Jobs and Careers (In MMJ or other) East Coast Division


Look Into My Eyes
As we are a community of friends, family, brethren, and fellow fc'ers I felt it amusing that there is not one thread i could find that spoke of jobs or careers that individuals (whether a company [vaporizer company, MMJ company, etc] or individual who knows of good jobs) had found or offered or anything of the sort.

So this is my attempt at a Job and Career thread for East Coasterners, Be it a MMJ related job field or some other type of job field. Maybe your the owner of your own personal videography company, or you own and operate of Local Head Shop, or you work on Glass art, or you are the owner or manager of a vape company or distributor, or own a car dealership, or have a HVAC installation and repair company. In any manner, Maybe us bounded FCers would like to help our fellow man in times of such, thus showing how productive FCers can be.

I post this also in a personal state of distress of being laid off of a high volume job. Its tough times for many, and any outstretched hands, especially ones who have common beliefs or interests is beneficial to each other and the community.

Ray Ray

Well-Known Member
So, would you like this to be a Classifieds section of sorts? Where people can post Announcements?
Ray Ray,
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