The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 148 57.4%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.9%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.8%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.5%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.3%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 54 20.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I found out that if you just consume half the thc you normally would consume resets your tolerance really quick. so its like taking a t break without having a t break. i think this was interesting to share with you.
Exactly. This has always been my own experience.

I mean sure, 30 full days of no thc and you will reach the moon with a moderate vape.

But just cutting back, has always had a very fast and noticeable effect on my tolerance.

I never really have felt the need for a full t break, for tolerance purposes and effects.

All I would need to do is use only edibles for 2 or 3 days and a tiny bit of vapor really gets me there.


Well-Known Member
I found out that if you just consume half the thc you normally would consume resets your tolerance really quick. so its like taking a t break without having a t break. i think this was interesting to share with you.
I've been doing this lately. Went from full half bowls in the '20 M to barely covering the screen in a Ti tipped VapCap. 1 hit earlier tonight w/ a full pack in the shortest screening setting got me red eyed. :lol:

Love hearing about peoples experiences w/ cannabis after long t-breaks. Talked to a couple people not ling ago about their 1st times consuming after 2 plus years away and both said they a had very DMT like psychadelic experiences. Said they greened the fuck out after for a full 24. :ko:


The Dude
both said they a had very DMT like psychadelic experiences
To be clear to all those who have never been on a trip. If you have never been up a mountain you will never properly imagine what it would look/feel/smell/sound(and so on) like to actually be there.
So if you've never had dmt, don't think a really long t-break is going to make you meet the elves. Nah gah happah. :tinfoil::rofl:


Well-Known Member
To be clear to all those who have never been on a trip. If you have never been up a mountain you will never properly imagine what it would look/feel/smell/sound(and so on) like to actually be there.
So if you've never had dmt, don't think a really long t-break is going to make you meet the elves. Nah gah happah. :tinfoil::rofl:
Interesting you guys raise this line here. I told @Morty years ago, when we briefly discussed this exact subject, how I had a 30 day vapor break in late 2016, using only very weak, low thc edibles.

Finally I vaped 2 bowls of Durban Poison in the vapcap.

Next day, after a nice sleep, the world was a marvel. Mystical. I felt very much like I was in the warm afterglow of a full LSD experience, so I don't think it's quite so clear cut.

Just about had enough of that too at present. Recently 7930 ug in 18 days, 80 tabs, I thought I would never come down lol. I'm not sure I have. I went deep into the Mangrove and things looked very different on the other side for sure.

Problem with LSD is how it can make you so hyper aware and perceptive of all things going on around you. Especially other people, their facial expresions, sentiments, thoughts, meaning etc.

I really yearn for "un"consciousness (I don't mean sleep but that too) at times.

I can see how people can get a bit unhinged from too many psychedellics.

I just figured I didn't have a lot to lose.

But I'm glad I came back to this thread. I'm a fairly moderate cannabis user. Vaping is limited by allergies. I do eat more edibles than I really need each day. And I have been vaping most days.

I was happier with weed when I was vaping less often, needing less, and less lethargy, better clarity.

I realise I need to lower my cannabis intake right now. Both edibles and vapor.

Vaping brings me up so much on the acid still coursing through my mind it feels like a 600 mic trip itself currently.

I'm going to focus on lowering my weed usage for a while. Let my head clear. Focus elsewhere. You guys have inspired me.
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Well-Known Member
To be clear to all those who have never been on a trip. If you have never been up a mountain you will never properly imagine what it would look/feel/smell/sound(and so on) like to actually be there.
So if you've never had dmt, don't think a really long t-break is going to make you meet the elves. Nah gah happah. :tinfoil::rofl:
Laugh all you want dude.

Machine Elves. Nope.

Both have had DMT experiences before to compare.

"The DMT experience shows consistent patterns across individuals. It is typically vibrant and colorful and is often made up of spaces, like rooms and corridors. Eyes are a very common feature of these spaces and are often seen tiling multiple parts of the environment".

^^ This is more what they told me they experienced

Concentrate sammies in the Supreme would trip me out and give me visuals for hours.

For people who don't use or haven't used for many years, cannanbis can be very, very, very psychadelic.


The Dude
Both have had DMT experiences before to compare.

