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  1. fusebox

    Old or new

    Do you guys prefer hash the old way or modern presses?
  2. fusebox

    Peanut butter cups with AVB+Wax

    By far one of my favorite edible recipes I have discovered Start by melting some chocolate chips in the microwave along with a little butter. Just 10s at a time, stirring frequently, or you'll burn the chocolate. Once it's almost entirely liquid, add caramel syrup as needed until smooth...
  3. fusebox

    Beaker vs. Straight tube

    What do ya'll prefer and why
  4. fusebox


    Just wondering how do you all like to twax? I enjoy sandwiching my dabs with kief and flower for a perfect hit
  5. fusebox

    Millennials Share Their 'You Know You're a Vaper When...' Moments. Number 5 is Relatable AF!

    Hey, Vape Nation! We millennials have embraced vaping like we've embraced brunching, Netflix-bingeing, and tweeting existential dread - with complete passion and zero regrets. And as a part of this vibrant, vape-loving community, we've all had our 'aha!' moments when we realize just how deep...
  6. fusebox


    Innovative uses for your old vaporizer: Paperweight? Modern art? All suggestions welcome.
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