Discontinued The Sublimator


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I tried it both ways, I swear I had fantastic results and didn't burn a thing. Plus when left in your glass that lower part (the white shield around the atomizer)expands. Hence why there have been complaints of it getting stuck in gong joints. What happens when you leave your Hi unattended with a full load left on the heater? The load gets spent from radiating heat. Does it happen as quickly as it does when you take a drag? No, but imagine if that heater was as powerful as the sub. Now of course I am no expert but this isn't exactly my first rodeo.

And please don't take me the wrong way, Jam and Stu you guys are veterans here as well as me but try it my way and see if it works for you. Again, I really like this thing but A) I can't afford it right now and just like I mentioned earlier I could only justify the expense if this this was taking the lead in my rotation but I know it wouldn't. B) My wife said if I don't get it out of the house (because of my kids)she would re-vasectomize me. Again, for those who didn't catch that - she would perform (in the comfort of our home) ANOTHER vasectomy on me.

You see boys, you can't do that twice.....

It would lead to other problems.



the dank one
Please look at the pictures they posted one page back

Lol thank you my good sir. my blendness got the better of me and I didn't even realize it was basically a vial. In my opinion that looks like it would get pretty loose, and it should be larger though and screw on if possible, not sure if screw on is possible with glass come to think of it. Thank yahs tho for correcting me to look again. too subbed too notice the first time :)


Vapeosaurus Rex
I tried it both ways, I swear I had fantastic results and didn't burn a thing. Plus when left in your glass that lower part (the white shield around the atomizer)expands. Hence why there have been complaints of it getting stuck in gong joints. What happens when you leave your Hi unattended with a full load left on the heater? The load gets spent from radiating heat. Does it happen as quickly as it does when you take a drag? No, but imagine if that heater was as powerful as the sub. Now of course I am no expert but this isn't exactly my first rodeo.

And please don't take me the wrong way, Jam and Stu you guys are veterans here as well as me but try it my way and see if it works for you. Again, I really like this thing but A) I can't afford it right now and just like I mentioned earlier I could only justify the expense if this this was taking the lead in my rotation but I know it wouldn't. B) My wife said if I don't get it out of the house (because of my kids)she would re-vasectomize me. Again, for those who didn't catch that - she would perform (in the comfort of our home) ANOTHER vasectomy on me.

You see boys, you can't do that twice.....

It would lead to other problems.


Dang man, your wife is cut throat!! or shall I say, cut vas deferens :nope:

stay in the clouds man, sounds like the full blast apollo mission just isn't your thing...
Lol thank you my good sir. my blendness got the better of me and I didn't even realize it was basically a vial. In my opinion that looks like it would get pretty loose, and it should be larger though and screw on if possible, not sure if screw on is possible with glass come to think of it. Thank yahs tho for correcting me to look again. too subbed too notice the first time :)

I'm sure a kneck clip will fix that. :)


I've left the Apollo Heater in the Atomizer in my bong for over 24 hours straight at about 28-29W and haven't had any issues with the expansion previously mentioned.

Granted - I have an 18mm female joint on the bong, and so I have been using an 18mm to 14mm reducer with the sublimator since the first day - and essentially the two have been married and I haven't bothered attempting taking them apart since I first started.

The adapter is slightly warm to the touch, the rest of the bong is completely cool.

Note - when I say slightly warm, I can actually hold the Atomizer after a 24 hour period by that adapter without the slightest feeling of discomfort.

And seeing as the sub is the first contraption to get me to stop using my glass for any other purpose, I don't need that adapter for anything else at this point.

Without the Atomizer at the same temperature as the Apollo (thermal equilibrium), you are effectively not 'sublimating'.

Is it tho?

