The only reason to use a whip is to make it easy for the Vapes to get from the heat source to your mouth.
On Vapes like the ssv a whip is crucial. However, there are plenty of Vapes avail. That don't require the use of a whip or a bag. I find the direct draw Vapes (sv, ha, vapocane, etc) much more satisfying because you can achieve a better vapor to air ratio with every draw because you don't need to empty out three feet of stale air that was in the whip before you can even begin to taste vapor.
Also, whips get dirty, and need to be replaced which becomes an ongoing cost.
In general I find whips more "stressful" to use around waterpipes when compared to direct draw Vapes. With a whip you always seem to need three hands. One on the glass, one hand holding the whip to the heat (If you don't have a gong connection), and one hand holding the whip adaptor in the waterpipe. Then you need to carefully set everything down so you can stir...pia!
Direct draw Vapes allow to have one hand on the cape the other on the glass - nothin gets seller or spilled!