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  1. Bananen

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    For people using their Grasshopper device sparingly, have you had any quality related problems? I am curious whether a puff every now and then "stresses" the product as much as doing several sessions in a row via a bubbler of similar. In other words, looking for whether it is just a matter of...
  2. Bananen

    Please Help Me Choose Between The Grasshopper and Firefly 2 (micro-dosing)

    Extremely thankful for your response, this sounds so much like my expected scenario - and it mirrors my thoughts about the Grasshopper. Even though I have read about the Grasshopper being "fixed" this last week, that doesn't do anything for the current supply of units. The grasshopper just seems...
  3. Bananen

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Then again, if you order now - will you be getting the latest model? :)
  4. Bananen

    Please Help Me Choose Between The Grasshopper and Firefly 2 (micro-dosing)

    Being a beginner, both when it comes to technique but also when it comes to cannabis, which vape would be preferrably between grasshopper and Firefly 2 according to you? I know this is down to personal preference, but I can't decide due to my fears. So, I will show you what is constantly nagging...
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