What books have you read while vaping or getting elevated :} ?


live free and live elevated :}
What books have you read while vaping or getting elevated :} ?


Vapor concierge
I read a couple chapters of the Gita. The first one (I think chapter 5) blew my mind. The next one left me saying 'wtf?'


Well-Known Member
Thinking about picking up Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot after watching those NASA promotional videos on Youtube that feature excerpts from the audiobook.


Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception.

An account so enthralling that even the cacophony that accompanies travelling on the NY subway couldn't distract me from its pages.
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Brutal, unflinching, funny and brilliant, this is an incredible collection of short stories.


Well-Known Member
I mostly read Fantasy and Sci Fi—my favorite books in the past long while were Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles: The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear.

Can't wait for the third! The first two came out 4 years apart, but he was having personal issues so people are hoping the release of the third will be less delayed. :)


Well-Known Member
I have just read one book vaped, 'dune'
I rarely read anymore. used to go trough at least 5 books a week when I was a kid(5 was the max. you could borrow at the library each time and we would usually only go once a week, so I had to make those 5 books last, in vacations the limit was raised and I would also go more often)
but about during the first year of hoghschool I wasn't able to read like I used to anymore, I think this already began the last year of elemetary tough, but at that time I didn't really notice it yet, I thought it was just because I had read most the books in the library and so had to settle for less interesting books.
I preferred thick books since that meant more reading within the limited number of books. could read 700-800 pages n 2 days if the book was interesting/exciting enough.
since the 2nd year of highschool I've practically stopped reading, I did try it a few times with mandatory reading of books for school, but never made it past page 20
I can't focus on it like I used to, used to forget everything around me. my parents could call for dinner without me even hearing it.

a while ago I decided to try if weed could replace that focus, since weed sometimes has a similar focuseffect, but less strong, on other activities.
I read dune, wich I had already read once in my reading-era(I think I read it when I was around 10, before the start of the decline), and was one of the books I enjoyed most, but I had only read it in dutch since I didn't know much english back then.
so I downloaded an english ebook of 'dune'
first book I've finished in years, I did enjoy it, but it didn't have the full magic it had back then, I fear I lost that forever. (also gained a lot in that time tough)
kept a vapebuzz going troughout the reading and that did work well enough to generate a focus, as soon as my focus went away I knew I needed some more vapehits

but since by now I have replaced the time I used to spend on reading on other activities in my free time, ebooks on my laptops read less well as real books and that it still wasn't as magical as it used to be I haven't picked up a 2nd book yet.
this was 1-2 years ago now

this is only counting fiction btw, non-fiction is easier to get sucked into if it's an interesting subject


Last book I read vaped was Lisey's Story by Mr. Stephen King. Excellent read, if not a bit complicated.
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