
  1. D

    AVB and cloud production

    I ran out of weed yesterday and have been scrambling to figure out ways to use what miniscule amounts I have left. I’ve been getting decent clouds on this bowl but usually don’t with AVB, and am wondering why.
  2. D

    Best temp for vaping weed to produce clouds

    I have an Arizer XQ2 and I’d like to try and get big fat clouds using the balloon system, because I’ve inhaled plant matter with the whip one too many times. What would be the ideal temp for this?
  3. withoutbliss

    Legal Vapor Cloud Chasing

    Vaping through a Mighty to find the best legal herb for daily clouds. Looking for legal mostly for the convenience of price (gotta save bucks somewhere after buying a Mighty i suppose). Here is my evaluation of 9 herbs I picked up from HerbCo. Great Vapor Production -Wormwood: Thickest vapor...
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