anyone here try the sensory deprivation tank


Well-Known Member
while you were medicated?

if so, please share your experiences.


Well-Known Member
I rented a stay once at a 'new age' shop one time to try it out.

Was sober though... wanted to experience it straight up.

Was an interesting experience... had a few very relaxing moments but my mind's tendency to go "Oh my, I'm relaxing now!" kept pulling me out of it... seemed itd work best with someone who is really good at meditating.

Near the end I scratched at an itch near my eyebrow and that was a mistake, the water is VERY salty and so it stung my eyes quite a bit.


I haven't been in one yet but I would really like to try it out sometime. I'd love to go in there with some shrooms and trip out. Hopefully I don't revert into a caveman and eat a goat though. Was it DMT the guy took in Altered States?
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