Wolkenkraft Aris


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I fairly new to dry herb vaping, I smoked a lot in my teens and have only recently found the goodness of vaping. I started with a wolkenkraft fx mini which is excellent, but as the VAS takes hold I thought I'd try the wolkenkraft aris.

It arrived yesterday, looks and feels good and was great for its maiden run last night. However, I've noticed it's loud. Like a bloody electric shaver loud only slightly more muted.

My question is, is this normal for this model?

My wolkenkraft fx mini is silent during use.


Never heard of that brand before... but their offerings look like a ton of other vapes. Nice flashy website though.

That buzz would probably put me off also.

I do not take many risks with vapes and generally purchase what is applauded on FC.
I've learned that buying anything else risks money and sometimes even one's health.


Well-Known Member
I would tend to agree. I did a lot of research on my first vape (wolkenkraft fx mini) and it’s been faultless. I prefer it to my solo 2, based purely on my needs of speed, discreet and portability. I do love my solo 2 though.


Well-Known Member
Some look like healthy rips vapes, some look like the xmax starry. Never heard of them before and would be a bit put off by the fact that their offerings look almost identical to others on the market. It could be coincidence, but would more likely believe that they just rebranded. Any noise coming out of a battery device that wasn't PWM would be a worry to me
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Well-Known Member
I contacted the retailer here in the U.K. and I’m returning the unit. Shame as it doesnt differ too much from its baby brother which is a cracking little vape, but that electric humming / buzzing noise ain’t good.


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There is a little confusion here about Wolkenkraft and Fenix and I will try to make it more clear... Wolkenkraft never rebrands! Both companies are designing and developing together for already 4 years. The Wolkenkraft designers and engineers are some of the best in the business! The Wolkenkräft ÄRiS and the FX MINI are the great results of this cooperation. As many products from other brands the FX MINI is based on the original Fenix Mini frokm Weecke - but heavily and exclusively improved (timer expansion option, titanium chamber, thick glass moutpiece ect..). The very good cooperation between both companies, their device Wolkenkraft ÄRiS/Fenix Pro, is promoted in Europe under both brands.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
There is a little confusion here about Wolkenkraft and Fenix and I will try to make it more clear... Wolkenkraft never rebrands! Both companies are designing and developing together for already 4 years. The Wolkenkraft designers and engineers are some of the best in the business! The Wolkenkräft ÄRiS and the FX MINI are the great results of this cooperation. As many products from other brands the FX MINI is based on the original Fenix Mini frokm Weecke - but heavily and exclusively improved (timer expansion option, titanium chamber, thick glass moutpiece ect..). The very good cooperation between both companies, their device Wolkenkraft ÄRiS/Fenix Pro, is promoted in Europe under both brands.
It might be hard to believe even if that is true,cause we kind of heard this song already and now this is just a remix - Healthy Rips (Wolkenkraft remix).mp3.
Also i dont know what is you relationship with the company ,but there is set of rules for manufacturers/retailers accounts. Please contact moderators for more info.
Abysmal Vapor,
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It's true, their are a lot of companies rebranding products. Especially in the vaporizer business and on the US market. Its's an OEM business. Their are so many rebrands. You can find devices from Weecke everywhere under other brands. Their own brand is Fenix (their Fenix Mini is one of the most rebranded device in the business) and promoted in Europe and Japan. Fenix devices are very often rebranded because their quality and function is really good. Some of the best convection vaporizers on the market! So it's actually equal which brand you buy, because the manufacturer is the same.. and as long the brand owner delivers a good service.

