Why SHOULDN'T I buy an SSV?


Well-Known Member
You guys know my story - I have an evolving 'vape collection' (in my sig, below the post). However, I feel there is the 'monster in the middle' missing. The Extreme used to hold that space but I found it to be a bit of a chore and have lent it out. Now, the Volcano is fine but besides being obviously $, it is loud. Note: I have never tried an SSV or DBV but did like the wand style of the Extreme, even if it was a bit of work packing the little elbow.

Can an SSV stand up to my PD/LB/V? Am I likely to be disappointed as it's just another vape and 'not as good' as some of the others I already own? I have heard a mix-bag about 7th floor which is what stopped me from getting it in the 1st place, but I can't help but wonder if I am missing out. :D

Thanks for your advice!

PS: If there is a good reason for getting the DBV instead of SSV, plz tell me why - I had heard the SSV is easier to switch wands - whatever that means. ;)


Escape Artist
They are both good products (the dbv and ssv). I have a SSV in my collection (PD,SSV,VHW,VG,VS,LT) and it's still in rotation. As a quick and easy whip vape it's certainly as a well deserved reputation. Quick heat up time and variable temp means it's very versatile. Anyways I don't think you can go wrong with either the dbv or the ssv. If you have the money I would recommend the ssv simply because you can have the choice of both standard and hands free (gong) wand .The angled down heater is also really helpfull at times.

Both the dbv and ssv are cloud makers. Is that good thing? Depends i guess, sometimes i'd rather be efficient so i use the PD but other times it nice to let it rip and blow huge clouds of vapor however wasteful that is. Sometimes you gotta go all out :D Of course they can be used for small amounts as well but where's the fun in that? ;)

If you don't want to go through 7th floor ( I never had any problems but ymmv) you can go through TokinGlx, i'm sure he'll take care of you proper.


Well-Known Member
I was saving for an SSV when the Da Buddha came on the market and after reviewing that I went in that direction and havent looked back or second guessed that choice at all.

I would say the SSV gives you more finesse when it comes to control as it essentially requires hands on to operate. While you can make the SSV hands free there is concern that over time the ground glass connection would grind down more due to the down angle. The hands free clip is pretty much a pain in the butt as it has to be removed before removing the wand but it will keep the wand securely in place.

The DBV and SSV heat up very quickly, minutes. I prepare my weed right before using and by the time I prepared my wand the DBV is ready to go. I would say there no real difference between the two models on that.

In my view the SSV is the coolest looking vape on the market and at first I was put off by the industrial look of the DBV but its grown on me and I love it. Originally I was going to customize it later with glass pieces but I like the look of it too much.

As far as changing screens, the wands are the same in that regard. Im not really sure what someone is talking about by switching wands but I suspect they mean changing heater cover in order to use hands free wands with a hands free heater cover where as to use a standard wand you need a standard heater cover. The SSV comes standard where the DBV comes hands free. Ive seen before people talk about changing the heater cover for say a party versus regular home use. This is generally not a common thing people do but it is my understanding that changing the heater cover on either model is not difficult but I never done it.

In my opinion the DBV vapes more evenly but the SSV "standard" has more user control over the vaping process. The SSV has a more narrow airstream than the DBV so on a standard SSV you must rotate the wand to equal vaping. This is a plus or minus depending only your point of view and usage style.

If looks are more important to you, I would go with the SSV, both units can be customized via glass.
If hands free is important to you, I would go with the DBV as it will further increase the price of the SSV.


A Legend in my Own Mind
hmmm you lent out your Extreme because it was a bit of a chore and now are considering an SSV ?. It seems to me that the SSV and DBV are way more of a chore. The GG versions are not supposed to fall out but yet pull out all the time and either damage the wand or spill your load all over. With the non GG SSV you need two hands to take a hit and the load still spills a lot of the time you put the wand down let alone the constant stirring of the bowl required for even browning.


Out to lunch
duh, the Extreme is the closest vape you list to the SSV or DBV. IMO the SSV is a better whip vape, and I think the 7th Floor vapes are a little easier to use, as far as ergonomics. The DBV vs. SSV comes down to ergonomics too, IMO. I like the SSV angle (standard whip) and wider bowl, but the DBV bowl requires less stirring due to the wider airstream. The SSV hits are slightly richer, due to the airflow difference, but it's minor, and I think ergonomic preferences are more important. The DBV control knob is nice to have on the user side of the unit, but OTOH the little mark on the dial is hard to see. Either one will give you big, vapor rich hits, which is the main reason to consider either of these units as an addition to what you have.

DeepFried said:
With the non GG SSV you need two hands to take a hit and the load still spills a lot of the time you put the wand down let alone the constant stirring of the bowl required for even browning.
I never get a spilling problem with the SSV, nor is much stirring necessary if you just rotate the bowl a little during hits.


Well-Known Member
DeepFried said:
hmmm you lent out your Extreme because it was a bit of a chore and now are considering an SSV ?. It seems to me that the SSV and DBV are way more of a chore. The GG versions are not supposed to fall out but yet pull out all the time and either damage the wand or spill your load all over. With the non GG SSV you need two hands to take a hit and the load still spills a lot of the time you put the wand down let alone the constant stirring of the bowl required for even browning.
I would say that is an inaccurate perception of a normal gg connection. If this happens to you I would suggest that perhaps your wand is slightly not correct in size and would look into getting a new one.

I do recommend that when people get theirs for the first time and are getting to initially know it that they put a mouse pad in front of it. Pulling the wand out of the DBV and blowing into the heater cover is tantamount to blowing into a bong and other aspects of inexperience that are generally temporary. It tends to happen in the beginning as people learn it but then its not a problem. Also it takes a break in for the tubing to get broken in and a bit more flexible I would say too.


A Legend in my Own Mind
yeah I noticed that with my tubing too, when you replace it or just get it, the stiffness can cause the wand to dislodge.


Well-Known Member
As for choosing between DBV and the SSV, really the main difference between the two is the wand style. DBV offers a much better "hands free" solution (really one hand free as the other is holding the mouthpiece ;) ). If you prefer the standard wand than the SSV is your choice. With the standard wand you do have to rotate around a bit while you draw, or you can get a overdone spot.

I have the SSV, and I actually really like the standard wand rotating and stirring. I might be a unique case, but it reminds me a lot of my hand drafting days where when you are drawing you are constantly rotating the lead holder to keep a point, then the stirring is like dropping your holder in the lead pointer at every break. Just part of the ritual I guess :)

The downward angle of the heater is a plus for me, but all of DBV users don't seem to have a problem at all with the horizontal arrangement. I think both are a quality vapes, and if you like whip vapes it is hard to go wrong with these two. I will say the one improvement I would recommend for both of these is to switch out the supplied vinyl tubing for silicone, it made a big taste difference for me.

You can get a good look at the standard SSV wand in Tokin's One Gram Challenge:


how about making the homemade ssv :shrug:

(not my pic....credit goes to ILOVERADIOHEAD for making such a clean looking wand)

total cost is around $120 and it gives quite the thick hits.

give it a chance ;)



Well-Known Member
For one, its not the same type of vaporizer and is a DIY, a different thread.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for everyone who posted in this thread! I love that DIY SSV - I may look into that one! :D

Based on all of this awesome feedback from everyone, today I am going to buy some glass instead to add to my vapes.

EHLE, Roor, I dunno, I guess alls I need is a 14.5mm GG joint so we'll see what they have in Venice today...
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