Recent content by VapeIT

  1. V

    VaporBros which bong?

    well for one the hits are as milky as you want, works well with lower and higher temps. It cools down to air quite a bit so you dont get the dry feeling in the back of throat that you get sometimes from vaping. Ive had quite a few people say that vaping this way with me has gotten them the...
  2. V

    VaporBros which bong?

    any bong will work fine just have to buy an adapter. Heres my extreme with my bong, it works with my vaporcannon too which is similar to the vaporbros
  3. V

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    no i didnt have to buy a new down stem i just took it in with me since it was clean and had no resin. they had the 2 common sizes. its the same size as the elbow from the e, im not sure if thats 18 but thats what i thought so i may be wrong :rolleyes:
  4. V

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    i dunno i just walked into the shop was like i want an adapter for the my "water pipe" and vape and thats what they gave me. it is 18mm though
  5. V

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Heres a couple pics of the e with a couple of my bongs... the best best way to use it!
  6. V

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    i went with hennys way and it seems to work out pretty well. still wouuld prefer to just have to screen but its WAY better than nothing. I think im gonna order a tuff bowl from arizer and ask the it comes with the screen already in. i kinda wonder why they didnt design the bowls like the...
  7. V

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    ugh ive been trying to get screen to fit my 2nd bowl for like a week now since my original one broke. ive gone through about 10 screens trying. i just searched every page and tried cutting a slit, still a no go.
  8. V

    vaporcanon 3g vs extreme

    I generally only load .1-.2 in there and get that many draws. And my heat varies by how much I put in, less material= more heat slower draws and visa versa. I think the vapor cannon is calibrated pretty well but then again it's just a knob that goes up and down and doesn't read out the temp...
  9. V

    vaporcanon 3g vs extreme

    So heres some pics of my set ups: VaporCannon 3g <img src=""> And the Extreme I dont always run them through the bongs but when I do its amazing. I finally got the elbow thing to work pretty good but not thick milky bags and the whip with...
  10. V

    vaporcanon 3g vs extreme

    Also another weird thing I noticed is that on my remote the highest preset is 230 and when I push it it only goes to 210 or so then I have manually turn the heat up.. Kinda weird
  11. V

    vaporcanon 3g vs extreme

    On the vapor cannon 12-1 o'clock are the prime settings. It takes about 8-10 big hits to make the Material start losing it's green and I usuaully take it to a lght brown to a dark brown depeneding on if it's just me or a group. I never take it to black or let burn. I've tried those elbow...
  12. V

    vaporcanon 3g vs extreme

    So I've had the VaporWarez vaporcannon 3g for about a year and a half and have always been satisfied with it until after seeing the Extreme. Soooo after doing alot of reading up on the extreme I decided it was time to upgrade :D clearly the extreme surpasses the vapor cannon in features. My...
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