But the (German) guys from Wolkenkraft already desig nand develop vaporizers for around 7 years. Already for 4 years together with Weecke. Many of their ideas and technical competence you can find in many products on the market. In devices from Focusvape, Fenix and of course many rebrands...and from 2019 on under their own German label Wolkenkraft. They took some of their co-developed devices and made them even better: FX MINI and FX Plus! They don't hide, that the predecessor devices are famous under Fenix (for what the FX in the devices name stands for). So, yes..you can call it rebrand, but the devices were co-designed and -developed of the same guys who invented the Wolkenkraft brand. In 2022 Wolkenkraft will release some crazy products, which are still top-secret right now...as far as I know they will be world-exclusive under the Wolkenkraft brand and will not be rebranded anymore, even not on other markets than Germany or Europe.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@PrimeVapor2022 Thx for the background info and being open about the products :) ! Looking forward to their exclussive models . I am a bit of nerd as it comes to vaporizer models and i am always happy to see smth new to the market . Maybe i was having too much fun with encyclopedias as a child,but now i am having joy with cataloging vaporizers on this platform,by posting threads about them.
Sry if my post was a bit negative ,but i got a little de ga vu from Healthy Rips company talks about the genuinity of their product ,they even went further ,saying Weecke re-branded/stole their design,lol..
Welcome to the Forum ,it is always cool to see another European on board :).
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Abysmal Vapor,
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I think the future will be more exciting in this market... more I cannot say at the moment.

"saying Weecke re-branded/stole their design" ...haha, this is funny. It is so obviously that the devices are based on the Fenix Mini which is already longer on the market. But this is normal: nobody likes to be called "rebrander". Marketing is everything. As I said, at the end it's equal from which brand you purchase the devises. The quality is nearly the same (good). Despite some have some changes and improvements and so are different in detail. Weecke makes a great job and they are really smart, professional and also good and honest guys, very sympathic and not greedy. Also some of exclusively branded devices on the market were actually developed by them (and sometimes together with the guys from Wolkenkraft).,,you would be surprised..;)
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In 2022 Wolkenkraft will release some crazy products, which are still top-secret right now...as far as I know they will be world-exclusive under the Wolkenkraft brand and will not be rebranded anymore, even not on other markets than Germany or Europe.
nothing new from Wolkenkraft except an Äris update to Ultra. "Same in green".
Rather NEW would be a vapo with replaceable battery/-ies, big chamber, air duct fully accessible as it is now at the Äris/Ultra, FenixPro, Utillian620.
12 mm mouthpiece allows a lot of standardly available attachements. WPA, filling aid funnel etc. must be standard. Little chamber for a tool.

Brand Fenix IMHO flopped with the Fenix NEO. Chamber great. How to clean mouthpiece and air duct? No brush can reach it. Grrr. It's actually a shame for Wolkenkraft sales (vapowelt.de) to have to market this.


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Accessory Maker
I always thought the Aris was lightyears ahead of the vapes people say it "cloned". The rampant ignorance on other platforms about the Aris specifically is irritating.

To the point, the Aris did this first or still is unique in it's offering:
-Magnetic slide on the oven cover. You can see the other brands copied this quickly, but the Aris had it day one and it solves the deterioration flaw of similar devices.
-CLEANABLE AIRPATH. OH MY GOD SOMEONE DID THIS AND CARES. THANK YOU. Absolutely brilliant. You can clean your device fully. Designed from the ground up by engineers that actually understand how their product works and will be used. Not selling something to sell it, expecting you to trash it when it's dirty. Not replying to request about cleaning with "What? You don't need to clean there it magically stays clean for reasons"
-Not coating the device in rubber that will get dirty, sticky, and ripped up over time. Something that can be wiped down with alcohol wipes regularly without damaging the device.

Anyway, If the Aris was available in the USA, I'd have snapped one up years ago. Now, I don't have room for in my current vape collection, but I still really appreciate the device. Sad to know that other models of theirs don't follow these advancements.
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@maremaresing You are totally right about this vape.
Two cons: no changeable akku. Sooner or later you will find out that you need to recharge. One needs about 50 hits each 15 seconds, add the brakes between the hits, 50 hits x 30 sec.? = 1.500 : 60 = 25 Min. ... If you run it on high temperatures you have to recharge earlier.

Correct: Neo good akku, not changeable. :( Big chamber. :) Overall good size. But what is this mouth piece and the zirconium airway supposed to do? The stuff is certainly great, but you can only soak it in isopropanol and wait. Nothing can be done with a cotton swab or brush. Nothing! I can't put the parts in every other day?

The vapes by End Game Labs - I don't want to promote them here - handles cons so to say: changeable akku, big chamber, cleanable airway, halogen heating technique. Rel. small size. Wow design.

Äris/FenixPro: you know that it also runs under Utillian620 in Canada??
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