Are vaccines safe and effective as claimed?


Vapor Sloth
Pasteur is not misinfo either, its HISTORY, if you bother to read it . . .


Well-Known Member
I'd really like to know how the FDA "knows" that doctors weren't reporting adverse effects? But that's neither here nor there. Also, an adverse reaction can be something as little as redness at the injection sight. Just an FYI.


Well-Known Member
He is an MD who leans heavily towards homeopathy. Sorry if it came across as misinformation as that was not my intent.

He doesn't lean heavily towards homeopathy. His site says that he feels that it does have some value, even if it is only a placebo effect.
He is vastly more into herbs and vitamins, which are kind of the antithesis of homeopathy...


Well-Known Member
I think that was meant to be a snide remark, but actually, if you read about the history of medicine, herbalists and homeopaths were bitter enemies...


Well-Known Member
Dr. Weil is a homeopathic Doctor who of course will want you to believe that medicine is not the answer by the way :)

To play devil's advocate...the medical establishment will, of course, want you to believe their way is the only way, too.

I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, personally. Vaccines have done a lot to protect society from outbreaks of dangerous diseases. So has washing our hands after the bathroom and eating clean(up until about 20/30 years ago) food.

They do "protect the herd," as was posted earlier. They do also hurt some people. There are side effects. Some people contract the disease the vaccine was meant to prevent or have an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the vaccine.

I think the biggest risk is irresponsible doctors. When you take a vaccine, you're not just getting a small culture of the cells you want to be immune against. There are also other viruses and bacteria in there, along with trace amounts of heavy metals. These are basically byproducts of the methods used to create vaccines. The other viruses and bacteria are forms that were present in the orginal host of the vaccine, for instance. Now...when you take a few of these shots a year, especially in an adult, This stuff doesn't add up to an amount that will hurt you. In my mind...the jury is still out on these cases of sick kids after they've taken several vaccines in a short period of time.

I see the need for them, but it's a case of the needs of the many outweighing the few. They definitely do hurt some people. There are definately some mistakes made in the kneejerk reactions to give so many so quickly to children in some states/school districts and by the doctors that recommended them.


I don't care what you say you've read, if you want to convince me (or anyone in the scientific community) of a claim like this, then the burden of proof is on you to cite studies supporting ALL of your claims published in reputable journals. There IS adequate research in favor of vaccines, and it is widely accepted in the scientific community.

sorry im super late to this...luckily mortality rates haven't changed much since they were reported. :brow:

reported cases :
disease mortality : (page 10)

the mortality rates for diseases newborns are "protected" from on their very first vaccination were already on a huge decline many years before vaccines were even used. i dont need a clean lab with top notch scientists to explain this to me: as we know better (cleanliness + what do when we get sick) we tend to do better. i suppose one could attempt to argue that the vaccines might help the rest of the herd who choose to not act responsibly when they get sick, maybe they do need training wheels applied every year or so...i'll keep my sleeve rolled down.

im open to another interpretation of course, keeping my mind open is how i was able to consider the option that maybe vaccines aren't right for everyone or for everything, then i did my research. :myday:


Well-Known Member
The only thing better than vaccinations for disease prevention is access to clean water.

As to the claim of a huge decline before vaccinations, we need to look at when they were recommended. There, it seems there is a drop off at or after introduction.

While an older compilation, few things are even close to vaccinations for cost effective life-saving:
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