I would suggest starting with pg as it will easily emulsify with wax, however the moment u add vg its going to start precipitating out the wax into little balls that will clog up your atty... Secondly dont even bother using any cart system that uses poly filling of ay kind... The wax will just end up gunked in the filler. Best to use a bottom feed tank type atty... Often called bcc atties.. Kanger evod, protank and a few others I know will work for sure, however... Let me be blunt... If you have already tried vaping ur wax traditionally via nail and dome or such then abandon this idea cause the potency will be garbage as your recutting a concentrated product so you will not,get that "concentrated" effect. Plus the solution will never vape evenly as pg,vg and everything in your wax will vape at diffrent temps... So...
Yes you can, yes it will work with some trial and error and cost at your own personal expense... But it will never work as well as your imagining... I personally just abandoned 3 months and a lot of lost product in research to this very topic.
Your choice either way good luck with your endevor if u choose, I hope I helped in the direction you choose.