I'm a few months into (let's go with
abigail), and am now discovering the magic that is zion. I love my milaana, but this is sooo much better. It's like that perfect milaana hit, which can be elusive in the milaana itself, virtually every time. To recap: abby's always been on the cool side; I think it may have been one of the first of this recent cool batch that's mostly gone back for evaluation. I had been discussing it with ryan, and had it all packed up to ship back to him a few weeks ago when I called to give him a heads up.
He asked my to try one last thing: the tape/toothpick mod. I said okay and then realized that I didn't have any matched pairs of 18650 batteries handy to test with. This was because I'm in the middle of a move, and some things were still at the other location. So I've been at it for almost a week now, and after some trial & error I'm reliably getting vapor at as low as 10:30am. The dial goes from 8am to 4:20pm, with noon in the middle. That's a huge difference from how it was without the mod, where I would just start to get vapor at about 2pm. I told ryan that I had tried carbing it without success, he said to still try this.
My usage pattern is to put the screen in as a basket, just a bit deeper than flush with the rim. Then I suck to load from a medium grind, just full to the edge of the screen but with a little room left before the rim. Then I do my best to extract the entire load evenly and in a single hit; this is the part that can be frustrating with
myion. But abby does this effortlessly. The only other adjustment I needed to make was to increase my preheat time, from 20sec. to 30 (20sec. all the way up then 10 at noon, backing it off from there to between 11:00 and noon to hit it, based upon an
epistemological estimation of remaining battery life).
Ryan was spot on. I actually combusted at noon once since the mod, couldn't combust at anything but all the way up at 4:20pm before and it wasn't easy even there. I need to call him after the holiday and share the news, it's like a whole new vape at this point so merry merry to me lol. I also need to give him my new address, hopefully before he sends a splinter my way anyways. I'm much happier with abby now.