Cancer Survivors?


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if there are any other members are cancer survivors - especially those of you that consider yourself to be long-termer's.

I'm a long-term survivor... I've had multiple recurrences over about 20 years now... from basically a young adult to pre-middle aged. I'd prefer not to mention the type of cancer I've had because it's somewhat rare and for the purposes of this post it doesn't matter... if you've experienced cancer you've experienced cancer. However, I will say that I've been though high-dose chemotherapy, over 100 sessions of radiation and I've undergone some significant operations each of which has had a major affect on my life. I'm guessing at this point I've had well over 100 MRI scans too along with numerous CT, bone scans, etc. As you can imagine there is scanxiety before and after the scans.

I've never (knock on wood) been close to death yet but I feel as though the big one is always looming as I've already had mets.

For those of you in a similar situation, how do you feel cannabis has helped you? Obviously, during treatment it's great for pain and can kick nausea in the ass. However, I'm interested in how it helps people after (or in between) treatment.

For a long time over the years I've thrown myself into healthy and not so healthy activities (mostly a little too much beer). The healthy activities have helped and the not-so-healthy activities were basically short term non-productive relief.

Although I became very much pro-legalization in college I never really used anything for fear of legal issues. I have a card now and I've been able to try numerous strains. I feel much more relaxed in general and my neuropathic pain has significantly decreased. A lot of the anxiety I experience is reduced. I won't say using cannabis has had a huge, huge impact but it's definitely noticeable.

I'm going to talk to my therapist about possibly entering or at least being on the lookout for something a little bit different - a psilocybin study for cancer survivors. From what I've heard it can go a long way to helping with long-term anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. If you have first hand experience with this or are close with someone who has please let me know.

I guess I'm just rambling tonight.... it's one of those in between times.

Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I kicked cancer's ass three years ago. Lots of radiation sessions which caused general
fatigue and thinning of hair. Waiting for lab results was cause for tremendous anxiety,
as I never knew if I was going to be handed a death sentence. "Your lab results will be available in 4 days". Great... I need additional anxiety in my life.

I use mmj for ongoing anxiety and sleep issues. However I find that it makes lots of things better, i.e.
appetite stimulation, music, sex, movies, yaddy yaddy.

I in no way mean to put my cancer journey in the same league as Mycollife to whom I wish the very best.


Vapes R Great
Diagnosed Feb 2014 with stage ivb NS HL
Had every frontline treatment and then some (combo chemo/HiDoseChemo/BMT/hiDoseRads/surgery/more Rads/
Finally got remission Oct2015

Found out I relapsed yesterday on my one year scan
Im 35 years old
About to go procure as much Oil as I can and fuck this beast for good


Well-Known Member
Fuck cancer.

I'm a 2nd time cancer survivor.
People look @ me and would never know.
I stay positive, and stay active.
Not much can get me down.

Mj has helped me a lot with pain, sleep, appetite, and just overall positivity.
But my government fails to realize that....

Always stay positive, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!



Vapes R Great
Cannabis helps with everything for me from eating to just staying sane through these treatments. It is light years better than any anti naseau meds they give me. I got lock jaw, crazy anxiety and all kinds of horrible side effects from the meds.

Cannabis, music, humour and my mother are what have gotten me this far.
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