Wolkenkraft Live


Well-Known Member
So i've receive a mail from a shop, with a brief introduction of a new Wolkenkraft device called: Wolkenkraft Live.

The only information I've found is on the website of the shop Vapowelt, that mailed me. I'm suspecting they're somewhat connected to the Wolkenkraft brand. There's a description of the device available in English and German here.

I'm sure the base is (like a lot of Wolkenkraft capes) is some well known mass producer, but they always had some tweaks added. This model just reminds me of some already available vapes.

Short summary:
  • 499€
  • Convection Heating
  • Titan Chamber which is interchangeable depending on your material
  • Stainless steel air duc, that is completely acessable from the bottom for cleaning
  • Zirkonia cooling system
  • RGB-Screen with multiple languages and a lot of settings/modes, even for tracking your daily microdosis.
There's the full list (with all the marketing) from the website:

  • Ergonomic and compact design
  • Latest patented heating technology with full convection
  • High-quality materials (medical grade)
  • Fully insulated air duct made of stainless steel (SS304)
  • Innovative COOLSCREEN® cooling system
  • High-resolution 1.3” RGB color display with functional screen saver
  • Graphical and colorful user interface
  • Main screen with dynamic, context-sensitive functions and information
  • Main menu for configuration and advanced functions
  • Three buttons for settings and navigation
  • Main button indicates device status with 4 different LED colors
  • “Stealth Mode” for discreet use
  • “Expansion Mode” (EXP Mode) for longer usage time
  • “My Mode” for three programmable personal favorites incl. daily micro-dosing
  • “Sequence Mode” with three programmable sub-modes for an automated experience
  • Interchangeable filling chambers made of titanium or optional quartz glass
  • Temperature range: 40 °C - 220 °C
  • Short heat-up time (only approx. 40 seconds to 180°C)
  • Adjustable timer from 2 - 7 minutes
  • Usage time: up to 1 h
  • Haptic feedback
  • Incl. dosing capsule container in midnight blue color and 2 dosing capsules for herbs
  • Premium USB-C cable with 120 cm length (incl. data transfer option)
  • USB-C Fast Charge - fully charged in less than 85 minutes
  • Capacity of the class A lithium battery: 3000 mAh
  • Input: 100 - 240 V AC / 50/60 Hz
  • Output: DC, 5.0 V, 2.0 A (USB-C)
  • Size: 112 * 61 * 33 mm; Weight: 311 g; Color: Black
  • 5-year manufacturer's warranty (excluding wear and tear)

I have no experience or connection with the device (or the shop), but the price is really on the high side. I'm really eager of someone has more insights or maybe even tested it, especially as there are no pics of the chamber or cooling system.


Well-Known Member
I would be reaaaally interested in some real world results.

I had to laugh when I stumbled across this thing and saw the price. The Statement about "6 years of development" also raised my eyebrows to a critical level. I simply do not believe there's any truth in that.

To me, it seems like the Wolkenkraft people (who I also believe to be very close if not identical to the vapowelt.de crew) saw that Venty is selling like crazy and said to themselves: "Hey, let's just try this, let's throw on some easy software feature gimmicks, call a couple of details patented (would love to ask them about the patent numbers, maybe I will), and see if it will move if we stick a really crazy price on it."

Also, kinda strange that as of right now, there's no mention on the Wolkenkraft.eu website. Strange. You'd think that when a brand launches a new product, they would at least put it on their website. Maybe marketing strategies have changed, I am old.

Prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
Many marketing buzzwords and who needs a color RGB on their Vaporizer? Also sad how full convection is now marketed like something superior to conduction or hybrids. So all in all it is 499€ for just another generic full convection Vape? But wait they are giving themselves an overall rating of 9.8 on their store page so that has to count something right? :haw:


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
There is a list in the first post.

I already read that before posting. Would you care to explain what you are referring to that's special or different about anything on that list?


Well-Known Member
I already read that before posting. Would you care to explain what you are referring to that's special or different about anything on that list?
Sure :-) As @Radwin Bodnic has mentioned, there is a full color display. Not only that, it also has a functional screensaver. There is the innovative COOLSCREEN technology! A total of FOUR buttons! A couple of software features that sound like Davinci-esque configurable smart paths and dosage counter! Replaceable bowl!

