Cannabis and Memory

If you are a regular user, do you think Cannabis has impaired your memory to any degree?

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After 8000 years of anidotal evidence, and countless studies designed to find something to justify reefer madness, I think we'd know if Marijuana has any significant negative effects by now.

I can't think of a better risk/benefit drug, or a drug with a better safety record.
The whole psychoactive demonization is a red herring used to distract from the immense therapeutic potential of raw acidic cannabinoids.

CBD gets an obscure federal pass but THCA has been shown to be 100-1000x more effective for most of the same ailments.

The United States already had a rich history of medical cannabis 100 years ago, largely from tinctures produced by companies like UpJohn.


Well-Known Member
After 8000 years of anidotal evidence, and countless studies designed to find something to justify reefer madness, I think we'd know if Marijuana has any significant negative effects by now.

I can't think of a better risk/benefit drug, or a drug with a better safety record.
You have not offered a single citation. Annecdotal evidence is not is annecdotal.

Show me a reffered, peer reviewed article that proves what you just said if you can find any.

Until you can, your supposition is just that.

There may very well be many people that use it without any untoward effects. But there are people on this very forum who think otherwise from there own experience...which of course is annecdotal.

It is very difficult to do proper studies to achieve a large sample size (N) when the substance you want to study is illegal.

I am simply suggesting that with the decriminalization and outright legalization of cannabis it will be easier to study.

Alcohol has been used for millennia, and it is legal everywhere. But, there is no doubt ethanol is a toxin.

There is no doubt it can cause cognitive impairment.

The American indigenous population is known not to be able to handle it. There may be certain populations that have problems with cannabis.

None of what I have written is some kind of indictment. With so many more people having legal access, it is something in the interest of public safety that should be looked at. That is all.


Well-Known Member
It's really not so implausible because the case is simply that cannabis offers a protective effect against degeneration and decay of the brain but at the same time it does impact memory function in both short and long term but it's really massively overhyped and blown up out of proportion on the scale of things you can very very easily be a heavy cannabis user and not struggle living a very wide range of different lifestyle types with basic memory and function.

Now CHS, that is sadly very real. It totally dwarfs negative memory impacts.

My own memory should be absolutely destroyed because I have been a very heavy cannabis user for decades using insane quantities of edibles as well as more MDMA and LSD together than probably another human being who has lived in our recorded history and that still just a portion of the agents which should have diminished my own memory and mental faculties but it's pretty sharp and functional and I don't struggle that I am aware of nor feel any anxiety about it or regret.

Plus I should mention this because it's also relevant to this point about what can be overcome and short-circuited but it's very naughty I have been using an astonishingly high quantity of benzodiazepines daily for nearly 3 years now equivalent to 150 mg diazepam minimum every day.

That's like 15+ Valium 10 mg pills which should render me in incommunicable amnesiated dim witted retard. On paper. And in practice and evidence in the wider world you should not really meet people taking such quantities of benzodiazepines which are very strongly potentiated by Kava and cannabis which are also used concurrently, and being coherent in any way, but I am capable of functioning and speaking and thinking pretty perfectly normally because I need to.

The mind is such a powerful thing and it can simply adapt over time with some imagination.
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Well-Known Member
Show me one single reference for any of this. If you can't, your statements are nothing more than your imagination none of which is scientific fact.


Well-Known Member
Show me one single reference for any of this. If you can't, your statements are nothing more than your imagination none of which is scientific fact.
Evidence of what exactly? My personal testimony?

I assume you meant this.

I didn't anticipate that actually I am as truthful and genuine to the absolute word and authentic and honest and open as people come I am a genuine phenomenon when it comes to the ingestion of psychedelic substances over time and handling the mind.

Some things sound unbelievable but they actually happened think about it through time some of the most remarkable individual stories that if you didn't know you were true you might just dismiss if somebody was talking about it on a forum.

I'm just suggesting that's a closed mind because how on Earth am I supposed to prove to you right now this?

There are people here who know me very well actually who I don't expect will doubt a single word of what I report it is consistent with everything I have ever spoken about.

