ABV Cocunut Oil Chocolates


Well-Known Member
3.5 oz Lindt 70% Cocoa Smooth Dark Chocolate Bar
1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil
~ 1/4 cup of water
8-10g of ABV (Already Been Vaped) Herb

Items needed
Double Boiler
Silicone Mold
Silicone Spatula
Moka Pot ( I use a cheap 14 dollar one from Amazon)
Glass Container
Baking Sheet
Measuring Cup

Recipe Instructions
1) Use spoon to put around a 1/2 cup of coconut oil in glass container.
2) Microwave the coconut oil in the glass container for around 2 minutes or until melted.
3) Measure 1/2 cup of coconut oil by pouring it into the measuring cup.
4) Unscrew lower chamber of moka pot and pour in melted coconut oil.
5) Pour Water in the lower chamber until the oil and water reach just below the blow out valve (WARNING, do not cover the brass valve as it will squirt the mixture out while cooking)
6) Add the ground ABV into the coffee chamber, I found a good way is to add a small amount in, then work the ABV into the sides. Do this until the chamber is full.
7) Screw the top of the moka pot over the lower chamber and ABV chamber.
8) Place on stove and set heat to medium low for around 8-10 minutes, when I didn’t hear the squirting of the oil out of the top, it was done.
9) When it is done. wait a few minutes for it to cool down then pour infused mixture into glass container.
10) Place the container into the refrigerator for a few hours.
11) Take glass container out of fridge and pour out the water.
12) Microwave the coconut oil for 1:30 to 2 minutes and set aside.
13) Fill bottom pot of double boiler with water up until it reaches just below where the top pot goes and place on stove on medium low until it simmers, then either turn off heat or keep it on low.
14) Put top pot on double boiler
15) Break up chocolate into squares and slowly add them to the top pot of the double boiler.
16) Stir in chocolate with spatula until the chocolate is a liquid consistency,
17) Add melted coconut oil and stir well.
18) Pour chocolate mixture into chocolate mold, try to make it as even as possible
Note: I would place a baking sheet under the mold before you start pouring, this gives it a rigid base, as the mold itself will bend.
19) Place Mold in refrigerator over night
20) Take chocolate out of the mold, divide chocolate into 8. This recipe should make around 8 doses.


Haven't tried them yet, I did eat a small piece that was not in the mold
It does have a strong infused flavor.

A special thanks for all the posts in this thread, it gave me the ideas to make this recipe.


But I like it!
Looks awesome! Great idea for the baking sheet. I use a cutting board after the first attempt... which should have been video'd for posterity... :)


Well-Known Member
Chocolates were good, very strong flavor, not bad just strong. I tried 1 dose out of the 8 it makes, I would try one first, wait an hour and if you don't feel it potent enough I would do another 1/2-1 dose. Be careful, as ABV can range in potency, so don't go crazy and eat all the chocolates, or you will get way too medicated. Also you can use a slow cooker method to infuse the ABV into the cooking oil. You could also use fresh ground herb instead of ABV, but I have not tried it and it would definitely up the potency of the chocolates.


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
were yours solid at room temp? My coconut oil chocs always need to refrigerated to keep their shape.


Well-Known Member
As my herb was already ground up before vaping, do you then ground the abv up even more to a powder before putting it in the moka? I'm just curious because as I was poring it out of the moka it looked like it had a lot of little bits of abv in it?


Well-Known Member
As my herb was already ground up before vaping, do you then ground the abv up even more to a powder before putting it in the moka? I'm just curious because as I was poring it out of the moka it looked like it had a lot of little bits of abv in it?

I grind mine before vaping also so it should be fine

were yours solid at room temp? My coconut oil chocs always need to refrigerated to keep their shape.

they kept solid only for a short time at room temp, so I kept them in the fridge.


Well-Known Member
You know i will be sitting on an o of avb for cooking and ordered organic premium coconut oil which is cold pressed never heated and i think i wanna do chocolates too but still not 100% sure on the method. There is no need to heat the coconut past the melting point is there just grind up the abv or crush it fine and add it raw into the mix and freeze it.

Then add it to chocolates and that is 100% fine? I vape at 220c anyways so its lovely and decarbed. I have never cooked with this stuff before once vaped ^^


Well-Known Member
In my experience, it is important to heat the ABV/coconut mixture in order to have better extraction. You don't need to use a moka pot. I also recommend using a slow cooker method. The whole purpose of heating is to extract as many Cannabinoids into the fat of the coconut oil so it is more potent.


Well-Known Member
This is where i get lost an confused, I already decarbed i need to heat it again now to infuse with coconut oil fats?

How long and what temps i only have a basic stove to be honest. I was just going to melt it enough to be liquid and just add the avb but you say this is weaker? Sorry it just always gets me about heating and re-heating and why.


Well-Known Member
From my limited scientific understanding, since the cannabinoids are not water soluble, they need to bind to the fat in the coconut oil. This is helped by heat because when it is heated, the molecules get "excited" and move very fast and allows the ABV's THC to infuse(sorry for the explanation but this is how I understand it). As for heat, maybe a 1 or a 2 on a stove, but let it sit for like 6 hours, stirring once ever 30 minutes to an hour. I know its a long time, but it will give you the most potent yield.


Well-Known Member
Thanks and do you know if you can leave it somewhere warm like in the drying press is constantly 30c and i could easily pack all the avb into a jar finely ground and keep shaking over the period of two days, Or i can let it sit for a shorter but hotter period of time hmm.

Pain in the butt with a hot stove, I could of gotten cheaper coconut oil too because this stuff is non refined and cold pressed, This is why i went for the anti heat question to see if it works as good as the taste and smell of this stuff is to die for.

Im going to mix it with toffee, Rice crispies and chocolate to make crunchy buns.


Well-Known Member
?? without the special Moka pot, any easy way to do on stove top AND get rid of the ABV sludge easily: where you the coconutty oil goodness but not the ABV sludge?


Well-Known Member
Do you not think there is still goodies inside the sludge? Thats what i was going to eat coconut oil and sludge mixed in with chocolates and left to hard. Then simply pop them without tasting. ^^


Well-Known Member
I would filter the sludge by waming it in a microwave till its liquid, then press thru metal mesh with cheese cloth layered on top. This is why I recommend a moka pot, which forces the oil thru the ABV and yield for the most part free of ABV
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