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  1. P

    Mighty Vape - Wheezing/Tightness

    Hi Mighty Owners, Hoping to get some help here. I've been using my mighty for about 7 months and I noticed some nights when I vape for some reason my chest gets super tight, my breathing is a wheezy/shallow and overall just unpleasant feeling. I don't know if this is from the heat from the...
  2. P

    Is S&B Mighty OK based off recent Hybrid Volcano Findings

    Hi Guys, new here, just saw vapezone 420 video about the volcano hybrid aluminum or w/e dust coming off of it and q-tips turning black and I'm just worried if anything could be unhealthy about the Mighty. I'm on my 3rd Mighty it's my absolute favorite but no way would I risk my health of...
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