I'm just making a point that memory problems is not even something I ever consider I have at least 20 or 30 way more severe problems than that including extremely severe nerve damage from Long Covid which I've had twice now, still do in nervous system because my nervous and immune system was practically destroyed by a very severe case of Lyme disease in 2005.

The benzodiazepines as well as the kava have been vital to just about handle the extreme anxiety and mental turmoil of the Covid and nerve damage, also these drugs, kava itself, really mitigate THC anxiety. And general anxiety.

Because the mind is a truly powerful thing and the imagination can overcome things you might not...imagine lol.

I don't know what else to say to you because I've no need no interest to be making up fibs fabricating little stories and imaginary facts and certainly not arguing and debating proving my authenticity there's just no need is a waste of energy when I'm just simply speaking pure 100% accurate truth.

I have not taken MDMA since 2005 when Lyme disease made me severely allergic to pretty much everything but by that time I had taken at least 325 g of MDMA I am absolutely certain as a minimum from 1996.

Probably about half a gram of LSD as well since 1996. Just over 25 years appropriately.

That is an extortionate amount of that particular psychedelic there cannot be many people if any who have taken that in a mortal lifetime and been telling a tale certainly not as clearly and memorably and articulately as I find easier than it was before I ever took any of these drugs.
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Well-Known Member
Evidence of what exactly? My personal testimony?

I assume you meant this.

I didn't anticipate that actually I am as truthful and genuine to the absolute word and authentic and honest and open as people come I am a genuine phenomenon when it comes to the ingestion of psychedelic substances over time and handling the mind.

Some things sound unbelievable but they actually happened think about it through time some of the most remarkable individual stories that if you didn't know you were true you might just dismiss if somebody was talking about it on a forum.

I'm just suggesting that's a closed mind because how on Earth am I supposed to prove to you right now this?

There are people here who know me very well actually who I don't expect will doubt a single word of what I report it is consistent with everything I have ever spoken about.

I'm just making a point that memory problems is not even something I ever consider I have at least 20 or 30 way more severe problems than that including extremely severe nerve damage from lung Covid which I've had twice now because my nervous and immune system was practically destroyed by a very severe case of Lyme disease in 2005.

Because the mind is a truly powerful thing and the imagination can overcome things you might not...imagine lol.

I don't know what else to say to you because I've no need no interest to be making up fibs fabricating little stories and imaginary facts and certainly not arguing and debating proving my authenticity there's just no need is a waste of energy when I'm just simply speaking pure 100% accurate truth.

I have not taken MDMA since 2005 when Lyme disease made me severely allergic to pretty much everything but by that time I had taken at least 325 g of MDMA I am absolutely certain as a minimum from 1996.

Probably about half a gram of LSD as well since 1996. Just over 25 years appropriately.

That is an extortionate amount of that particular psychedelic there cannot be many people if any who have taken that in a mortal lifetime and been telling a tale certainly not as clearly and memorably and articulately as I find easier than it was before I ever took any of these drugs.
Look. There is nothing wrong with any of what you are saying. Hell, I don't know the answers. I am just trying to explain that there is a difference between individual experience and research, investigation that gets published in peer reviewed journals.

This is not about condemning Cannabis even if it were known to permanently totally screw up one's memory.

If a person has a host of far more serious problems, what does it matter. That is what cost benefit means on the interest of making informed decisions regarding medical therapeutics.

It is just helpful for people to know, that is all


Well-Known Member
Show me a reffered, peer reviewed article that proves what you just said if you can find any.

I don't know of a valid study, including the one you sited for the reasons I've already stated.

We don't agree and I'll leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
Look. There is nothing wrong with any of what you are saying. Hell, I don't know the answers. I am just trying to explain that there is a difference between individual experience and research, investigation that gets published in peer reviewed journals.

This is not about condemning Cannabis even if it were known to permanently totally screw up one's memory.

If a person has a host of far more serious problems, what does it matter. That is what cost benefit means on the interest of making informed decisions regarding medical therapeutics.

