Recent content by msk123

  1. M

    Vaping after Gynecomastia (Chest) Surgery?

    That was exactly my train of thought. I do not smoke. Plus I figured I could wear a hoodie for extra layering and blow my vapor out the window for safety. Either way, I'm going in for my checkup today so I'll ask the doc what he thinks.
  2. M

    Vaping after Gynecomastia (Chest) Surgery?

    makes sense. they said theres a really low chance of infection but better safe than sorry right?
  3. M

    Vaping after Gynecomastia (Chest) Surgery?

    5 days ago I had gynecomastia surgery which is basically surgery on your chest to remove certain tissues. my instructions say to not smoke for up to 2 weeks afterwards, but would vaporizing be okay? The main issue is that smoke sometimes prevents stitches from healing properly but I suppose...
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