And remember there may only be 200 of these lovelies in existence, so paying for handcrafted uniqueness i suppose too.
Maybe at some point but we've heard that song and dance before and the # has stayed at 10. So even rarer
Ultimately they are priced based on the work and everything they involved, including a lack of demand for broader market as you say.
This is why I questioned who they are marketed too. You're saying they are priced high because of a lack of a demand from a broader market. But, that's not what I'm saying at all.
I'm saying, they lack demand from a broader market, because they are priced high. (And the fact they don't really exist sans the 10)
I still think Zion is the overall best and worth whatever price it commands
It's by and large the most expensive vape on your roster easily by at least $100. I'm aware you didn't pay list, but I would hope that at that listed price point that it works great (seems like it does). Just saying, seems quite did keep your $150-$200 Hydrotube from your $400 EVO package right? $420 is high (period for any vape too) no matter how you cut it.
And I especially don't go into those threads and start telling everyone that I think the vape is over-priced!
But that's me.
Most vapes, IMO, are overpriced. It's a niche market. I can accept that markup across the board. But when your marketing strategy was "American Made Simplicity" with the idea of it being a device with minimal breakable parts and minimal things that can go wrong and minimal design/formfactor, etc, I don't understand the MO of rising the price. Hairdryer heater in a block of wood with regulation is beautifully simple and effective seems like (I'm not saying this sarcastically..all 10 of you love em so there is something to it...) why the $ of something more complex?
$150 and $270 and $300 and $330 and $369 and $420. They were able to be sold at those lower prices before is all I'm saying and that better fit in with the mold of the simplicity nature of the device. $270 of price increases later, with nothing to really show for why. M
Literally the
only news of any value in this thread for the last year + is the new hikes in price. ( I do love the pictures though

) Should it not be mentioned? The vape is closer to vaporware than not...2 year old thread, 10 of you. So what do the rest of us talk about? We can only reminisce about the beauty of long and short stems so much nothing? Fair enough...? But there has been news because the price has risen and risen. I do think it's pertinent to comment on the price when it's rose 4-5 times. I feel it's the only thing worth talking about, since it's the only actual news.....just was reiterating what
@ZC said and agreeing with his PoV.
The Zion is not for you
@HellsWindStaff. Believe me, we get it!
It may be but probably will never try one

if they ever reach more than 10 than I will consider buying one at the list price but again reiterating what has been said by other members, that price is too much for me but hey he can do what he wants, no skin off our bones.
@AJS I have faith he will eventually fulfill the orders placed (Q1 2017?) but the trend has been an increase in $ everytime, so while I can say I admire your faith I do find it unrealistic

just statistically speaking that has never happened yet here lol.
Have a good weekend guys, wasn't trying to poo poo "the precioussss"

just saying I didn't understand the dichotomy between the OG Price and the current listed price for literally the exact same $150 product that touted/marketed itself on simple parts.
Edit: This looks like such a novel on the page!