why is paraphernalia a MUCH more serious offense than material itself?


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
i've always chalked it up too it shows past repeated use of an illegal substance, so all the resin and the likes represents multiple times of breaking the law.


Well-Known Member
I think it also has to do with the fact that, it could be used to break the law in many diffrent levels.

IE, when an officer sees a pipe he doesnt know what your smoking out of it, however if he sees a bag of pot, he knows what your smoking?

Kind of see what I mean here?


Well-Known Member
I know in northern nevada it used to be the other way around, you get busted with pot and catch a lucky break with a paraphernalia ticket. If this is changed (your link didnt provide any info on that) it may be because the pot laws have changed, but no one bothered to change the paraphernalia laws...

PS I wouldn't take webehigh as the ultimate source for legal advice. Its cool for an overview but you are better off looking up local laws.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
there is also a federal law restricting sale of drug paraphernalia that is written into the controlled substance act. But as far as owning drug paraphernalia that is all state level laws.
I think the actual paraphernalia also implies future intent too break the law.


Implying future intent makes sense, but it also makes the idea of collecting vapes unfortunately maybe not so smart.
Very difficult to swallow a Purple Days in a hurry.


Lightly Toasted
Oh the mental image that just gave me :lol:
And for the whippers; "What's that? This tube hanging out my mouth? Oh it's just a piercing."

Of course with vapes like the Supreme things might be even more complicated...


It's interesting how it's damn near impossible to swallow a vaporizer.
Even on a dare I would not try it.
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