Thanks for that mate, I feel like such a dunce for not realising that's what it was!
No worries. We all have to get to know new kit!
Thanks for that mate, I feel like such a dunce for not realising that's what it was!
Feels like a money grab to me! I ended up using a box cutter with a new blade. Sliced in-between the second and third thread on the heater side. with a bit of force, sliced through smooth. Cleaned it up a little bit for continuity, screwed right back in! If you ever need the length again, cut some discs from a wine cork.8.5mm insert for Dynavaps, 11.5mm for Convector. Mine came with the larger one, but it seems like it should come with the smaller one given the prevalence of Vapcaps? I ordered the smaller one direct from YLL, but I saw that Stash Shack had them.
They released the ceramic ones after people like me enquired about the vapor/smoke, whatever it was coming from the unit after using it. I was trying to use it with the armoured cap, but I didn't like the smell coming from it.Hey guys, I need help. What is the difference between the original black insert ( smth like plastic ) and the ceramic insert? Originally, I received 11.5 mm black plastic ones with the heater. I also bought 11.5 ceramic and 8.5 mm ceramic. I don't like them, they scratch colored dynavap caps and they hold the temperature for a long time, which makes it easier to combust if i dont make 1hit exctraction.
Apparently, the manufacturer currently provides 11.5 inserts for new heaters, but ceramic ones, why they changed material? For armored cap? I heard that the plastic insert melts with armored cap.
anyway, I wrote to Yllvape asking if they would make and sell me an 8.5mm insert BUT black "plastic" one because I want to insert the Dynavap deeper, but I don't like the ceramic ones. They agreed and i will order today.
What is your opinion about the plastic and ceramic insert? When u bought the heater which insert was included in the set? black material or ceramic? Greetings and all the best in the new year, sorry for my bad english.
Yeah, a bit weird if others aren't getting anything like my issue.strange, I mainly use plastic inserts because I definitely prefer them (I like the 8.5mm plastic one and the 1HE one the most).
In my IH 2.0 i never had problem like u wrote about vapor, and when I smell something, it's only the smell of herbs and nothing else.
What I don't like about ceramic inserts is that they can easily scratch the colored caps.
i have 8.5mm and 11.5mm both in plastic and ceramic ones. In set when i bought it i had only 11.5mm plastic. I need to test the ceramic inserts more, but the 8.5mm plastic heats up the entire filling at once, so does further testing make sense?
Have a nice day guys
How does the performance with the Dynavap compare to when you heat it with a torch?
Comparing this IH with others how does it rank and why? I wonder if the upcoming new IH, the Flare, might be even better.
dont buy in lacentrale if you want your vape soon ...LacentraleVapeur has a preorder with an Dynavap M7 for 99€. Verdampftnochmal has a 15% Code (420sale) on his rebranded version Cubooheater 2.0, so its down to ~84€.
I've bought a year ago and had no issues, but the order from yesterday hasn't shipped yet. How long did your last order took?dont buy in lacentrale if you want your vape soon ...
The molicel p28, sony murata vtc6, or golisi s30 are good options for the yllihI'm getting my yll2.0 next week, and im wondering which batteries to get. Preferably (one of) the best. I'm a total noob on the subject. Protected, unprotected? Button, flat? Capacity, voltage and discharge current
Molicel INR18650-P28A Flat Top Unprotected 2800mAh 35A have been suggested to me. Are they any good? And would an XTAR VC4SL charger work with those?
do you mean the angus carry case? I think there is no problem with the angus carry case…and if it us the angus enhanced carry case you have space for the ih, the extra batteries, the vape, a reload and maybe a medium grinderAlso .. does anyone have the yllvape carry case, and does the IH fit (with ideally also a reload, 2 extra batteries and 2 xl dyna's)?
It is more or less, the cuboo includes the small "spacer" in addition to the larger one.i just got a dynavap m7xl and love it apart from the torch part. is the cuboo heater pro v2 just a rebranded yllvape 2.0 and is it still a good buy right now? i want something for mostly desktop use so if there is something that is better but not portable i would also be interested.
I found it far far better than using a torch, I just couldn't get on with torches!How does the performance with the Dynavap compare to when you heat it with a torch?
Comparing this IH with others how does it rank and why? I wonder if the upcoming new IH, the Flare, might be even better.