For people who don't use or haven't used for many years, cannanbis can be very, very, very psychadelic.
Only if you've experienced psychedelics before. ;)
I smoked in the 90's and didn't touch it for 15 years or so before I started vaping. I was not experienced at that time (no trips) and no trippy feels when I came back to the green lady. I could pause time in my mind but no tripping. :lol::cool:

I've since been "away" on a trip. So I probably would agree with you now. But only because I've been there before. Make sense?


Well-Known Member
Guys how did we get into a discussion about psychedellics here, without me even personally fuelling it? (At least I don't think I did- this time! ;))

I usually feel like a societal outcast, now I feel like I'm being left out.

I think it's very valid to distinguish between the effect cannabis has on consciousness, mindset and it's general psychoactivity whthter one has used psychedellics before or not at all.

In many ways the cannabis is like a little ignition key, it opens up what had already been opened widely.

I used Lsd and MDMA for 1 year from 1996, before I ever even tried cannabis once, despite growing up with cannabis and hippies all around me.

Aged 17 I started using clean old hash. Ate it first. Then it was bongs, and a home made "bucket bong", both bag taped on a plastic bottle, and bucket of water style, with a homemade and burned foil gauze.

Within a week of starting cannabis use, I was smoking 3 large hashish bucket bongs every morning at 8.45 am before a 3 mile bike ride to be in school by 9 am.

I did the 3 miles in 9 minites 52 seconds one day, a non stop dash through busy town centre rush hour, up a very steep hill to the school grounds, bike sheds and a sprint to the classroom to sign in- it was a strict private school, and you had to be in on time each day or face expallation.

I got out of bed at 8.45 am, sprung up, necked a cup of tea, smoked 3 huge hash buckets....dashed to shed, on bike, on my way... I was so piesky high when I got to school, fully kicked in, buzzing on exercise endorphins.

Wow, I still reckon those hash bucket comeups as I rode frantically through town were the best drug experieinces I ever had.

Phenominally psychedellic. If I had not taken psychedellics before cannabis, I've no doubt the feeling, mindset, effect and experience of the cannabis would have been qualitatively different.

Eating the hash was a real trip as well. I did it daily for years. When I worked as a dustman, I would eat a 16th (1.75 grams) hashish about 10.30 am, on way to the tip, before my sandwhiches.

We would get back to whichever town that day and I was on another planet.

I remember, I was working part time at pizza hut until 1997, while at school.

After I tried cannabis in bongs the first time ever, a friend worker at Pizza Hut called Bran asked me "What did you think of it?" (Cannabis)

I said, without a second's thought..."It's just like tripping."

Bran, years older than me, longtime tripper and had abandoned a past of extensive cannabis use by then already, looked down in contemplation for a second and then said exactly "Yeah it is actually."

I remember some suggestion I heard or read decades ago, that LSD is a million times stronger than cannabis.

I kind of viewed cannabis as mild LSD from the getgo, I see now. That was surely a telling, instinctive gut reaction by me to's just like tripping.

I actually see those early years of being a hashish junkie, the cannabis experiences themselves, being equally deep and intense as my most intense psychedellic experiences in many ways.

We STILL underestimate cannabis, as a psychedellic, IMO.

@TheThriftDrifter hello mate really hope you've been holding up well in these tough times. Out the park is the ideal analogy as well.

You had me picturing a large public park in the middle of London.

In my imagination, I already constructed an image of this park in 1998. Which I just revisted this morning from reading your post, and am subconsciously walking around like a computer simulation model now.

LSD was surprisingly hard to come by in my UK area between 1996 and 1998. My older couzin Matthew, couzin James and friends went to London one day, without me, to get some super strength LSD tabs called "Freddies" or Fat Freddies.

Going by intuition, memory, knowledge and experience, I confidently estimate the Freddies to have been maybe 300 to 350 ug.

They were another level to anything people I knew had experienced.

In my older Hardcore Couzin Matthew's words they told me (after they all took the acid in a London park- Matthew was the only one who took a whole tab. The rest just took half a tab)...

"We couldn't get out the park."

"It took us 8 hours to find the car."

His identical words. It was a headfuck for all of them. Tripping too much, and unexpectedly/unpreparedly, to find the exit to the park. Lol!

Then 8 hours walking round streets looking for the car.