It is just helpful for people to know, that is all
Yes that's perfectly fair I'm not coming here arguing against you I'm just sharing my experience because it strikes me how this genuinely has not been a concern or obstacle for me personally since I can remember.

I'm not trying to dissuade you from exploring this avenue maybe just offering some assurance and perspective that there are many dangers out there but cannabis and memory problems which outweigh the potential benefit, enjoyment and good are a very minor problem on the scale of things IME & IMO.

I know there are always exceptions. And many people can be an exception to a general rule as well I understand this.

I guess I'm just naturally passionate about discouraging fear without experiencing reason for it, in relation to cannabis use, and life.

Thanks for elaborating.


Medicine Buddha
Annecdotal evidence is not is annecdotal.
If you had a forum thread with *8,000 years* worth of reviews, impressions, and results, regarding anything, is that worthless?

By the age of 10 I was dealing with complex PTSD.

I have an unfortunately long and vivid memory, am hyper vigilant, and have dealt with significant anxiety and depression.

I believe the "smell" of my mothers cannabis drew me instinctively. My endocannabinoid system knew that therein lay relief. Maybe cannabis relieves some of the subconscious weight of PTSD memories for it's duration.

12 years ago I took up vigorous cardio (lifestyle cyclist) to further deal with symptoms of PTSD through my own endorphins. I didn't realize it at the time but doing so should help maintain more cognitive health as well.

Articles have been popping up about it a bit recently.

This link is simply Google news search results for "exercise preserves memory". Some articles less than a week old.


Well-Known Member
This is only anecdotal evidence, but normally I use small and infrequent doses which seem to negatively affect my short term memory and mental faculties in general.

When I take more and do it more often, I seem to build up a tolerance to those effects and I am much more able to function normally.

Whether my memory is as good during those times as it is when I abstain or as it was when I had never tried it, I can’t say.

As a medical user (I had never tried it and avoided all drugs as much as possible - still never had a drink of alcohol, any kind of nicotine, not even more caffeine than us in the average caffeinated soft drink), I find the trade offs acceptable since I have never tried anything that helps me physically or mentally as much as cannabinoids do.

I’m not going to make any solid claims for or against it on memory issues because I simply don’t have the data and I’m not sure I would trust my own assessment of it even if I had it, but while there are a lot of studies done with an agenda which keeps me from trusting them, I think we need more studies before we decide that there are no negative effects for anyone on memory or other mental or physical issues.

There are so many ways that people are affected differently by THC, CBD, etc. that I’m not ready to call our scientific knowledge of their effects complete.

I’ll also add that I see a lot of problems or potential problems with many pharmaceutical drugs too, and I continue to choose Cannabis over things like pregabalin that my doctors have tried to give me because it works for me and I feel like the potential downsides are better known and more acceptable.

@andrew`124c41+ I appreciate your posts here and elsewhere on the forum even if they’re not popular, and even when I don’t completely agree with them. I think it’s important to continue to consider different viewpoints as long as they’re reasonable. :cheers:
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Well-Known Member
Yes that's perfectly fair I'm not coming here arguing against you I'm just sharing my experience because it strikes me how this genuinely has not been a concern or obstacle for me personally since I can remember.

I'm not trying to dissuade you from exploring this avenue maybe just offering some assurance and perspective that there are many dangers out there but cannabis and memory problems which outweigh the potential benefit, enjoyment and good are a very minor problem on the scale of things IME & IMO.

I know there are always exceptions. And many people can be an exception to a general rule as well I understand this.

I guess I'm just naturally passionate about discouraging fear without experiencing reason for it, in relation to cannabis use, and life.

Thanks for elaborating.
Oh, I definitely agree with you. I don't think unwarranted fear is ever useful. Besides, I am here lol.. remember, you are singing to the choir. I am just coming from a clinical perspective.


Well-Known Member
This is only anecdotal evidence, but normally I use small and infrequent doses which seem to negatively affect my short term memory and mental faculties in general.

When I take more and do it more often, I seem to build up a tolerance to those effects and I am much more able to function normally.

