Last night I wrote basically a short novel (I put it in word and it was something like 8 pages...) but then I wanted to sit on it and wait. An experiment so to speak. We are such scientists on this forum after all
But, I was ultimately straying from my points with emotion; as someone who works in small business (4 people total) I can sympathize with being overworked and having a lot on your plate. But, choosing not to answer potential customers emails, and ignoring them is a horrible business practice. The excuse of "building" is simply that, an excuse. Justification. IMO, shoddy CS.
I know it's not nearly the same at all, but here is some perspective. I have to build the "brains" of PLC controllers. I have to write the logic of them too. I have to try to sell our system and engineering experience which is a slew of other stuff too.... I can spend all day building, but if I don't sell it, its not worth anything. And if I do sell it, you know that's much nicer $$$ than the guy who emailed me today who was simply looking for X,Y, & Z module. But you know, I don't actively choose to ignore that guy. Its less money but a sale is a sale. Maybe I can add some value to him in another way. A sale is a sale. A Customer is a customer. "No such thing as a stupid question."
Oh, yeah, your FAQ. Control + F "Exotic Woods" not found. I wanted to send you a blank, that sometime down the line, whether it was after the 200 or whatever, I said multiple times time wasn't a factor. If you actually read the message you'd see that. If this was totally out of the question, I think it warrants discussion, as hey
business is business, whether you could of accomadated or not a response was owed. And you certainly will never see a lick of my $.
Because, back to the experiment. I reached out to you, the only way possible since you didn't respond to the email. I said I sent you an email asking a bunch of questions. Right here in this thread. I'm not going to rewrite them, but you should of taken that opportunity to check. I even primed you up giving you the whole "spam" bs as an easy out. I gave you over 24 hours, plus the week you didn't respond, and it surely cracked me up on here
today that you could have
easily gotten a sale today had you just
simply gotten back to me instead of bemoaning users on here who aren't voicing or saying anything unreasonable. You wanted that golden star about all the good stuff you did over the last two weeks, yet, you actually just let a sale fall right. through. your. inbox. Quality. Checking an email being a strenuous task that takes precious time away. Quality. Telling me not to buy your OK, now that is priceless. I certainly willnot. That's not good CS at all.
I tout good CS that I'm really happy with just as much as I'll tout poor CS that I'm not. Seeing as how you actively chose me not to be a customer, not hard. A real net positive.
I don't mean to begrude the mood of the rest of the thread, "kill the vibe" but I wanted to wait the extended period of time to see if he would reach out and respond back until I responded here, my only means of communication. I sincerely hope everyone, even you RBT, has a great weekend, and enjoy your products, but this is clearly not for me. Functionally looks sweet.
@Philreal187 I saw you said you had a September preorder so hit a brotha up when it comes by, I totally would love to try it and check it out. Perhaps that would change my mind, but I don't know, I like knowing I give my money to good people who treat everyone equally and fairly and don't whine over simple critiques or comments that aren't 100% in their line of thought, but who am I to judge
No offense intended, but I mean, if you choose to reply to some people, and choose not to others, that is not treating everyone equally and fairly. Facts....Figured a guy whose name was Rasta Buddha Tao would be all about that. My mistake. Won't be back here.
Addendum: I saw you posted twice while I was writing this. I will be curious to see how many are sold, but I do think in general it is a lot more clear. And I also appreciate you having the spirit of more customer service. That shit is important. You lost a customer today, but maybe someday ill give you a lick of my money

and love all have a great weekend.