Recent content by twenty6dollars

  1. twenty6dollars

    excessive vape coughing

    cheers for the help guys, my technique's getting better already
  2. twenty6dollars

    excessive vape coughing

    cheers again pakalolo - i generally start the unit it at barely even turned on, just flicked on and siting at 9 o'clock. fill the wand 5mm to 10 mm, then do 5 or 6 pulls. Give it a shake around, repack, have a couple more draws. The maybe crank it to 11 o'clock and have anoohter 5 or 6...
  3. twenty6dollars

    excessive vape coughing

    thanks a bunch a guys - i suspect smaller hits are the go. hydroid: The herb is still brown when I'm done, and I know what you mean about the two distinct feelings between burning and pulling too hard. The sensation is like a really rough tickle, which I'd say is more like the deep sting of...
  4. twenty6dollars

    excessive vape coughing

    hey there i'm pretty new to vaping, been smoking spliff for 20 years but bought a da buddah a few weeks ago and loving it. i'm vaping straight green though it, but my problem is that it generally seems to result in insane coughing fits, which on more than one occasion have led me to vomit...
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