Whether my memory is as good during those times as it is when I abstain or as it was when I had never tried it, I can’t say.

As a medical user (I had never tried it and avoided all drugs as much as possible - still never had a drink of alcohol, any kind of nicotine, not even more caffeine than us in the average caffeinated soft drink), I find the trade offs acceptable since I have never tried anything that helps me physically or mentally as much as cannabinoids do.

I’m not going to make any solid claims for or against it on memory issues because I simply don’t have the data and I’m not sure I would trust my own assessment of it even if I had it, but while there are a lot of studies done with an agenda which keeps me from trusting them, I think we need more studies before we decide that there are no negative effects for anyone on memory or other mental or physical issues.

There are so many ways that people are affected differently by THC, CBD, etc. that I’m not ready to call our scientific knowledge of their effects complete.

I’ll also add that I see a lot of problems or potential problems with many pharmaceutical drugs too, and I continue to choose Cannabis over things like pregabalin that my doctors have tried to give me because it works for me and I feel like the potential downsides are better known and more acceptable.

@andrew`124c41+ I appreciate your posts here and elsewhere on the forum even if they’re not popular, and even when I don’t completely agree with them. I think it’s important to continue to consider different viewpoints as long as they’re reasonable. :cheers:
Lol. That is what a forum is for. I have learned a heck of a lot from everyone here.

Your view point is right. A lot of stuff the FDA has
approved have a lot of side effects many of which are worse than the problem they purport to treat!

By the way, how many of you ever heard of Marinol and know what it is? Guess what one of the reported side effects is? Yet, it was approved and still available although not in a gummy :-)
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Medicine Buddha
By the way, how many of you ever heard of Marinol and know what it is? Guess what one of the reported side effects is? Yet, it was approved and still available although not in a gummy :-)
Had a friends father who had Marinol prescribed around 2001 I think and I tried some. It had a very mild effect on me, probably low dosage?

Years later I met a hospice nurse who would abscond some Marinol from deceased clients. He gave me a few and those had a pretty strong effect... kind of like a distillate edibles high. Very heady.


Well-Known Member
Had a friends father who had Marinol prescribed around 2001 I think and I tried some. It had a very mild effect on me, probably low dosage?

Years later I met a hospice nurse who would abscond some Marinol from deceased clients. He gave me a few and those had a pretty strong effect... kind of like a distillate edibles high. Very heady.
Abscond lol I had a toe amputated. Long story short, had neuropathic pain....really bad post op. They gave me an epidural which contains morphine and lidocaine. It did not work. They gave me more. It still did not work. It was at Georgetown Hospital. Had I not been a medical professional, I am not sure they would have believed me. Turned out one of the pharmacy techs decided that it would be best just to give me the Lidocaine....and keep the morphine for himself.

Marinol is essentially synthetic THC and memory impairment is listed as one of the side effects. But, no terpenes :-)
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Well-Known Member
He gave me a few and those had a pretty strong effect... kind of like a distillate edibles high. Very heady.
It sounds interesting!! 😁 (But the name makes me think it is a product pertaining to ships/boats)
On the memory issue, I feel that cannabis may curtail my ability to be numerate, hard to test to trace & weigh the various factors which can influence our cognitive reserves 🤷‍♀️


Well-Known Member
It sounds interesting!! 😁 (But the name makes me think it is a product pertaining to ships/boats)
On the memory issue, I feel that cannabis may curtail my ability to be numerate, hard to test to trace & weigh the various factors which can influence our cognitive reserves 🤷‍♀️
Generally speaking, the best way to evaluate cognitive impairment is through a battery of neuropsychological tests. There are sub tests of the Wexler Adult Intelligence scale that can be used and indeed, the WAIS is one of the tests usually given in that battery.


Well-Known Member
Adult intelligence!?
In this world?
Shit! What was the question?
Baked and waked. LOL
In the WAIS, for instance, you are given a series of numbers to remember...first forward...then you are given more numbers but have to reverse their order. This tests short term memory...the ability to consolidate new memories.