Not sure what they mean by "Output: 5.0 VDC, 2.0 A". Either the device also functions as a powerbank that can supply 10W max or if they meant "Input" - in that case it would charge fairly slowly.

To be fair, the open, fully accessible airpath they re-used from the Äris, is a nice feature.

But the absolutely unbelievable mind-blowingly incredible feature is, of course, the price. And the fact that the world's best portable vaporizer (as they call it) still hasn't made it to their website. Just imagine a Venty launch with no mention on the S&B website.


Well-Known Member
That is a good summary of how I feel about the device. 😁

I remember when I saw the Live teaser on the vapowelt.de start page, I thought "oh, new top of the line vape from Wolkenkraft."
This is how I've felt too - because the Wolkenkraft lineup (although not cheap) seems to be good budget-friendly/entry level options.

I'm really curious about the filling chamber being interchangeable (so titanium for herbs and quartz for resin/oil), because having only one vape for all three forms of material (without hemp fiber etc.) is a nice idea - in theory. Even with all the software stuff looking kinda unnecessary for most of us - the dosing counter is, again in theory, a nice idea for medical users or stoners setting a daily limit.

Again, I'm really interested in someone having a demo/review-video, to see the details of the chamber/cooling unit.


Well-Known Member
And the first videos have appeared, in German. Unfortunately, by the most incompetent german weedtuber. The let's-see-how-this-thing-rips paprt in the second video is just ridiculous. Based on those cloudlets I would never buy the device.


Honestly, I’m curious if this thing will have its fans. Surely it’s nothing for me. It’s not the price, but there are way too many features I’ll never need. I’d perceive them as bulk only. I just want to set a temperature and rely on it. But as useless as all those features seem to me, that don’t have to be true for others.

For example, when I first saw the Tafee Bowle, I thought that nobody would ever buy this thing, as to me it seems like a useless and random combination of items. But here we are, it’s got a lot of fans and they even compare it with premium vapes. So it can’t be this bad, even still it’s not for me.

Maybe the story of this vape is going to be similar. It surely grabs attention by its price and appearance. Curious to see how this evolves.
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Well-Known Member
Honestly, I’m curious if this thing will have its fans. Surely it’s nothing for me. It’s not the price, but there are way too many features I’ll never need. I’d perceive them as bulk only. I just want to set a temperature and rely on it. But as useless as all those features seem to me, that don’t have to be true for others.

For example, when I first saw the Tafee Bowle, I thought that nobody would ever buy this thing, as to me it seems like a useless and random combination of items. But here we are, it’s got a lot of fans and they even compare it with premium vapes. So it can’t be this bad, even still it’s not for me.

Maybe the story of this vape is going to be similar. It surely grabs attention by its price and appearance. Curious to see how this evolves.
maybe so but they need to get the reviewers samples so we can try it. i won't buy until i see it put-through-the-wringer. :wave:
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So i've receive a mail from a shop, with a brief introduction of a new Wolkenkraft device called: Wolkenkraft Live.
... ...
I have no experience or connection with the device (or the shop), but the price is really on the high side. I'm really eager of someone has more insights or maybe even tested it, especially as there are no pics of the chamber or cooling system.
Here in Europe (maybe in fareast too, and in Canada = Utillian) Wolkenkraft = Fenix.
Products are developed/designed mostly in germany and USA.
All products are really good. Have a look at vapowelt.de
There are two vidoes of the same guy at youtube.
"Das ist der beste Vaporizer"

Another guy with good usable data: Search for "Wolkenkraft Live Vaporizer".

But: Who needs that features? There may be people who spend so much money for a PlayStation to inhale. *lol*
Reduce your needs to the max. Then have a look what you are maybe missing. And then you probably end at 200.
But 300 bucks for blimblim?
I think you can show off with the Live and people might want one and not look any closer. OK, to each his own.

Until today Wolkenkraft released no vaporizer with changeable akkus. :-(
The LIVE gives no chance to mount a WPA.
The Äris can be used with WPA. The air channel is completely cleanable.
The Fenix Neo can not. But you can modify the mouthpiece unit. It has the biggest chamber and the best vape quality.


Well-Known Member
They might have done their research and testing on their Live vape at Wolkencraft. It seems well made from the unboxing but that glossy finish here and there screams cheap portable to me. Too many pieces on that cooling unit, it seems a mess to reassemble and very prone to clogging with such tiny screens.
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