Happy Happy my talented friend. Hope it's the best one yet. And I love that you'll celebrate your birthday doing things you love like playing the guitar and making gorgeous stems and accessories for those of us that can't get enough of the vapcap.
Thank you! I find that I enjoy making things most in life, whether it's music, objects, gardening, writing, or ideas. I feel I'm multi-talented because I can find joy and interest in creation of almost anything. The interest fuels me with the energy and eagerness to learn new skills and expand my abilities. When I look back on my life there's nearly an interest for every year. Blacksmithing, bladesmithing, gardening, oil painting, water colour, pencil crayon, charcoal, portaits, sketching, writing, pottery/ceramics, landscaping, wood working, metal sculpting, shooting, camping, boating, fishing, driving/cars, flute, piano, guitar, singing, drums, tambourine (surprisingly difficult), luthiering, electronics, leather working, costumes, architectural drafting/design, mechanical drafting/design... I'm sure I'm missing some. I really want to get into metal casting, machining, and jewelry.
happy birthday
@Winegums !!
27 huh, geesh.. now i feel old
You're telling me! 27 sounds a lot closer to 30 than 26.
Happy birthday, enjoy it and enjoy the little things. A nice new stem would be a good way to treat yourself....
Thanks, enjoying the little things is exactly what we should all do more often.
Happy birthday bud, I'll be hitting my winegums custom this evening in your honour
People clink glasses but I don't know about touching tips...