rowbam's latest activity

  • rowbam
    rowbam replied to the thread Phase3 Vaporizers.
    All these ideas floating around and I’m just counting the days for my ZX to come in :sherlock:
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to frayedknot2's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    That is all it would take to reactivate my VAS. Still waiting anxiously for my ZX dropping the 20th. Yeah!
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to BeltedCoyote's post in the thread Anyone a gamer and on steam? with Like Like.
    Idk but that's a darn good idea
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to TigoleBitties's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Just pulled the trigger on a Solo III from with 20% code and also picked up a 3D dimpled cooling stem. Too bad there's no...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to pxl_jockey's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    Hey @invertedisdead - hello dear sir! I’m still honeymooning with the Z8 since November’22 and know that I’m one of those lazy fuckers...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to Custom Flower Hardware's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to bankruptcy's post in the thread Anyone able to still smoke and vape? with Like Like.
    Unless I'm in situations in which vaping is inconvenient if alone at home I never feel the need of combusting. When a friend is...
  • rowbam
    rowbam replied to the thread Arizer XQ2.
    Coming back to the XQ2 after mostly using my Dynavap setup, very pleased with how hard this hits. Seems bags or the whip direct hit...
  • rowbam
    rowbam replied to the thread Arizer Solo 3.
    If I wasn't getting a ball vape (and have plenty of portables), I'd definitely be considering this. Looks like a great modernization of...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to invertedisdead's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    I'm only ordering half as many ZX's in this round as I normally do. A commitment via preorder tells me that I should keep making these...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to invertedisdead's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    That’s totally my experience as well. I remember in 2017 how excited I was to show my friends my Flowerpot Showerhead - but many...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to Timps27's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to underdog's post in the thread Underdog Log Vapes with Like Like.
    Hey everyone, long time no talk. I apologize for disappearing and not posting or responding to emails and messages for so so long...
  • rowbam
    rowbam reacted to invertedisdead's post in the thread Phase3 Vaporizers with Like Like.
    I always make a few tiny changes to each round but for the most part they are all the same since the beginning. The incoming ZX is...
  • rowbam
    rowbam replied to the thread Phase3 Vaporizers.
    Had to get my preorder in! The ZX looks like the perfect heavy for me to replace my old one. Also wanted to shout out @invertedisdead...
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