Intentions & Vaporizing


Vapeosaurus Rex
I came across this interesting article on erowid and it talked about how if you change your intentions and focus while using cannabis, you can achieve certain goals, gain spiritual powers, psychic enhancements, altered and deepened perceptions of truth, greater inner strength, energy, mental alertness, flexibility, spiritual clarity, higher vibrational states, etc.

Most people in our society use cannabis as a recreational drug to just "get high." I always knew that cannabis had more potential than to just make us feel good. Also I know a lot of people that just get stoned and watch movies or veg out on food. We all know that the herbs have to have a move useful purpose in life. Ancient cultures would use it to gain deep insight into life. We must all realize that this herb is a powerful one of mass knowledge and wisdom. It brings us closer to source and helps us to understand our inner self and the world in which we live in. We must NOT treat it as a drug or a means of getting high. For this is a waste of the pure wisdom that cannabis can bring us. Just shifting our preconceptualized societal ideals about the herb can help unlock many doors. When we start viewing cannabis as a miracle herb or an herb of wisdom, our perceptions are already in the midst of change. This can help lead to a wonderful and deeper connection with cannabis and unleash it's true potential.

Read this article and let me know what you think about it, or if it resonates with you..


I have always found meditating and the herb to be very powerful, but now I will have to set up a whole session with intentions of what the session will be for.

Anyways, do you have any personal or specific intentions before a vapor session? If not, try it out! See what happens, and report back. This could be something as simple as "I want to open up my third eye", or "I will use this herb to heal my damaged liver." Meditate on the thoughts and intentions of your choice, and truly focus on what you wish to improve or change in your life.

From the article, it gave this outline to increase awareness of your HIGHer self as an introduction to this type of exploration:
  • Step 1 - Hold the intention of 'exploring the high' in the mind before a smoke session. By 'exploring' we mean observing it in detail, while at the same time focusing on getting higher and higher.
  • Step 2 - Take a puff of smoke and hold it in the lungs in a calm, relaxed manner.
  • Step 3 - While holding this breath, notice the onset of 'the high' as it enters the lungs and spreads throughout the body. Be particularly observant of the high feelings in the area of the heart.
  • Step 4 - Exhale while remaining focused on your observation of the high state now present in the body/mind. Let thoughts continue to slip away to the point that only awareness of the high remains. Know that you can be a state of mind rather than a string of thoughts.
  • Step 5 - Know that the high is a sacred thing. It is an opportunity for unlimited personal gain, and to view it as such opens the door to this potential. Remain focused on the high itself and when thoughts intrude, return to that focus. As the mind remains focused on only the high, the high is then amplified even more.
  • Step 6 - The high is at this point, even higher than it was originally. In other words, the pitch of feeling and level of energy associated with it are increasing to greater and greater levels. This occurs because anything the mind focuses upon it increases. Don't get overwhelmed by this. Stay relaxed, and see just how far you can 'explore the high'. As the high increases stay focused upon it, and this will increase it even more, especially with a second and third puff. It will be felt bodywide, but take particular notice of the feelings in the heart, the head and base of the spine. Stay with this focus for at least 20 minutes...
Benefits from this technique:
  1. Getting much higher than usual on less herb.
  2. The high tends to be much longer lasting.
  3. Inner awareness is increased, and so is a sense of accomplishment and personal discipline.
  4. Spiritual revelations often occur. Such states as ‘Christ consciousness', or simply an increase in love and good will can be felt within.
  5. An introduction to the practice of meditation, using the smoke as a center of focus is gained.
Challenge yourself and try something new :)



Baked & Fried
i used to practice this when i was younger.. its good stuff, i forgot all about it though. now i mostly get high ha.. i'm comfortable w/ that though:smug: haha. nice post:tup:
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Still learning this thing called Cannabis
I do tend to get insights about my life when I'm high, but I've never tried this specific technique. I'll have to try it. I do, however, notice that when I close my eyes and focus, the high seems to be better. I've also had spiritual experiences while high; so, I do know that there's a lot of potential for some powerful stuff with cannabis.


I often seem to overlook how powerful the herb is at affecting consciousness, being aware, and rejuvenating.
I will put more intent towards deeply relaxing myself and becoming more calm and aware

One thing that helps...if you make an effort to go somewhere special to bake ! Outdoors is the best! Go climb a mountain and bake out with a beautiful view in front of you. Go take a canoe out on the water and relax, medicate yourself and float...soak up the sun !

I really enjoy medicating right before I go for a jog too...

Excellent post and i will have to focus my intention more....
My intention will be to spread positivity and void myself of anything negative, indulge in happy thoughts and spread positive energy to everybody you see


Well-Known Member
Well my first attempt with this mindfulness was wonderful. I found playing Brian Eno's Neroli throughout the session to be calming (as it was so designed) and useful. This helped bring me to a better place.


Well-Known Member
Well my first attempt with this mindfulness was wonderful. I found playing Brian Eno's Neroli throughout the session to be calming (as it was so designed) and useful. This helped bring me to a better place.

Great album :tup:


read quite a bit on that site (and others similar to it, here too) before i ever toked, most of my sessions are beyond recreation, more meditate than medicate. set and setting are key, in vaping and in life.


Well-Known Member
It makes sense that state of mind and setting play a role in a vape session since THC is a minor hallucinogen. I'm an atheist but I've always found religious solace in drugs, the 'spiritual' recharge I get from my daily vape and my occasional more potent psychedelic is to me comparable to how I imagine people feel when praying and meditating. I've also taken cues from the religious community and found that candles and incense can make for a more sensual high and a much more relaxing and recharging experience.
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