My wisdom teeth pulling went really painlessly for the most part. I volcanoed all the time after a 24 hour post op period, with no problems at all. I didn't have much pain at all, and none past day like 5, but what little I had was well medicated by the venerable Prussian. The only bad thing was when a Vicodin tablet was forced, really forced on me by the dentist when I was getting ready to be driven home. I felt absolutely fine except a slight grogginess with only the slightest trace of pain, but this prick dentist completely insisted and I gave in on the whole "he's a doctor... of sorts" kind of thinking. It made me violently ill for the next 6 hours, which included two hours of near constant vomiting and then dry heaving, with bloody, open extraction sites exposed to the whole acidic, bile-ridden mess. Now who feels hungry!?
Anyway, fuck my dentist.
I didn't need that goddamn opiate at all and his imposition made me sick at a time when it couldn't of been worse. But in my experience at least, vaporizing with a suction-free method while recovering was safe.