Well-Known Member
i was just looking at the planetvape sub section(again) and the picture they had for the $749 sub kit has now been put on the $1200 kit. i was going to pull the trigger on the $749 kit when it comes out as i thought you would get everything in the picture not so sure now, dont know if i can stretch to to $1200 the import duty would be killer
Is it tho?,


i was just looking at the planetvape sub section(again) and the picture they had for the $749 sub kit has now been put on the $1200 kit. i was going to pull the trigger on the $749 kit when it comes out as i thought you would get everything in the picture not so sure now, dont know if i can stretch to to $1200 the import duty would be killer

The differences between the two products seem to be the 'Plate' and the 'Grill and Moon tool to clean the device and collect sublimated oils'.

An additional $450 for tools that worryingly may be needed to maximize the sublimator experience.

Is it tho?

Well-Known Member
thats what i thought the difference was but there must be more to it than that for $450 i guess plant vape or enrico will be along to clear it up

Edit: just found some pics of the special edition, just seems to be the tube with cap and whip on top. Kinda put me off now I'd have paid $750 for what planetvape originally had pictured for that amount
Is it tho?,
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in flavor country
I'm confused by that too, I thought the lower priced kit was for the plastic tube, and the higher price was supposed to be for a glass tube... what am I missing here?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I leave my Apollo in my glass and no expansion or sticking here either. Mines actually a little loose in a 18mm joint. Anyone else? I've also found the Sublimator doesn't really work well unless the Apollo is left in the atomizer for a few minutes. It produces vapor similar to some of my other vapes but not thick, Sublimator type vapor.


Well-Known Member
The more expensive kits seems to have a better apollo holder, the metal plate and I think that control box which is not included in the special edition kit from what I can tell.

Too rich for my blood, but I am sure it looks pretty cool all set up.
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in flavor country
I leave mine together unless I am loading/unloading or maintenancing the screen. I started running a fan in my room and noticed its effecting the temp slightly, having to turn it up a hair to compensate. I should be getting one of those wattage reader plug thingies in the next day or so... will be interesting to see where my sweet spot is.


Well-Known Member
Wattage reader is awesome. It really does help dial in and experiment. I'm actually sitting at around 25 watts consistently and leave my apollo on the atomizer when I am nearby...smooth milky hits every time.

New users really have to spend a good bit of time to get to know the unit IMO. I feel like mine has "settled in" now and is humming along wonderfully. I also use Enrico's method to get the initial heat up time down to around 10 min from 20.


Well-Known Member
Wattage reader is awesome. It really does help dial in and experiment. I'm actually sitting at around 25 watts consistently and leave my apollo on the atomizer when I am nearby...smooth milky hits every time.

New users really have to spend a good bit of time to get to know the unit IMO. I feel like mine has "settled in" now and is humming along wonderfully. I also use Enrico's method to get the initial heat up time down to around 10 min from 20.

I use enrico's method as well, works great. I'd say I've probably had it heated up in like 8 mins when planning to use it at lower temps.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I have mine sitting in my Blaze Bong (from PV), and its attached to my WeMo than energy monitor so I can turn it on when I leave the cottage in the morning (3:35 this morning) to come home into work (I work from home so commute in from the cottage once we move out there for the summer). By the time I get back home to work, my Sublimator is heated up and ready to go :) and I turn it off at the WeMo when I leave so I can fire it up the next morning from the cottage so it's ready when I get to work. My Sub seems to be sitting at 22-24W (seems to draw a little more as it gets going)

Sublimator for daytime/work right now during the week and my Cloud setup at the cottage. My MiniVAP and Cera travel with me :)


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I've left the Apollo Heater in the Atomizer in my bong for over 24 hours straight at about 28-29W and haven't had any issues with the expansion previously mentioned.

Granted - I have an 18mm female joint on the bong, and so I have been using an 18mm to 14mm reducer with the sublimator since the first day - and essentially the two have been married and I haven't bothered attempting taking them apart since I first started.

The adapter is slightly warm to the touch, the rest of the bong is completely cool.

Note - when I say slightly warm, I can actually hold the Atomizer after a 24 hour period by that adapter without the slightest feeling of discomfort.

And seeing as the sub is the first contraption to get me to stop using my glass for any other purpose, I don't need that adapter for anything else at this point.

Without the Atomizer at the same temperature as the Apollo (thermal equilibrium), you are effectively not 'sublimating'.