The Freddies were a big deal for everyone who took them. I never did. But I took my first ever "proper" i.e. properly dosed trip New Year's Eve 1998.

"Aliens" had come out about the same time as the Freddies. Suprer strong, I almsot got some one night, probably at least 250 ug.

I found "Cyborgs" at the NY Eve Rave. I never could have prepared for such a thing I can tell you. That's anther story lol.

So the park...they were trying to get OUT of the park.

In my mind now, I see the park. Big, pretty square or circular, with an edge all around, roads going round the outside, bang in the middle of London.

It has a low brick wall with metal fencing all the way round.
And entrance gates on all sides. Not too far apart and not too hard to find.

It's the same park I imagined from my Couzin's tale in 1998.

Except now I'm seeing the inside of the park as where I have been mostly ambling around, like most people, since ever.

My recent excursion, has led me outside of the park altogether. I'm not really disconcerted about that. I'm not fretting about getting back in either, it's pretty shit lol!

But I do feel as though I have wandered beyond the park's boundaries, and am looking more at the roads and avneues all around. It's strong imagery, still forming and unfolding for me to assimilate.

I have some serious integration to do.

If only I did not also need to perform my daily, horrendously painful and exhausting, literally traumatic, steam inhalation routine to clear my lungs of mucus in order simply to breathe and be able to eat any food st all today, if I could just jump out of bed ready to go, unchained, being inside or outside the park would not bother me at all.

I can't actually face my steam inhalation today, it takes the strive of an Olympian.
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Tokin' Away Since 1968
Vaping Break vrs. Canna Break

My issue is wheezing at night, which can either keep me up or constantly interrupt my sleep, and coughing fits. I typically vape a couple of times a day, mostly in the evening. One or two nights a week, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, I'll "party" and vape bowl and/or banger after bowl and/or banger. Over the last year I've gotten more and more into concentrates and progressed from adding a bit to a flower load to obsessing about bangers, pearls and spinning caps. My lungs are sensitive from more than fifty years of smoking cigarettes--quit 7 years ago--and 45 years of smoking weed--turned to vaping exclusively 5 years ago. I've rigged up bubblers and double and triple percs, but even so my lungs get irritated. The wheeziness is also usually kept under control by my bike workouts, but lately its been worse than usual. Could be pushed over the line by the dry February weather. So I'm in my third day of a vaping break.

This is my first break from daily vaping in three or so years. I'd be surprised if I'd missed more than two or three days a year. But I've been eating edibles--a rice-grain dollup of RSO--right before supper. Edibles are not at all my preferred method, but I don't know what to do with these long stuck-at-home pandemic evenings. Does this count as a cannabreak, or only a vape break? Meanwhile I already feel better and am sleeping better, but I'm going to give it some more time. Probably going to try at least a few days this week of not even edibles to see if I can lower my tolerance, which was through the roof with all the fantastic and reasonablly priced legal tested stuff I get from the adult legal states on either side.


Well-Known Member
Even after a few days of t-break you will notice a difference. If you have lung or throat problems you can just make some weed infused olive oil and use that so you can give your throat and lungs a rest. But i would recommend to do a t break for 5 to 7 days without edibles to do a good reset of the receptors.


Well-Known Member
Vaping Break vrs. Canna Break

My issue is wheezing at night, which can either keep me up or constantly interrupt my sleep, and coughing fits. I typically vape a couple of times a day, mostly in the evening. One or two nights a week, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, I'll "party" and vape bowl and/or banger after bowl and/or banger. Over the last year I've gotten more and more into concentrates and progressed from adding a bit to a flower load to obsessing about bangers, pearls and spinning caps. My lungs are sensitive from more than fifty years of smoking cigarettes--quit 7 years ago--and 45 years of smoking weed--turned to vaping exclusively 5 years ago. I've rigged up bubblers and double and triple percs, but even so my lungs get irritated. The wheeziness is also usually kept under control by my bike workouts, but lately its been worse than usual. Could be pushed over the line by the dry February weather. So I'm in my third day of a vaping break.

