flower. I'm glad I have it though and don't regret ordering it. But had I not gotten it, my order would have been around $135 shipped using the 10% off code. A very good deal to join the cult IMO :evil:.


I'm glad I got the showercap, makes it easy to try some twaxxer's, though I find I don't need it for flower personally, for some people that just can't figure out how to breathe it works good for them to automatically regulate airflow during their flower hit.

I'm not really having any problems with my male bowl once I figured you can't really turn it and pull, it wants to be wiggled loose and come out centrally. The weight of the handle on the bowl + weight of the showerhead + potentially the showercap can lodge it down, but it releases pretty easily to me.


Well-Known Member
It amazes me how different some of our preferences are! @steama nicely said! I've only tried the vape a few times but wouldn't ever consider not buying the showercap.... I think i'll like using it a first for a quicker initial milkup. I can't stand inhaling hot air and not getting any return if you know what I mean.

So what's the diff between the showercap and lollicap? I just assumed the SC is only for the SH and the LC is for the wrap around heads yeah? Otherwise the function is the same?

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
What Steama left out:

LolliCap will fit the Showerhead, but not perfectly. It makes an air path with a ring around the perimeter, and an uneven angled air inlet to the ShowerHead inlet holes. I have personally found, however, that this will work pretty well as a carb cap for the ShowerHead... though the air flow and results are a bit different than the ShowerCap and not quite as "pronounced". Rotating the LolliCap slowly around the perimeter (by the handle using one finger) throughout the hit "evens out" the effects of the angled air pathway, but can be a bit tricky to master as a technique. Another technique I'm experimenting with is putting the LolliCap on the ShowerHead upside down... results are similar to the normal usage perversion outlined above, but different! working with the equipment, exploring options... having fun! :D

I like to cap my bowls right at the end of a hit, after FP head removal but before I stop inhaling, to prevent blowback. Sometimes I leave the cap on if I'm going to sit and contemplate. I almost always use my LolliCap for this, but you can do the same thing with the ShowerCap if you turn it upside down.

:o CAUTION: If you put the ShowerCap on in the "normal" way to cap your bowl then leave it, it can rotate, slide off the bowl, and break your glass piece. You have been warned!
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Vapriot, Traveler & Vaporizer/ing lover!
Okay... so only 30 pages to go. :doh:
Damn government contracts messing up my FC life. :freak::D

WARNING: My initial catch up/quote/ reply post is going to be huge based on what I've read so far. :whoa:

So it's back to boning up on the FP thread! :sherlock:

Plus I've still got a comparison post already ready and coming your way. With photos of course! :rolleyes::lol:


Auber 16mm, OGFP, Double Decker, screen shoved way far down the bowl. Auber RDK200 @ 780f, approx. 530f SiC dish temp. Dirty glass.

I hit my choke point and nearly coughed, had to let a little vapour out :) Had two more very acceptable hits. Whole thing took three and half minutes.

Here is the first 30 seconds -



Vapriot, Traveler & Vaporizer/ing lover!
I just switched to the wrap around head today and while it is a great unit I agree the showerhead is just on another level. I had to switch back after a couple of hits! I like the sh so much better that I don't even mind dabbing from it!! I absolutely love not having to use a carb cap for flowers and have been able to turn my temps down because of the massive amount of metal that is being heated. Even at 650 I still get the milk without a carb cap!
It's great to hear that you're enjoying the SH so much. That and you're seeing how it really is something special in itself.

I too was impressed with how far down in temperature I was able to milk out that sweet vapor.

Are people putting their male body FPs directly into female joints?
Apparently you haven't been paying close attention to my videos. :doh::goon::p Yes my friend we are.

Rather sure when the Evo came out it was stomping the herborizer OG, if that's any reference the showerhead flowerpot is supposed to knock the socks off of the evo to boot.
Indeed the FP does that and curls your toes to boot! :drool:

If the Showerhead and Showercap combo is better...Oh Boy i cannot wait to buy this one!!!
Ummmm yes they are. You'll fall in love at wow your very first time. I promise! :love:

are people finding that different grinds matter?
Matter in what way exactly? If say yes on many levels actually. Take for instance this, I've compared while using the same flower set at the same temp. that the finer grind gave me a more flavorful hit over the course grind.

I also notice that overall extraction is far far more complete and uniform.

I've also found it has allowed me to push temperature ranges a bit further and that it starts milking faster too.

My perspective on grinders is if you are going to grind why not grind with the very best. The NV Fine Grind has replaced, 2 Mendo Mulchers, Large SCS 3-piece, medium 3-piece SCS, large SC titanium coated 2-piece, SLX 2.0, and the Lift grinder. Everything has been boxed up for storage except the NVFG.
Thanks for this. I've been lusting over the NV fine grinder for a bit now and you've just helped sell me on it. Anything the NV guys touch is basically solid gold!

If you want to punch things up you can use the shower cap at anytime in the draw. With the shower cap it is easy to coax big vapor at lower temps.:nod:
Yes it is easy and what's even better are the many ways and options that ShowerCap allows one to tweak and enjoy their sessions.

