Recent content by The Mighty Monarch

  1. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    Not if you you're like me and wanna get every last bit out of your product by turning it black as coal. That's my favorite part of the Air, it can turn every load into an absolutely devastated black powder, but with absolutely no risk of combustion. None of the other vapes I've owned can do...
  2. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    @ClearlyCannabis thank you for the excellent info and photos so far, is there any chance you could unscrew the heat guard and get a couple pictures of the gap between the heater and the body tube? Just curious if they changed the wiring or anything in there.
  3. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    According to ClearlyCannabis' pic the included battery is the NCR18650B
  4. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    Here's a better source for the Air II battery, I've ordered tons of HG2's from them and can vouch for their authenticity (I would actually trust them more than Arizer in this matter)
  5. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    Charging a nearly 500% markup on batteries takes some gall -link removed- But hey, at least this time we know exactly what the stock batteries are and how to easily get them.
  6. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    Never going to happen :lol:
  7. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    I'm guessing the Air 2 uses a higher amperage/lower voltage strategy compared to the Air 1, which needs the battery voltage to be at least around 3.7V to function properly. High amperage 18650s have improved significantly in the years since the Air 1 was developed.
  8. The Mighty Monarch

    Arizer Air II

    This looks amazing, and I haven't even considered getting a new vape since getting my Air a year and a half ago. If I can confirm the Air 2 works with my fleet of LG HG2 18650 batteries, I'm in. Though I will miss the silver finish, which you could scratch the crap out of, and would still look good.
  9. The Mighty Monarch

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Same speed, the circuit in the Pax regulates the charging speed. Sorry if I implied it was faster, by "quick" I meant it matched the stock charger speed. Ploom has stated they don't want to make a USB charger because it would be slower than the standard charger, which is true for most cases...
  10. The Mighty Monarch

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    That's what he's implying, and what I'm straight out saying, the Pax retails for $250, if you bought it for less, Ploom has no obligation to honor the warranty. Simple as that. In hopefully less redundant news, I built a USB quick charger today without soldering or circuitry work that seems to...
  11. The Mighty Monarch

    Why did carb holes go out of fashion?

    I hated carbs because of all the smoke that would be left in the downstem. The spilling, stinky thumbs, and awkward holding positions were annoying, but it was all that wasted smoke that would send me reaching for the stopper.
  12. The Mighty Monarch

    Discontinued miVape by Vaporfection

    Delaying the mivape until its really ready is the smart thing. They learned with the vivape 2 incident that releasing version 2 of a product so quickly does pretty nasty things to your brand image. They now also have some real competition from the Pax, which I think is dominating the market they...
  13. The Mighty Monarch

    Leviathan Pipes (inexpensive American Glass)

    Usually they'll leave it at the door if you leave a note with your name, signature, and the tracking number. I guess you don't have the 3rd, but UPS isn't much for technicalities. It's at least worth a try IMO.
  14. The Mighty Monarch

    The Pax and MFLB: a subjective comparison

    I see the two being like an automatic vs a manual automobile. I used to drive a manual, but when I realized I wanted to be able to get where I wanted to go with as little effort and distractions as possible, I bought an automatic car. It's also nice to be able to let a friend drive your...
  15. The Mighty Monarch

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I got my Pax last Thursday from VW, it has had heavy usage since. I've learned 3 things: 1. Some devices (mine) have a chronic "temp light" issue that has nothing to do with cleanliness of the device or resin buildup 2. Ploom is doing what they can to take care of those affected 3. The Pax is...
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