Long term memory is tested through a number of other sub tests. In a short medical assessment, you would be given 3 items to remember...say a pencil, hammer, and dish. You would be asked to recall these items after a period of time.
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C No Ego

Well-Known Member
I have reviewed a lot of studies on the subject and interestingly, the following review was just published recently.

I think it is an excellent review. It pulls from studies that go back many years.

Unfortunately, I think much of it is true. My initial experiences ended in 1969 at the age of 17 so I really can't draw from that time. But, my medicinal use began just this past late September. I have concerns about it's effect upon my own cognition which is in part the reason I asked this question.

As a consequence, I am trying some special strains with low THC content, eg., AC/DC and Pain Killer XL.

One of the issues is the fact that the compound is so highly lipid soluble that it persists in the body for quite awhile. To see how one feels sans Cannabis if one has been using even just about once a night as I have, it takes about a month to clear it as well as all the metabolites. (The reason that those who get urine tested have issues is because the tests don't look directly for THC but rather a metabolite which is actually not psychoactive, 11-nor-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid.)

There are obviously a lot of variables to consider and one of them that I have not really found anything on is a family history of dementia.

Does having a parent with dementia of any etiology put one at greater risk of developing one if Cannabis is added to the genetic predisposition?

With the numbers of individuals using medical cannabis alone increasing, I think it will be easier to study and find answers to these questions.

I used to kid with people that if there was a quote I wanted to be remembered for it is this:

If a drug is efficacious for it's intended indication, it will have serious side effects and/or toxicity.

If a drug has no serious side effects and/or toxicities, it doesn't do squat for it's intended indication.

Ergo. Any medication that is effective is going to screw you up in some way!

Is this really true? Well, let's just say there is some truth in it and leave it at that. :-)

I am sure everyone has their own experiences and drew their own conclusions on medications.
look up - salk institute research proves cannabinoids remove brain plaque . it is a THC research article


Well-Known Member
look up - salk institute research proves cannabinoids remove brain plaque . it is a THC research article
There have been some papers on Cannabis supposedly helping Alzheimer's patients. The problem is that you cannot use one or even a couple of articles to prove a point. You have to see the research replicated a number of times before it becomes accepted.

This is for several reasons. Sample sizes are open small. There has even been outright fraud where papers were withdrawn. I am sure with the numbers of people using cannabis these days, more research about this subject will offer more definitive answers.

C No Ego

Well-Known Member
There have been some papers on Cannabis supposedly helping Alzheimer's patients. The problem is that you cannot use one or even a couple of articles to prove a point. You have to see the research replicated a number of times before it becomes accepted.

This is for several reasons. Sample sizes are open small. There has even been outright fraud where papers were withdrawn. I am sure with the numbers of people using cannabis these days, more research about this subject will offer more definitive answers.
ok, with all the biochemistry showing how it does so .... what have you got that shows how it does not do that ?? seriously
we know with certainty how THC engages with the ionotropic cb1 receptors and their purpose in ECS etc.....

C No Ego

Well-Known Member
I can't remember why I came into the kitchen...
doorways are dimensional jump throughs ... any doorway we walk through moves us into other dimensions ... people usually forget why they were going into other rooms when passing through the doorway to get in there ...
C No Ego,


I have the same concern... my mother had dementia as well as my aunt (her sister) and I have experienced it first hand ....the degeneration of the mind.
Is it hereditary? ....Does viagra help prophylactically?
I know exactly what you are talking about. Lol. I build my own PCs, networks, etc. Picked up a QNas last year, stuck 4 drives in it but have not configured it yet. I am just not as fascile with it.

I have a suspicion that Cannabis may be harmful to some people. Both my parents had dementias in their latter lives which makes me nervous... better get some Viagra.... apparently, it may prevent Alzheimer's...go figure!


Well-Known Member
I have the same concern... my mother had dementia as well as my aunt (her sister) and I have experienced it first hand ....the degeneration of the mind.
Is it hereditary? ....Does viagra help prophylactically?

Viagra and Cialis increase blood flow and oxygen... to more body parts than one.
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