I feel like a proud father.... thanks NV for being right here in the trenches with us. It truly is an honor and humbling.

I personally find the carb caps to be indispensible, whether I'm vaping flowers or concentrates. Your own mileage may vary.
Spot on mate! :tup:

I love you guys! *wipes tear from cheek*
I've not seen you here before but with that display of selflessness and honesty.... I say this to you my friend.

Bring it in pal... c'mon get over here it's time for a hug. [Choking up a bit] I love you too! :cool:

Had my first experiment with the flowerpot last night........ overall I'm very happy despite my limited use. For the record here's what I had to play with and how I set it up.

16mm wrap round with dnail SiC dish fitted
16mm enail coil
Dnail carb cap (fits sung on the SiC)
14mm stubby with no handle, not a fan of the handle aesthetically got a silicon ecig topper on order ;).
Space case grinder with toasted cheese as the herb of choice (exodus cheese x fire99 auto), small load.
Dab/s come in the form of blues x hashplant QWET

Set up and pre heated for ten mins at 600f.

First I tried just herb, got visible vapour but it was thin. Next I tried my first double decker same temp and wow what a flavour, no harshness at all, amazing flavour and no vapor tail off either I'm sold on SiC but I will get me a sapphire dish in the future for the ultimate dabbing experience.

Then it tried using the flowerpot as you do the sub (heat both the nail AND bowl) to create a thermal equilibrium, dumped in a small load of TC and inhaled. Defiantly works but the flavour was diminished much more so maybe that's why people complain about the flavour when using the sub, conduction taking away flavour over the convection. Won't try it again now I know for sure

Finally I had a dab on its own again excellent for every occasion.

Found using the carb cap is needed at these lower temps, helped to extract more vapour and had very little effect on airflow or resistance of.

So next up I'll hike the temp up to 625f and experiment again, just need to dial in that temp for my needs.

But I love it already it's such a beautiful piece of kit, looks stunning performs admirably.

Roll on further testing :nod:.
Brother I'm so stoked that you're finally able to use the FP. I've been rather eager to see your thoughts and feedback. :rockon:

Been smoking on this apple fritter

I mean vaping old habits die hard
Yo at first I was like it's time to crack some kneecaps:goon: but you're coming around nicely. :rofl:

And about that beautiful green frosty booger :mmmm:

But as for dabs... taste isn't really there, sometimes really bad.. whatever the rig, temps, techniques or capping. Effects are there though hehe I have newvape enail 20mm, with sic dish. Any thoughts on this ??

Following this thread for a bit.. really nice! and I'm used to dabbing, and vaping for years.. but it is my first e-nail, maybe I get something wrong haha Thank's !!
I've been dabbing for years too and for a bit now with some top tier rigs. Based on that you've disclosed this is your first email I'd say that maybe you're used to the basically combustion torch dabs. They are not the same as e-nail at all.

That and I'd say check out the quality of your concentrates. You might have got a bad batch. Oh and lastly have you thoroughly wiped everything down with iso and heat cycled everything before your initial use?

You'll get it all down in no time. The FP surprisingly has a fast learning curve. Another selling point for NV.

I was pleasantly happy with how well the FP handled dabs. Enough so that I plan on also purchasing NV's dedicated dab set-up.

The flowerpot napdown:zzz::zzz::zzz:
I see you like my napdown terminology. I'm flattered!
The FP is no joke, it easily and happily lays down rookies for the 10 count and them some. You gotta love it. Great story my friend. :cheers:

I Can't wait to get a showerhead.. If anyone feels like coming over with one to solve this mystery first hand feel free :brow::D
I'd be over in a heartbeat if I was close or in your area. I honestly would. I'm with you on the FP win.
The way the FP allows for so much versatility, function and ease of use. It's the go to home unit hands down.

Here's a rip of .1g~ of some Hindu Kush. 670f on the newvape controller.

There was barely more than a whisp left after I stirred.

Hope everyone is safe :peace:
Solid! :popcorn:

Bowl of keif, dab of rosin made from said keif, a few CBD crystals, 740f. SH.

No cough.

I want to play in your stash box. It sounds down right enticing and stocked full of things that would bring me a chubby and a giggle! :o:brow:


Vapor Dreams
This Showerhead is magical. It gets me so high that I have to vape my low quality plants if i want to be a person. Half bowl of my best herbs can get me so high i cant even speak in one hit. Even with average bud i can get huge rips and a good high from a herb that in other vapes wouldn' t get me high at all


Well-Known Member
This Showerhead is magical. It gets me so high that I have to vape my low quality plants if i want to be a person. Half bowl of my best herbs can get me so high i cant even speak in one hit. Even with average bud i can get huge rips and a good high from a herb that in other vapes wouldn' t get me high at all

So awesome to hear! I remember this feeling with my supreme v3.... it's like using a Solo, Pax, Mighty, etc. is a toy and waste of time in comparison!

When you hear people saying that this vape feels like a dab of flower....that means something!!

I wish NV wouldn't avoid SH insert questions/inquires :tup::rofl:
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