Brain Storming Session - Educate Public in California w/$0.00 Budget


Naruto Fan
I recently became very jaded, well, since i started watching the news again half a year ago...been asleep politically for years, and just didn't notice what was going on.

Anyway, I'm pretty convinced the Public in California, as all people want to be well educated, want to get real information about pot and what responsible adult use looks, just shout them out, could i or anyone get info to the public, without using popular media?

I'm thinking there would have to be some "seed" on TV, but if would have to be a powerfull hook to make people want to logon to a website and take a look.

I know before deregulation there used to be PSA announcements on TV, but if they don't want to let anyone say anything without paying through the nose for air-time, how could they be leveraged, what type of event or conference would have to take place for the TV to cover it for free - without making things worse?

i haven't even thought of radio or print, but am guessing this would have to be a multi-faceted and over-lapping approach.

Ideas Please!

Thank you,


Naruto Fan
my only idea is to create a public service announcement which gives mild instruction on how to safely use marijuana, or how to avoid common pitfalls, like driving too soon after smoking, put something like "please wait 45 minutes before driving on public highways" or something else if that's too shocking, and show a link to the website...create a series of them.

other than that i can only think of putting up bill-boards, which isn't free, or creating a press conference around safe usage practices, or simply to educate the public on how collectives and pot doc recs work in California...? (weak)

i need ideas, or else i might just set up a lemonade stand on the side of the road and hand out fliers!!


Well-Known Member
I think the only completely free way would be an oilspill-aproach, telling people around you the information
only that way a single person can only reach a minimal audience


Technical Skeptical
go to community colleges and interview the people with the highest grades in the science classes.

ask them about their views, and how they've been able to maintain the highest grades despite their pot use.

put said interviews up on the net.
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