Another NOOB question, specifics though!!

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Well-Known Member
Hi all

Apologies in advance, but I've honestly looked about and genuinely can't find the info I need in order to make a decision as to what to buy!

I've read the guidelines and whatnot so will try to provide as much info as I can in the hope that someone'll take pity :p

I've toked for about 15 years, but never particularly heavily. I'd say I'm a light smoker, during the working week I never get absolutely mashed, maybe one or 2 joints a night? Thats absolute max

Anyway, I stopped smoking cigarettes (applause, if only in my head) and figured it would be easy to get a vaporizer. Its not. There are a few to choose from huh!

My criteria is as follows, based on guidelines:

Firstly, I'm in the UK! Which rules out the Purple Days, which I would almost certainly have gone for

Price: I'm looking at spending approx 100, so lets say up to $200.00

Delivery system: For some reason, I don't really like the idea of a bag!

Efficiency: Not really a massive concern, I'd like to get as much as poss out of my gear, but I'm not too concerned with getting insanely blasted

Manufacturer: Pass. My head is swimming with all manner of manufacturers, over to you folks!

Stealth: Unecessary. I will only be using this at home, its my place, so not worried about being secretive in the slightest

Learning curve: The easier the better! I am solely looking for an alternative to tobacco, I don't think I'll be getting heavily into using them, so the easier the better please

Temperature control: If it isn't necessary, then I think I'd prefer to be able to plug in and away I go, if such a thing is possible

I think contrary to a lot of posts on here, I'm not looking to get into Vapes to get more of a hit, or to advance my intake or what have you, I'm just trying to be healthier by cutting out carcogens wherever possible. I'm not sure its possible to replicate smoking joints without actually smoking joints, but that's what I'm looking to do

Apologies for the chapter and verse, and for (probably) adding to the forum somewhat unnecessarily, I did look around, honest guv!



Well-Known Member
DevoTheStrange said:
your in the UK.... could go for an herborizer... or a verdamper
They look cool, but are double what I was looking to pay! :(


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
da buddha vape... (although I dunno how their shipping works)

Vaporstar is made in the UK and should be pretty cheap 20-30 GBP depending if you get it with a glass piece (although I would recommend a 100ml EHLE with it, 26-28 GBP depending if you want an ice catcher or not))


Well-Known Member
I recommend looking into the whip based vapes. If the woodeez ships to the UK I would consider that as well.

For whip based vapes you wont go wrong with any of the following: Silver Surfer or "SSV", a bit higher in price than your wanting to spend, the Da Buddha Vaporizer or "DBV", The Vapor Bros Vaporizer or "VB" and the Warez 3 or 4g as well as its merged/replacement which I cannot recall the name of.

I would also look at the wand vapes just so you know about them at the least. They use bongs and the like and are great for bong lovers. Check out the videos in my sig if you want some basic and general vaporizer information.


Out to lunch
7th Floor (SSV, DBV) has the electrical version you need, and the DBV should be around your price point, so I'd definitely consider that. Closer to home, EDIT has a great deal on the Vapolution, and the 12V design works anywhere. I used that model as my main vape for a couple of years-all glass vapor path is nice. I'd get the optional AIW bowl with it. It's an 8" glass bowl/whip that takes the place of the shorter bowls and tubing. It does take some care in loading and timing your hits though. I'd also consider the Vaporstar. It's effective and a cheap way to try out vapor. EDIT carries it and you can get it straight from too.

the electrician

Well-Known Member
Kaiel said:
DevoTheStrange said:
your in the UK.... could go for an herborizer... or a verdamper
They look cool, but are double what I was looking to pay! :(
Theres always the vriptech wand, one of those and a nice bong from everyonedoesit should sort you out nicely, but it may be a little over budget with shipping factored in. It will however knock you down, in a similar way to smoking
the electrician,


Well-Known Member
If you buy the bong they sell with the VRIPtech, and the stand, the kit comes out to $310 US. Stand is 30 of that.

I'd say the DBV fits your criteria best. Though you'd probably be surprised at how much you'd appreciate the efficiency of the MZ/PD/WDZ if you can get one in the UK. Especially if you're not looking to get blasted, you could probably get by on .05g/night.


Well-Known Member
Came here in the hopes of finding a vaporiser that would suite me, this is one handy thread as Kaiel has mentioned exactly the same qualities I want in a vaporiser. I had never realised how expensive vaporisers are and after browsing these forums was beginning to think they are too much of an investment considering I currently only smoke around 4 times a month. So glad the Vaporstar got mentioned!

Unfortunately their site is down, and its out of stock on everybodydoesit. If you google vaporstar you can still view the cached page though. It's actually made 20 minutes drive away from me! I shall give them a ring later today.

Any advice on the bong to go with it? Do the 10 ones cut it for vapour or is it strongly advised to get the EHLE Glass 100ml?


Escape Artist
ledzepploid said:
Any advice on the bong to go with it? Do the 10 ones cut it for vapour or is it strongly advised to get the EHLE Glass 100ml?
As long as it's a 14.5mm you should be fine. EHLE. just makes really nice glass.


Sweet Dreams Babycakes
The Vaporstars seem to be available in waves, he gets lots made all at once, so sometimes there are little dry periods.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
I think someone said too expect things back in stock mid February (Can't remember where I read that). Gotta look through all the distributors when trying too find one that has them in stock.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the replies. I went out and got one yesterday with a 10 bong. Appears to be the same cheapo bong as comes bundled with it on everybody does it, with a case. First shop hadn't had it in stock for 6 months, fortunately the second one did.

Its a little tricky at first, getting the lighter the correct distance from the tip of the vapourstar and not using the lighter for too long or too little a period. First try I got pretty much nothing. Second try I got some smoke but the 3rd hit I got that lovely whistling sound. Was very stoned and used very little weed (though my resistance is bound to be very low though at the moment).
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