Bit off more than I could chew...


Well-Known Member
I like vaping and I like gaming. I'm also very, VERY lazy. When I use my volcano I load up way too much ground herb and fill up a balloon or five depending on how I'm feeling. Then I save my herb in the chamber for later. A filled chamber can last me for a week and a half this way.

The other night I was filling my first balloon of the evening using a chamber that had previously produced 4-ish bags. The bag was fairly thin (temp was set to 5.5 as usual) so I thought: this chamber must be nearly done.

I start downloading a patch for Destiny 2 and enjoy my whispy bag cranking the temperature to max so I can finish the chamber on the next bag. I finish the bag just as the install completes and I blow up bag number two while I fly to the new Mars stage and clear some inventory en route.

I hear the crinkling getting louder and I turn my head to shut off the fan and remove the chamber.

It's solid milk in there.

Now, I've had thick bags before. Bags that look like they're full of skim milk. This was much thicker. The balloon looked like it was made out of paper.

On my headset I could hear the music's crescendo. I was almost at Mars, and if I didn't finish the bag quickly I'd forget about it and have a bag of super-shitty vapor half an hour later.

The first sip stung my throat; it wasn't smoke and it wasn't hot vapor, just very dense vapor. I could hear the teleporter's "vwoom", my titan was on Mars. I inhaled a lungful and immediately coughed it up. "Pew! pew! pew!" enemies were nearby; I took another lungful. More coughing, and more inhaling. "Pow! pow!" incoming fire, inhale again. "Beep-beep-beep-beep" taking damage but the bag's nearly done. One more lungful ought to... "beep-beep-*cough*-beep-beep"...maybe just a little bigger lungful... "BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP!"... I'll just exhale a tiny bit so I can finish... and done! *COUGH*COUGH*COUGH*!!

I set down the empty bag and picked up the controller. Then THAT feeling came.

You know THAT feeling: like you just crested the first hill on a roller coaster and you're about to go on a ride that you have no control over. I could feel my guts lurching towards my chest, the cold sweat forming on my palms. I grabbed my phone and set an alarm for two hours; I was going down but I would still need to get to bed when I came to.

Every form in my vision became geometric patterns, my body became too heavy to function. With my last bit of strength I put my headset down on the table. I relaxed and let the ride take me where it may...

- - -

I woke up before the alarm went off. The TV informed me: "no signal". The PS4 had put itself to sleep. I wouldn't be sober enough to walk for another hour after that. I did not get to play on Mars that night.
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