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  1. D

    Still confused, MFLB + SSV or MFLB + PD

    Im still new to vaping, been searching for awhile, at the moment i have a Top Vapor (chinese box whip style), I don't mind it but some of you say the chinese vapes are not as good as others, my dislikes about it - it's chinese, it's whip is big(i cant compare though), the angle of the heat...
  2. D

    Cannabis and pregnancy

    Does anyone know what the deal is with this? There is not much info on this topic, and what info there is, it doesn't really give any facts or details to back up what it's basically saying........'drugs are bad' In my personal experience, i know a couple who smoked heavily with all of thier 4...
  3. D

    using a 110v built vape on a 220v system?

    Hi all, I come from the land down under......Australia In oz we use 220v, you guys use 110v, can i buy a vape from the US and use it here or will it blow up my newly bought vape?? I know nothin about electronics......cheers
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