Best vape for dorm (not the usual scenario)?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to decide between a DBV or purple days (efficiency and hit size aside) for dorm use. My problem is not with setting off the alarm or leaving a smell but rather just which one would be easier to keep low key and/or hidden. I know the PD is designed to stay on 24/7 so I'm guessing my options are either the PD and keep it on 24/7 with the aroma top on (and leaving it pretty vulnerable to theft when I'm not around) or DBV and stash it away somewhere when I'm not using it. Which one would you suggest? If this has been asked before my bad I didn't find anything when I searched.


Chief Vapor Officer
for your situation, I think either would do but I would give the slight edge to the PD for stealthiness


Well-Known Member
There have been a few reports here where a member got busted by the police and they confiscated all of his weed, grinders, bongs and vapes, but left the PD alone. Unless you know what it is, there is no way that anyone would think that it is a vaporizer. Of course, a potential thief could know exactly what it is.


Well-Known Member
The DBV will draw attention where the PD does not on its own. The PD also do not indicate it is on unless you touch it, no lights or glowing as with the DBV. The PD also looks like it belongs in an dorm setting where the DBV does not. I love the DBV but it would not be my personal choice in the area of stealth.

Actually I would consider the Magic Flight Launch Box. It is stealthy, very small and portable and is generally considered a very low smelling vape amongst vaporizers but you have to deal with rechargeable batteries and depending on your use this may be an issue. If the battery aspect is an issue I recommend the Vapor Genie but it is lighter based but a very good portable vaporizer.

The PD has a long waiting list so if time is a consideration I would consider a Myrtlezap which is very similar to the PD. Both makers know, respect each other if you should go that route but I highly suggest researching those options.

If it was me I an I wanted a vaporizer for a year in a dorm for single to two people using it, I would get the Magic Flight Launch Box due to its small size, it fits in your hand, it requires only a battery to work, can be easily hidden and is portable.

For a desktop version I would go with a Purple Days or a Mytrlezap. I would not actually consider the DBV in that environment.

Hope that helps at all.


Well-Known Member
I concur that you should seriously consider the Magic Flight Launch Box. It is also much cheaper than the PD and other alternatives.

Otherwise, if you want to make your own stealthy hot-box/whip-type convection vaporizer (although using it might cause smells) that will never be noticed in a dorm, you can make one from a toaster oven. Drill a hole in the side and screw in a coupling/fitting, so you have an outlet that can be capped (so you can actually bake/toast) and that can supply hot air to a whip attached or pressed up to it, such as one of the whips used with a commercial vaporizer. Set the oven for the upper 300 degrees F and you're set to go with a controllable temperature vaporizer that should work pretty well.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
man, i would be far more concerned about the smell from opening the bag of bud ... unless you're the only one at the school who has ever used mj and no one else has a clue what it smells like. if any one knows you have bud, you will be toast.

can you live off campus?

a college degree is far too important (and necessary) these days to risk losing it on getting high.

just my opinion ... i graduated in 1970, and thc didn't tap me on the shoulder until about a year later ... good luck.
Hippie Dickie,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice guys. Yea I definately don't plan on being a chronic user, maybe couple times a week at most. I've been to many college parties though and someone always has a vape, I think the mainstream youth is catching on ;). I would rather just get a vape though because I know some way or another I'm gonna end up consuming the ganja.
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