This is my first break from daily vaping in three or so years. I'd be surprised if I'd missed more than two or three days a year. But I've been eating edibles--a rice-grain dollup of RSO--right before supper. Edibles are not at all my preferred method, but I don't know what to do with these long stuck-at-home pandemic evenings. Does this count as a cannabreak, or only a vape break? Meanwhile I already feel better and am sleeping better, but I'm going to give it some more time. Probably going to try at least a few days this week of not even edibles to see if I can lower my tolerance, which was through the roof with all the fantastic and reasonablly priced legal tested stuff I get from the adult legal states on either side.
See the thread recently started here by @GoldenBud regarding respiratory mucus from vaporizing weed, and in general.

We discussed causes and treatments there.

But first I have to say- if you are consuming dairy in any form, like milk, cream, buttermilk, cheese (not as bad as milk and cream etc), even butter in my own case....EXPECT mucus to need EXPECTorating lol.

It almost makes me laugh when people announce concern abput respiratory mucus when they are drinking milk on a daily basis.

In such cases, simply removing the Dairy can relieve the symptoms by 80% plus, whether you continue to vaporize weed or not.

Just about to have a little vape myself to try get some sleep.

Two MORE acid trips since Sunday. I have a "problem" as we call it lol.

"Somebody stop me" keeps coming to my mind, from Jim Carey's The Mask.

So just look through Goldenbud's post history if you want to look at that thread.


As far as wheezing, I say be weary of terpenes.

The cannabis community is currently obsessed with terpenes, some go as far as to claim they are the magic of cannabis.

There is practically no information on the implications of inhaling concentrated amounts of heated terpenes, particularly from all the cheap "live resins" on the market. Terpenes are a well documented irritant and can even burn the skin when not diluted properly. A single drop of pure terpenes will diffuse its aroma for hours when diluted. A gram of live resin could contain up to 20% terpenes by weight! some vape this much oil in a single day, including almost a quarter gram just in essential oils. While humans have been inhaling cannabis for thousands of years, only now has the technology for such terpy hits been possible, and the effects of this are ultimately unknown.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
See the thread recently started here by @GoldenBud regarding respiratory mucus from vaporizing weed, and in general.

We discussed causes and treatments there.

But first I have to say- if you are consuming dairy in any form, like milk, cream, buttermilk, cheese (not as bad as milk and cream etc), even butter in my own case....EXPECT mucus to need EXPECTorating lol.

It almost makes me laugh when people announce concern abput respiratory mucus when they are drinking milk on a daily basis.

In such cases, simply removing the Dairy can relieve the symptoms by 80% plus, whether you continue to vaporize weed or not.

Just about to have a little vape myself to try get some sleep.

Two MORE acid trips since Sunday. I have a "problem" as we call it lol.

"Somebody stop me" keeps coming to my mind, from Jim Carey's The Mask.

So just look through Goldenbud's post history if you want to look at that thread.
Stop! LOL! My cat doesn't even listen to me...and I don't even have a cat, so I don't know why you should.

I did a fair lot of acid in the late 1960s and early 70s, somewhere around 35 or 40 trips. I date my entire life around trip #27 or 8, when I "woke up". Last trip was in 1973. Stuff is fricken strong! Yikes!

Daoist: Is that a different spelling of Taoist? Taoism--Lao Tzu and Chang Tzu--is as near as I've come to having a religion. In fact, it was central to my awakening in trip #27 noted above. In the middle of that long trip I ended up at someone's house who had an amazing library. Somehow, never having heard of Taoism or Lao Tzu, the D.C. Lau translation Lao came off the shelf almost on its own, into my hands opened to verse XX, which played a central role in my "awakening":

"My mind is that of a fool--how blank!
Vulgar people are clear,
I alone am drowsy.
Vulgar people are alert,
I alone am muddled.
Calm like the sea;
Like a high wind that never ceases.
The multitude all have a purpose,
I alone am foolish and uncouth.
I alone am different from others,
And value being fed by the Mother.
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Tokin' Away Since 1968
As far as wheezing, I say be weary of terpenes.

The cannabis community is currently obsessed with terpenes, some go as far as to claim they are the magic of cannabis.