Either way your not technically "sublimating".

Your Highness

Wattage reader is awesome. It really does help dial in and experiment. I'm actually sitting at around 25 watts consistently and leave my apollo on the atomizer when I am nearby...smooth milky hits every time.

New users really have to spend a good bit of time to get to know the unit IMO. I feel like mine has "settled in" now and is humming along wonderfully. I also use Enrico's method to get the initial heat up time down to around 10 min from 20.

I totally agree with this! You need to take time to really get to know it...and you will love it. My Kill-A-Watt has come in and my sweet spot turns out to be around 30 Watts.


Gentle cow vaper and halloween kiddo
thats what i thought the difference was but there must be more to it than that for $450 i guess plant vape or enrico will be along to clear it up

Edit: just found some pics of the special edition, just seems to be the tube with cap and whip on top. Kinda put me off now I'd have paid $750 for what planetvape originally had pictured for that amount

agreed, this makes me feel exploited :2c:
time for me to calm and wait for statements or changes until sales go live :lol:


Placed my order for 2 adapt-a-bong kits on Friday last week after reading all the reviews. Just turned thirty and desperately attempting to quit the smoke, and this looks like the perfect device to deliver those hot hard hits without worrying about combustion. Have owned a Volcano and Volcano Digit in the past but these were donated to a family member due to lack of use. I've also recently received a Pax, which is fun but still irritating when used dry, so haven't really been able to get into switching smoke for vape yet.
Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to planet vape as well. Being a non-us person means that getting nice glass or vapes is often a huge hassle, but PV were absolutely amazing and helped in every way. Whats more they even upgraded my international delivery to super super fast for absolutely free.... can't believe I should be waking up to my sublimator on Monday morning. Thank you Planet Vape. I've seen nothing but good reviews on here for you guys and now I know first hand why!
Now i've just got to get out the old Zumo and ash-catcher and give them a good clean. It's been a long long time since i've hit a bong, so interested to see if it's really as smooth as portrayed!


Well-Known Member
What have people learned about the Sublimator so far? Seems like some people have had it for a while....I have been reading the reviews....great reports as well...If someone could summarize the features or effects Sublimator gives..that would be cool..

Smoke: Like we know the smoke you see is not harsh..I read that people accidently combusted even and they say the smoke was very smooth....some didn't even notice they combusted till they checked the ABV... that's a major good point in my view...especially someone with sensitive throat!! I don't really need to boil my head with the Science behind it...non-harsh smoke...good enough!! Means possible to do dry hits without any water.

Sublimate: You can collect the Sublimate from your plant!! That's awesome feature as well! This must be a unique feature especially for those who have never dabbed like me...This is definitely something to look forward to...

Extraction: Great extraction capabilities up there with the best of them..possible to do one-hit sessions...this can be really useful! I don't mind almost the ritualistic long sessions with other vaporizers...but a one hit device has it's place as well :D

What else?????

The high - It's incredibly hard to describe an internal subjective feeling like the "high" properly with words but I see many members trying!! whatever the high is like - does it LAST longer??? does it???

Specifial EDition Kit is being released tomorrow - What does $250 more get us? What annoyances does it fix? I heard you can keep the appollo and atomizer on the kit/tube/bong and heat it up there...you only have to mess with them to clear the hit? That's nice if it's like that!!! Less forehead burns this way maybe!! I wonder if the taste would be majorly affected by the whip and cap and all that jazz that comes with the kit. Brayden who already has the kit maybe able to enlighten us there! :D Is there a like a built in thingamajiggie inside the base/kit/ to collect the sublimate oils? so we don't have to buy the PV oil collector thingy!

Also - those who are going for the near comubstion high with the Sublimator - are you guys getting the munchies hard?????

I don't really need to compare Sublimator with other devices...the one thing that I clearly realize is that if I stay in this forum long enough, I will end up getting every vaporizer that tickle my brain like so many other forum members..so the only real burning question is - what vaporizer to get NEXT!!!!!
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