So, now I finally got the time to test the winterizing as
@Mark shows in his videos.
My starting Material was 3G Flower Rosin pressed trough 160micron bags, I bought several syringes/Filters and
a magnetic steerer/heating plate and the first steps where u mix the all with the rosin and then let it steer worked flawlessly.
Problem that I encountered was that I had to use like 5 33mm Filters (exact same as shown in the video) to process my
alc/rosin mix...reason is I had two blowouts were I think a totally sealed filter caused the problem so I just used a filter until I felt it would nearly blow...good thing is it blew out to the side so it didn't get into my alrdy filtered mixture
the now filtered rosin/alc mix stood on the heating plate with steerer enabled for like 3h at 90C...that was when I measured the weight and from my 3G were only about 1,75G left, that's when I took the steerer away and let it sit on the heating plate for another 3h..I weighted the solution every 15-30mins, my solution went from the mentioned 1,75 to about 1,66 that's when I stopped, there is zero alc smell left and no taste aswell...I feel like there is maybe a tiny amount left but as also e-cig liquids use some alc for flavor I don't think that's a problem in carts..
I filled up 4 Ccells, 2 with 1,6mm hole, 1 with 1,8 and 1 with 2,0 and I have to say the difference is minor, all work very well with my 100% rosin carts..I didn't use any added terps or liquidizer and the consistent is still very thick but none the less it works
Flavor wise u can. def feel that a lot of (flavor) terps are lost, also they are not very discret when consuming...rly smells mostly like a dab at exhale.

But they hit very nice, I don't want to add anything and did a 37micron bag press today...I hope this way I don't get the filters so dirty and can use some also 3g again to see the direct difference

Pretty happy with the outcome but time and bud consuming, today with 37 micron I did 3g out of 20g bud pressen...if I think about loosing at least 1G again that's about 4 carts filled ^^