There is practically no information on the implications of inhaling concentrated amounts of heated terpenes, particularly from all the cheap "live resins" on the market. Terpenes are a well documented irritant and can even burn the skin when not diluted properly. A single drop of pure terpenes will diffuse its aroma for hours when diluted. A gram of live resin could contain up to 20% terpenes by weight! some vape this much oil in a single day, including almost a quarter gram just in essential oils. While humans have been inhaling cannabis for thousands of years, only now has the technology for such terpy hits been possible, and the effects of this are ultimately unknown.
Not sure if its the terpenes, but certainly my lust for milky hits is part of my problem. Though it could be the terpenes, I suspect that coating one's airsacs with oily resin could also be implicated. Damn I wish there was more medical research into cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if its the terpenes, but certainly my lust for milky hits is part of my problem. Though it could be the terpenes, I suspect that coating one's airsacs with oily resin could also be implicated. Damn I wish there was more medical research into cannabis.
I am much healthier since i switched to soy milk, or just drinking an espresso. almost no more mucus and phlegms


Well-Known Member
Hello friends!

I hope everyone is doing well, and if you're on a break from cannabis, I hope it's going smooth. I've been on a 3+ month clean break from cannabis, with just recently starting to partake in cbd on (mostly combustion via cones). For the past year I've been on a on/off relationship with cannabis due to life events and anxiety issues I've never had before.

End of 2019 and early 2020, I found out some shit about a friend that was real fucked up. One night when I was super medicated, simply watching TV with my wife, like a "woosh" I felt a wave of panic and anxiety that I've never felt before. Subconsciously, it had to have been tied to what my friend did, and the anxiety/thought stuck with me. For a week, I felt sick to my stomach, called in sick to work, missed important engagements with close friends. A little over a year since that initial "woosh" and I am finally beginning to come back to my normal self. There were some days I'd feel just okay, and some days I thought I was loosing control of who I am, on and off, for a year. Super happy to be able to discuss it more now that I'm on the right track. For anyone who has unwanted intrusive thoughts and the anxiety that can accompany them, you aren't alone and the thoughts don't define who you are.

Still on a break from cannabis until I secure employment worth keeping, but I've honestly been enjoying cbd a lot lately. Very calming, very relaxing. When I do decide to add cannabis back to my regimen, it will most likely be a 10:1 ratio of cbd to thc. I won't make the mistake of loading up the Elev8r with .25gr of meds on the first go.

Stay up homies.


Well-Known Member
I have life struggles to, but doesn't everyone? With Sativas i can meditate and self reflect better to make positive changes in life.
Other than the occasional overwelming feeling of "i think i took to much" (which rarely happens, because i own a scale) i never really have problems with cannabis. I feel it takes away anxiety and i get in a positive flow, but everyone is different.

I often use cbd oil capsules to add to my medical regimen, in addition to the thc, and i take occasional t-breaks.
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Well-Known Member
Hello nonamekevin and the rest of you folks,
First of all good to hear from you and also cool that youre on the right track for now!
Wish you all the best brother!
Ive had sudden moments of anxiety and panic before and some of these came with abusing high Thc strains and kickass vapes I suppose.
Depression is a partner since my teenager times, but when I discovered weed in my 20s it did help a ton on keeping it under control.
Did a 3 months break after my anxiety got unbearable last summer and most of the issues got way better.
My energy and vibe now comes from exercising every single day.
It keeps my brain clear by stepping out of the comfort zone and going the extra mile.
Additionaly Wim Hof, good food and my dog are all helping incredibly.
Started mixing 50/50 cbd and thc for now and I feel very baked most days, but since I force myself to go out and do something everyday its ok.
Very few days with anxiety and 99% of the time I just grab my shoes and dog and go out there!
Use less, but more cautious is my mantra for now as it does help with recovery and the general covid boredom.
Hope everyone is good and lots of power to everyone making a change!


Well-Known Member
As far as wheezing, I say be weary of terpenes.

The cannabis community is currently obsessed with terpenes, some go as far as to claim they are the magic of cannabis.

There is practically no information on the implications of inhaling concentrated amounts of heated terpenes, particularly from all the cheap "live resins" on the market. Terpenes are a well documented irritant and can even burn the skin when not diluted properly. A single drop of pure terpenes will diffuse its aroma for hours when diluted. A gram of live resin could contain up to 20% terpenes by weight! some vape this much oil in a single day, including almost a quarter gram just in essential oils. While humans have been inhaling cannabis for thousands of years, only now has the technology for such terpy hits been possible, and the effects of this are ultimately unknown.
This is why I'm wary of concentrates with added terpenes. Without extensive research for each individual chemical, we don't know exactly what effects they have on our bodies.

