Wireless One-Hit Wonder Ball Vape by The Dab Hut and Crossing


Well-Known Member
lol which retailers are gonna buy these wholesale?
I have 4 dispensaries and 1 chain of vape shops selling them with me doing demonstrations and explaining the product to those interested. They move units daily and word of mouth travels. I just started this in the past couple months. The local reaction is one of wonder. We all know how good ball vapes are but the masses don’t. There is real opportunity here instead of only being online.


Well-Known Member
Nothing I said warrants your words of disdain. Not sure why you’re seething here. If you actually knew the anti-competitive behavior I’m dealing with you wouldn’t be saying this. I’m not dropping DMs to prove how they operate. Defending the behavior of a known vendor, while attacking a new one is ok, but calling them out is a bridge too far? Like I said, I get it. Not whining, pointing it out. I have thick skin and plenty of trajectory. Appreciate your concern!

You came.

You sniped.

You claimed victim status.

Then you complained incessantly.

This isn't good business bro. Your behaviour here absolutely belies your self assessment about the thickness of your skin, and no one cares about your drama that has nothing to do with FC.


Well-Known Member
this is the same thing vgoodies has been selling for a could months. well they don't sell furniture leveler feet for 30$.
All the 'i helped design it' is odd like trying to justify advertising here i bet the discountenail place sells it too


Well-Known Member
I'm really enjoying this unit, it does a good job. I feel like it could be better though.

The part where the handle goes in is adjacent to where rubies are. So the very top of the ruby chamber doesn't sit in the coil, the handle prevents it.

Not that it matters as a stock unit out of the box - the coil doesn't even go up to the handle, so you're applying direct heat to even less of the chamber.

These would appear to be pretty severe design flaws when you can look at a product before even using it and instinctively know that it's not operating as efficiently as it could be. I stretched the coil up to the handle (maybe 8mm?) before I'd even used it.


Well-Known Member
I'm really enjoying this unit, it does a good job. I feel like it could be better though.

The part where the handle goes in is adjacent to where rubies are. So the very top of the ruby chamber doesn't sit in the coil, the handle prevents it.

Not that it matters as a stock unit out of the box - the coil doesn't even go up to the handle, so you're applying direct heat to even less of the chamber.

These would appear to be pretty severe design flaws when you can look at a product before even using it and instinctively know that it's not operating as efficiently as it could be. I stretched the coil up to the handle (maybe 8mm?) before I'd even used it.
This was the biggest point of contention during design. I definitely wanted it seated better within the coil, but ultimately didn't fight back enough. I figured with the performance not being diminished (for me personally in testing) it would work fine until I'm able to iterate a mostly new design.

Definitely agree though, it makes it look like it's not going to work the way it should, but it does. Also considering the armor coils, but preference would be a heater head with a better handle location.

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
So the very top of the ruby chamber doesn't sit in the coil, the handle prevents it.
Wow, calling that a design flaw is an understatement. Rubies that aren’t actively being heated are going to be dissipating heat, which is the last thing you’d want in this sort of situation. I’m sure it “works”, but simply not filling the chamber to the top would be a functional improvement.
staircase slight of hand,
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New Member
Wow, calling that a design flaw is an understatement. Rubies that aren’t actively being heated are going to be dissipating heat, which is the last thing you’d want in this sort of situation. I’m sure it “works”, but simply not filling the chamber to the top would be a functional improvement.
All that really changes is you have to turn the temp up a little bit. The rubies that are like an 8th inch from the coil still heat up fine

Grass Yes

Staff member
All that really changes is you have to turn the temp up a little bit. The rubies that are like an 8th inch from the coil still heat up fine
It depends. Are the cooler rubies between the bowl and the hotter rubies? If so, it will definitely cause problems. I remember the original B0 had this problem and it was fixed in later releases. I think sko too?

Obviously you can compensate for design flaws, and no vape is perfect. But it's a bad sign for other design decisions here. Also many ball vapes to choose from without this issue.
Grass Yes,
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Well-Known Member
It depends. Are the cooler rubies between the bowl and the hotter rubies? If so, it will definitely cause problems. I remember the original B0 had this problem and it was fixed in later releases. I think sko too?

