Discontinued Zion vaporizer

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I just have the nitecore i2 i think? Just 3 lights, no digital read out, but I can pull a battery before the lights go solid pretty easily usually.

Will Zion batteries need to be perfectly charged even since it needs two at a time?

A four charger wouldve been better for this reason perhaps too... Oh well
Shit Snacks,
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HD Springer

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about the Zion. Couldn't sleep. This might of been sudgested so if it has then sorry. Any way the extra hiole where the glass is stored that that hole could also double as a storage like a dug out almost. You would use suction to pull/load your stem. I'm not sure if it's even possible.
HD Springer,
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I was just thinking about the Zion. Couldn't sleep. This might of been sudgested so if it has then sorry. Any way the extra hiole where the glass is stored that that hole could also double as a storage like a dug out almost. You would use suction to pull/load your stem. I'm not sure if it's even possible.

It is definitely possible, but I don't see it being practical. You would need some kind of stopper to keep the material in the chamber, and you would have no place to store your stem. Having said that, the suction method of loading the stem is probably how most users will wind up doing it. It's certainly my preferred technique.


Putin is a War Criminal
It is definitely possible, but I don't see it being practical. You would need some kind of stopper to keep the material in the chamber, and you would have no place to store your stem. Having said that, the suction method of loading the stem is probably how most users will wind up doing it. It's certainly my preferred technique.
Because Zion isn't meant to be a "on the go" portable, even the utility of this is somewhat suspect. On one of the future dedicated portables it might make more sense, but since size/portability will be so crucial there likely wouldn't be any space to spare for storage.

Added: Are there many portables that have storage onboard? I don't know any but I don't know very many portables. My Dugout that I used for years when combusting had storage but the bat itself was just a simple metal tube with no mechanism but a spring at the bottom, so it took little space.
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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Are there going to be anymore prototype units made besides the one already listed? I'm with @cybrguy its quite in here...too quite :ninja:

Furthermore, was the basket/screen issue ever resolved? Any input from @RastaBuddhaTao or @thekarmawhore ? Bueller..?

I know it was discussed but was it ever really identified as much of an issue?

I think we probably ended up with a 'suck it & see' kinda outcome . . . .
For launch we will optimize the current adjustable screen (I vote for a lager mesh and a tighter fit) and then we can play with accessories on the future.

I think the system as it is right now would be fine for most people

My advice is that people should try the Zion system before buying anything. If you have ELBs or elbow screens then by all means try them, but don't go and get them before you know whether the Zion screens will be all you need.

Yeah it's quiet in here . . . . so make some noise peoples!

I'm guessing @RastaBuddhaTao & @thekarmawhore have quite a lot going on right now - maybe taking a step forward in production ready for the Zion 10?

Anyway, I'm taking the silence as an extremely good sign! ;)

The calm before the Zion storm :rockon:

Peace you guys
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Furthermore, was the basket/screen issue ever resolved?

It's not an issue. As far as I know, there's no plan to change the stem+screen system. The supplied screens will work nicely and have the advantage of being movable inside the stem to change the load size or distance from the heater. having said that, I am using Arizer elbow screens almost exclusively.

I've hardly touched any other device since I got Jessica. I've never taken the Zion out and probably never will (unless it's to show it to someone) but at home Jessica has replaced the FlashVAPE for now. That's partly because I'm still trying new things and monitoring how the Zion works. I can relate a few discoveries.

I'm happy to report that the Zion is really low maintenance. Like the Solo, stem loading means that the load usually (virtually always) stays in the stem because your draw pulls it into place. Aside from a black scar from an early bowl-loading experiment with combustion, I can see no sign of build-up or clogging. The stem screens usually don't clog either, although I've had to do an ISO soak on a couple that I used with really finely ground material and/or kief. The stem I use most is slowly building up a layer of resin but it will be a long time before I even consider doing a reclaim on it.

The Zion needs a little button time to get up to temperature. I know @RastaBuddhaTao and @thekarmawhore talk about 10 seconds of pre-heat but I've found that for me, 20 seconds works best. Since it's a pure convection device, what we're really talking about is getting the heater up to temperature. I've arrived at this number because in the beginning, I'd start taking test puffs every couple of seconds starting at 10. I found that depending on the strain, the grind, and how much it had already been hit, vapour started appearing at anywhere from 10 seconds (rare) to 20 seconds. By 20, however, if the load has any vapour left to give it's ready, so I just wait. I should point out that this time is for Jessica, and I don't know how the heater in production units will compare. This is not a problem because you can easily repeat my method and find the timing for your unit. All you're really doing is establishing how long to wait before you start hitting.

