ABV- General Questions

I was going to post this in "ABV" but when I checked that forum, I didn't see anything similar to my question, so my apologies if this is in the wrong place. That being said, I wanted to know what are the *chemical* differences between ABV and fresh weed. I've heard that after vaped, THC is released, and ABV can be eaten "raw" i.e. without dissociation in a non-polar solute. Is this true? Is there still dissociated THC after months of storage?


Well-Known Member
ABV has had the majority of the lower spectrum cannabinoids vaporized away but still has the remaining chemicals that vaporize at higher temperatures, closer to combustion.

If its light yellow there's still plenty of psychoactive goodies left, but if its dark brown/black there isn't a whole lot (darker brown/black also tastes much worse, but its not 100% worthless)

Depending on your vaporizer/temp there could still be some THC left.

Technically it does not need to be heated to eat raw because the herbs already been heated through vaporization, HOWEVER, the human body still absorbs fats more effectively than plant matter, so heating it in a non-polar fat solute will still increase your body's absorption efficiency.

Its just not AS critical as with un-vaped bud.

(PS the ABV section of the forum is just retired threads :p)


Well-Known Member
SD_haze said:
ABV has had the majority of the lower spectrum cannabinoids vaporized away but still has the remaining chemicals that vaporize at higher temperatures, closer to combustion.

If its light yellow there's still plenty of psychoactive goodies left, but if its dark brown/black there isn't a whole lot (darker brown/black also tastes much worse, but its not 100% worthless)

Depending on your vaporizer/temp there could still be some THC left.

Technically it does not need to be heated to eat raw because the herbs already been heated through vaporization, HOWEVER, the human body still absorbs fats more effectively than plant matter, so heating it in a non-polar fat solute will still increase your body's absorption efficiency.

Its just not AS critical as with un-vaped bud.

(PS the ABV section of the forum is just retired threads :p)

ABV has the goodies already activated thruogh a process called decaroboxylation. I believe anyway.

Ive saved AVB for months and cooked with it with good results.

I even seperate my AVB. My MZ abv from my log vape gets put in one container and then I usually vape it on a high temp setting in my other vape with a variable temp. Then it goes in another jar to be cooked with.

Ive never eaten AVB "raw". It doesnt have the best taste. Even with peanut butter and chocolate mixed. Its bearable though, and worth doing.

save that shit!

soem people have ounces of AVB saved for a special occasion.


Well-Known Member
LOVE edibles.........that is, if you can hit the "sweet spot". With experimentation (getting wayyy tooo high along with not geting high enough), I've found, for me, using 2 to 2.5 grams of ABV that is a the color of dark chocolate and made in firecrakers does the job. I've used Cinnamon Graham Crackers and Organic Peanut Butter, both from Trader Joes, and they taste great with barely the taste of the ABV itself.


Well-Known Member
personally I find ABV edibles a bit too much on the stoney couchlock end of the spectrum. once I made chocolatebars with ABV in them(first made cannabutter, then melt 30 grams of cannabutter and 120 grams of chocolate together and let it cool into a barshape again), surprisingly those had a much more high effect, could maybe be because I added coffee instead of water while making the cannabutter, or the cannabinoids present in the chocolate(I used dark chocolate)
but for me the effect was too subtle/weak, most of my friends could get really high from half a bar while after 1 bar I was still at the point where I wasn't sure if I felt something or not. but I always need more with edibles

also tried infusing abv with sambucca(take a bottle, throw in some abv, pour in some sambucca and let it sit for a few days in a pot wich I regularly refilled with warm/hot water, then filter the abv out)
the effect from that was very good, excellent for parties(some friends thought I had taken xtc because I was dancing so much)

never tried eating it raw but I would think that's also more on the stoney sde
I also sometimes smoke it if I can't sleep, but only when I really can't sleep, since it will make me sleep longer and still be a bit groggy/stoney in the morning
also it can be a bit weird, one time in summer I couldn't get asleep at all and it was way too hot, smoked 2 gravitybongloads ABV after laying awake for a while, was really weird, it was still hot, sweaty and uncomfortable but I didn't want to move(I could, but not wanted too), and it became a bit trippy, usually I don't think in images(my thinking is talking to myself in my own voice in my head), but I do dream in images and sometimes when falling asleep slowly I can think in images. that happened this time too, almost like I was hallucinating with closed eyes, my imagination manifested itself in images
but it did get me asleep eventually

all my abv is accumulated over months time and I've noticed no influence of storagetime
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