Obviously you can compensate for design flaws, and no vape is perfect. But it's a bad sign for other design decisions here. Also many ball vapes to choose from without this issue.
Those using it don’t find this to be an issue. That includes many with experience using the B0, B1 and others discussed on FC. When using the diffuser side, the “cool” rubies aren’t causing any major dissipation.

There are definitely many to choose from and it just comes down to personal preference.


New Member
Imo the position of the handle as it is allows the injector side to hit just a tad "cooler" than the diffuser side, which i actually havent minded at all bc from how i understand it and look at it, i prefer the diffuser side to be the "hotter" side. Idk if it was the intention, but makes me feel like there's more variation between which side you pick. I thought it might be something to look out for when i first received it, but its been a complete non-issue. Loving the performance of it overall. The diffuser can rip monster loads in one go in that ti matrix bowl.


New Member
Imo the position of the handle as it is allows the injector side to hit just a tad "cooler" than the diffuser side, which i actually havent minded at all bc from how i understand it and look at it, i prefer the diffuser side to be the "hotter" side. Idk if it was the intention, but makes me feel like there's more variation between which side you pick. I thought it might be something to look out for when i first received it, but its been a complete non-issue. Loving the performance of it overall. The diffuser can rip monster loads in one go in that ti matrix bowl.
I even used it for a little while before I stretched the coil to come to the top of the handle and it made no difference at all, I'm pretty sure that heat can radiate. It seems like everyone that's used it loves the performance, I'm fully extracting half gram bowls like nothing at 640


Well-Known Member
How does this compare to the Ruby Twist? Other than the wireless aspect ofc. Thanks.
Very comparable outside of you losing heat soak with cordless heads compared to corded. It absolutely rips hard. The Ruby twist is just such a great deal and I use both daily, so in the end it just comes down to preference.
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I used mine last night (the Vgoodiez version) – still getting it dialed in but it works well.
Can confirm it doesn't fully sit in the coil but I think it's a non-issue as @solidsnake02 mentioned.
I started at 520º – very light roast.
540º was similiary light.
575º got medium brown avb.
I think cranking it to 600º will get the roast I am looking for. Going to try that tonight.
These are all with one scoop of CBD flower.

I really wish it fit the microdose bowl from Vapvana – I was hoping to just have this or the Pinch Hitter but I will need to test more...


New Member
in 1 hit???
easily my dude.
Heres one for ya. Didnt even realize i had it crooked at first, the minute you start pulling it it fixes itself tho, i was just giving it the soft start as im wont to do with these bigger hits lol. You can see the second draw was substantially smaller, because the first hit basically got everything. Color shown at end of video in still. Even roast throughout as well. Bowl was tared before loading.

edit to add: this is at 565 on my PID lol
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I used mine last night (the Vgoodiez version) – still getting it dialed in but it works well.
Can confirm it doesn't fully sit in the coil but I think it's a non-issue as @solidsnake02 mentioned.
I started at 520º – very light roast.
540º was similiary light.
575º got medium brown avb.
I think cranking it to 600º will get the roast I am looking for. Going to try that tonight.
These are all with one scoop of CBD flower.

I really wish it fit the microdose bowl from Vapvana – I was hoping to just have this or the Pinch Hitter but I will need to test more...
I run mine around 620
The instructions that came with kit recommend 480-600. I am also running above that at 620 because I like a darker roast. I pull gently with the injector (cooler) side and still get nice flavor on the first rip. 2nd rip on the Titanium bowl with the diffuser (hotter) side to get a nice dark roast. This is my first ball vape so I can't compare it to anything but it's miles ahead of anything else I've ever tried. 3 thumbs up is my review. :tup:


Well-Known Member
Too bad you can't do demonstrations in the shop ! or maybe you can
Ball vapes still seems like a dark art to me and while i understand the basics the compatibility of all the pieces is confusing.
It's here! This is going to be an unboxing post, I'll report back on the vapour experience when I return from work.

As with a lot of these products, it comes in a plain white box, with foam padding inside.


