Why own so many different vapes?


Well-Known Member
Different scenarios. I have not found anything yet that will do my dabs as tasty as a sapphire enail and connec to my rigs, while also being portable and allowing me to medicate with 4-5 star as well as flower very occasionally. There isn't one vape to rule them all and if you use different kinds of material (ie: concentrates that are variously dabbable or not so much and/or flowers) or in different contexts, chances are you will need more than one vaporizer.

I do long for the day when a portable actually does the job satisfactorily for all of my needs but I do not expect this to happen for a long time. 1 vape at the moment will not allow me to consume my medicine in every form that I have in the contexts when I need it.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
I'm thinking different places and power needs and backup. Normally I suggest one desktop and one portable to newbies.

Want all the choices available to me, budget permitting. From being able to fill bags and off the grid. One I own two indestructible Vapcaps, then I will have all the bases covered. Then upgrade each in it's respective camp over time. Do a lot of research here on the forum and elsewhere before buying one. RMA process and warranty, etc.

Glass, I give in to impulse more.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 vaporizers. Arizer Solo was the first; Mighty was the second. I bought and immediately sold a third because it was not friendly to those with limited dexterity in hands and fingers. Solo is extremely user-friendly in regard to loading, vaporizing, and maintenance. It produces very flavorful vapor, and will produce large clouds at lower temps. Mighty is a beast, in more ways than one. It should be noted both vaporizers, though considered portable, would be difficult to use discretely in public. They are my home units so portability is not important. I always check out new vaporizers, but since the 2 I have deliver vapor considered by most to be among the best delivered by portables, why replace them?
i find different vapes serves different purposes and give different highs... maybe just me lol


Finances and gradually narrowing down specifically what I wanted out of a vape (besides just getting high), along with educated guesswork from experience using different vapes.

I could only ever really afford one at a time, selling the previous to be able to afford the next. That kinda dictates choosing carefully.
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