Just because consuming the Cannabis plant tends to be relatively safe for most people, doesn't mean that every chemical that it contains is safe at any dose. I see people doing 1g dabs of >80% THC shatter, and I can't imagine that being the same as consuming the Cannabis plants that were used throughout history.


Well-Known Member
Well, those terpenes are used in aromatherapy as well, so i am sure they have some idea what it does.
I am convinced though, that if you put some thc isolate and some random essential oil isolates together. it might not always give the best results because of phenotypes etc...


I see people doing 1g dabs of >80% THC shatter, and I can't imagine that being the same as consuming the Cannabis plants that were used throughout history.

That's why I think we should all be a little weary of terpenes -- people have been inhaling copious amounts of cannabis for as long time, but the high terpene thing is very new. Most traditional hashish is prepared with herbal material which has often dried and cured for a year, and then the hash itself might cure for another year, or longer. By the time you light it on fire, it will certainly have flavor, but it won't be a terpene blast like some of these modern extracts, with 10-20% essential oils by weight!

Well, those terpenes are used in aromatherapy as well, so i am sure they have some idea what it does.
I am convinced though, that if you put some thc isolate and some random essential oil isolates together. it might not always give the best results because of phenotypes etc...

That's correct that essential oils are used throughout aromatherapy, but the main difference I'm stressing here is that aromatherapy practitioners preach dilution, whereas when vaporizing, the essential oils are all concentrated. Diluted oils are fine, it's concentrated terpenes which are known irritants. Can't remember who said this, but something along the lines of "plants cannot move, so they have to defend themselves biologically through "chemical warfare." A single drop of pure oil, when properly diluted will diffuse for hours in aromatherapy, more oil than that might be inhaled in one vape hit or dab!

And I'm not talking about exogenous botanical terpenes added to cannabis, even those straight from the ganja plant can be very harsh with some of the fresh frozen processing techniques.

Anyways, I do believe essential oil therapy is real, but as that famous saying goes, the poison may be in the dose. My stance in using vaporizers for harm reduction, is to identify potential issues that may be overlooked. I first began getting interested in this topic a couple years ago when dabbing a lot and researching potentials of terpene toxicity; what I find incredibly intriguing is its been demonstrated that some plants themselves suffer auto toxicity from their own terpenes.

some info on this link below


Well-Known Member
There is nothing diluted in aroma therapy. 1 drop is like the terpenes of 50 lemons or something.
perhaps how they apply it may differ. for example 1 drop of oil in water then heat it to make your house smell nice.

you HAVE to do it like that because those essential oils are pretty much toxic. people that inhale that stuff in large amounts are a bit stupid to do that.
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There is nothing diluted in aroma therapy.
Lol what!? The first thing they teach you in aromatherapy is to not use the oils directly, and how to dilute them based on the specific type of oil and targeted usage. Every bottle of essential oils I own stresses the importance of proper dilution.


Well-Known Member
yes thats what i just said. the essential oil is not diluted so you have to dilute it yourself when you use it.
i thought you said the aromatherapy oils where diluted when you buy the bottle. So i guess we talk about the same thing.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
I've now gone seven(7!) days without vaping. I think this may be the longest I've gone without inhaling cannabis since I retired eight years ago. Still, I "cheated" by eating a rice grain-sized dollup of RSO a half-an-hour before supper each evening to enhance my exercise biking and movie watching. For me the issue was lungs and wheezing, not tolerance, so I have achieved my primary goal. And I really feel much better and especially am sleeping better without wheezing waking me because of noise or mild distress. This little experiment shows that it wasn't the cannabis/THC itself keeping me awake or causing issues, but the secondary effects of how the herb was administered and how often: I need to learn to stop when I'm good and stoned, and not keep taking milky hits one after another. Now its too bad I can't ride my bike outdoors to get a serious workout. Gonna try for another few days of no vaping and maybe even quit edibles for a few days.

Meanwhile ruby pearls and spinner caps for my bangers that I ordered before my break are sitting untested along with a nice selection of concentrates and weed that have been quite thoroughly tested! are calling to me. But the pearls and bangers and shatter and crumble shouldn't worry: In the immortal words of General McArthur, I shall return!
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