The caddy is nice and sturdy, it feels well built and doesn't seem to have any sharp edges or burrs. I wasn't expecting it to feel quite so premium, but I'm not complaining. The PID is nice enough, the usual China PID affair, but with a twist that I'm not used to - all the I/O is at the back! I am quite a fan of this, since it means that the on/off switch is at the front, making the user experince just that little bit friendlier. It also means that there aren't any overhanging cables, which has alays been my main grip with my Herborizer.


The heater reminds me a lot of the Vapvana heaters, but with an injector on top. It comes prefilled with gem-cut rubies and feels very premium, with about a half mm of expansion room between the injector/cap and the gems.


The money shot.


The bowl is, as far as I know, a modified Vapvana design, and has been available for a while now. It is compatible with this diffuser, and should be compatible with most 18mm injector heads. It comes with a 14mm glass adapter attached and can be swapped out for an included 18mm (my preference and what I will be using in this review). I won't say much on this yet, as there isn't much to be said about it without actually using the damn thang!

The other accessories it comes with are a SQP and brush, as seen with the Vapvana gear. I would have liked to see a stir tool, but to be honest I have enough of them!


I didn't get a photo of it, but the coil is a usual axial 25mm coil. Nothing really to report on it.

Once I'm free to do so I will do another write up on the setup and vaping experience, but for now I can certainly say I'm impressed with how premium this all feels :cool:

EDIT: Take a dab for every time I write the word "Premium" in this review :lol:
Let's continue...

Setting up the WOHW is pretty easy - undo the two large screws on top with the included allen key until you have room to slide the coil in, once it's seated you can tighten the screws again. The heater sits nice and securely within the coil - it's just tight enough where an accidental smack won't send anything flying (good, because I'm clumsy :haw:). According to the instructions it requires a burnoff at 600f for 15-20 minutes - the PID however defaults to 710f the first time it's turned on, so keep this in mind before you put the heater in for the burnoff!!


First up, diffuser mode. The closest I've ever had to a true diffuser-style experience has been bodging my Herborizer with extra glass bits - fun and all, but liable to end in disaster - so having a dedicated diffuser is much appreciated. I set the WOHW 5f below the recommended maximum of 560f (because I like it hot), loaded up a SQPful (approx 0.2g) of homegrown, let the WOHW sit on the bowl for 5 seconds and ripped it through my Herborizer sphere.



:whoa: The name of the vape really is true. I got pretty much instant, dense vapour from a medium-hard pull, with the second pull completely clearing the bong - everything had already been extracted by the time I stopped inhaling my first hit! Compared to my Herborizer which needs at least 30 seconds and a medium-soft pull to get 3 or 4 slower, fluffier clouds (with stirring!), I am seriously impressed by this thing!

On the other hand, the injector end provided a far more familiar experience. I did change my flower choice for this bowl, going with some CBD instead, but at the same temperature.


This is what I'm used to with the Herborizer. Tasty, fluffy, slightly steamy clouds. It had a cleanup hit after this photo was taken. I have experimented at a lower temperature with the same amount and strain, using the diffuser, and I got a similar experience, just with slightly denser vapour. I suspect that I will only use the diffuser end with the included matrix bowl, and the injector end with any glass bowls I may have knocking around.

This appears to be somewhat compatible with 18mm male joints and basket screens, but I have not tried vaping with one yet as I suspect that sticking will be an issue. There is a microdose bowl option available to those who want it however, and whichever retailer you choose to buy the WOHW from will almost certainly stock the microdose bowl.

All in all, this is the bee's knees. The dog's bollocks. Insert another rhyming platitude here :p. It does exactly what it says it will do, and for that I really can't fault it much. Time will tell if any issues arise, but out of the box I have pretty much nothing bad to say about this (except my grumbling about stir tools).

I can't see this fully replacing my Herborizer for now, since I do still value that slightly slower extraction, but it will likely be my daily driver. I will be testing this against both my Herborizer and my friend's B0 over the coming week, as well as with a banger and dabs, so I may post again before the week is up.

If not, see you all after the honeymoon period :peace::spliff:
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