I've been monitoring the batteries by checking the voltage with my multimeter after each load. When they drop below 3.7 V I put them on the charger. This yields about 15 minutes of heating. How this will translate into loads will depend on your techniques and materials. For me, it works out to swapping batteries after every two loads. I know some of you will feel that's not great but I tend to keep hitting a load long after most people would have dumped it. It's always been long enough to have the other set of batteries charged, and that's all that matters to me.

Any questions?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member

Damn! If only @cybrguy were here . . . .


Nice info @pakalolo. It's really good to hear that Jess has become your daily driver.

Do you generally find that you are pairing her off with a WT or are you mixing it up with dry hits too depending on your mood?



I take dry hits until I can't get any vapour at 75% power, then I crank it to 90% and use a bubbler. I usually can get two or three more hits that way. I feel that a bubbler reduces the flavour so I don't like using one as long as the taste is good. I don't find the vapour harsh with my long stem. I broke the short stem so I can't report on it. @RastaBuddhaTao sent me a couple of medium stems but I don't use them except for tests.

I don't go to 100% because the risk of combustion is too high.


Putin is a War Criminal
Good stuff, Paka, thanks. I suspect the screens will be variable as to what folks want to use. As long as the provided option is a good one it's all good. Variety and all that...

I wondered how well the goods stay in the stem. Good that they tend to. 20 sec is longer button than expected but not an issue. As you say that is likely still being tuned.

I am a little concerned about a need to pay TOO much attention to battery status without any onboard indicator, but that should work itself out. And you are likely showing more concern than necessary as a tester, so I get that.

My I4 has arrived so I'm waitin on @RBT. :)


Well-Known Member
Perhaps "issue" was a less then optimal word for the situation lol it was late and my blood alcohol content was higher then usual, damn you Game of Thrones :argh:!!!

@pakalolo you mention using keif in the Zion, I'd like to hear more on your experience with that. Did you mix it with any bud? Pure keif? Did you have to sandwich it with another screen? Needed to be stirred? As much as I love waxes and oils, there's something about a big gnarly bowl of blonde fluff that makes my heart soar :love: my ssv saw more keif loads then I can remember, God bless that little bugger.


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
I take dry hits until I can't get any vapour at 75% power, then I crank it to 90% and use a bubbler. I usually can get two or three more hits that way. I feel that a bubbler reduces the flavour so I don't like using one as long as the taste is good. I don't find the vapour harsh with my long stem. I broke the short stem so I can't report on it. @RastaBuddhaTao sent me a couple of medium stems but I don't use them except for tests.

I don't go to 100% because the risk of combustion is too high.

Even better!

I'm very pleased to hear you're happy with dry hits for the most part.

I love to have a bubble as much as the next guy but what I really want is to be able to comfortably use this baby all on her lonesome, laid back chillin' at home, or passing her around at friends - and maybe for knocking the socks off any sceptical combuster who may happen to be passing by :ko:

You are confirming my hopes so far.

An extremely powerful portable vape providing true desktop results with the ability to adapt and take to water when required. And all in a sturdy yet sexy wood & glass form factor!

Oh man, I'm trying not to think about this thing too much! :drool:



Putin is a War Criminal
Yeah, this is tickling my fancy as well. (stop that) Sticks has said that he tends to go through water, and I probably will too, but I am very pleased that it is so good without it. There are many possible situations where I might not have easy access to glass, especially if I take it out of the house.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
@pakalolo you mention using keif in the Zion, I'd like to hear more on your experience with that. Did you mix it with any bud? Pure keif? Did you have to sandwich it with another screen? Needed to be stirred? As much as I love waxes and oils, there's something about a big gnarly bowl of blonde fluff that makes my heart soar :love: my ssv saw more keif loads then I can remember, God bless that little bugger.

I had a couple of loads that I mixed a little kief into, but mostly I was referring to the really fine shake left at the bottom of my containers. I wouldn't normally put just kief into a device like the Zion, but just for you (and for science) I tried .04 g of kief all by its lonesome.

The elbow screen is a lot finer mesh than the Zion screen, but it still allowed some of the kief through (as I expected). This is really only an issue for the first hit, which melts it all together. That's not great though, since it impedes the flow. It also requires a lot of power. It took 75% to get anything. This made the vapour harsh, and I'm sure the fine particulate makes it even harsher. The flavour, however, was pretty good.

I would not repeat this, nor would I recommend anyone using pure kief by itself in the Zion. Sandwich it with buds or mix it in and you'll be fine, although you will need to turn the power up.
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