Can I recook a finished glycerin tincture?


Well-Known Member
I had 16 oz of food grade glycerin and about 12 grams AVB and cooked it in my crock pot on warm for 9 hours. I then strained and composted the AVB. Well the tintcure isnt too strong at all because I found out my warm setting is only 120 F. Could I just add some shake and ABV and just cook it for 9 hours again at 200 F since its cooled completely? Or would it burn off or anything? Also should I simply add a few shots of 151 rum or is it unsafe to cook that in a crockpot? Thanks :)


Lost in Thought
Ive recooked some of my cookage in the past with no ill effects. In fact, I scraped all of my coco-oil capsules, added more herb and recooked it in the crock pot again. You may lose a little volume in the end, but it also definitely helped the end product as well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks AGBeer and I was gonna ask, Should A glycerin tincture lose half its volume if cooked at the right temp, to indicate its done?


Lost in Thought
Honestly Ive never used glycerin before but it would make sense that some of it would evaporate in the process as well. I dont know if there is a 'foolproof' way of knowing its 'done' unless you have some highly specialized equipment which you already do. Its called your body :p

In other words, potency is also subjective. You pretty much have to 'sample' and tweak your recipes until you get closer to where you want to be :)


Dabaholic may be weak because your ratio is off. I am making my first glycerin tincture now and I have about 4 grams in 2 oz of glycerin and a lil 151 rum......I read that you should use about a 2 grams of abv for every oz of glycerin and a little alcohol will help the extraction.....of course how far your abv was taken in the vape will also have a big effect. I have been letting it sit in a warm place for about 7 weeks or so......gonna strain and use next week around Thanksgiving. I will post results in the glycerin thread when done.
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