Can We Save the Politicians?


Naruto Fan
I hear lots of people talking about how lives are ruined by the war on drugs, a generation of youth selling on the street corners of America, people all over getting involved with crime in ways they would not have otherwise.

But what about the Polticians, whose lives are broken by the stresses of public service, the stress of putting on the show for voters while secretly being in bed with campaign contributors. We see the evidence of how their power has corrupted them, and yet we only jeer. These are people in pain, who need to be helped.

How many of use woke up today thinking we could get the maid pregnant and keep it a secret from our wive's? How many of us woke up thinking we could have virtual sex without telling our wives' about the desire, and not get caught? how many of us woke up thinking we're too big to fail?

It is causing untold damage to these people's lives, but what could we do to help them?

Did Colbert already do something like this? Massage it a bit and it might work.


Well-Known Member
The saying, "Power Corrupts", is a basic truism, and there are others besides politicians who are afflicted with this "power disease".


Naruto Fan
i was watching clips of Cobert, and thinking about how he's able to get his point accross, when he has one, without looking like he's on the Left neccessarily. I'd like to cultivate some of that ability.
EDIT: or i'd like to think i'm capable of more than frothing at the mouth about problems.
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