Why I medicate daily with Cannabis


Well-Known Member
There was a topic a while back about Cannabis addiction, but I wanted to start a discussion that's about the daily use of Cannabis as medicinal in the broadest sense of the word: Cannabis guarantees a better relationship between me and the rest of the world.

This is what they thought that Prozac was going to do, but Cannabis naturally nourishes the ECS (Endocannabinoid System), and strengthens it. And of course, all those SSRIs are a gazillion-dollar industry, so Big Phartma doesn't want people figuring out how well Cannabis can work to create relaxation, insight, creativity, patience, kindness, self- and other-understanding and yes, euphoric moments. And so much more.

Depression and anxiety are part of human life, in my opinion, though I'd consider mine more pervasive than average: they really have been my life-long companions. Cannabis helps me to understand their origins and triggers so much better. For me, the trick really was to start growing my own, to guarantee the absolute purity of the product, and to put a lot of love and TLC into the grow and the cure. Plus, I have the ability to grow high CBD strains to combine with high THC strains, so that the entourage effect is even stronger with a guaranteed measure of CBD in there (which, unfortunately, has been bred out of a lot of strains).

Cannabis deserves our reverence and respect for the amazing things she does in our lives. Through her, Mother Nature dwells in my house and keeps me safe and green.


Well-Known Member
I microdose daily to supplement my ECS, so it can do its job in guiding all my systems (mental,physical, emotional, spiritual).
In the society we live in, the ECS needs all the help it can help.

I have a lot of sports injuries and they need all the help they can get..... with all this sitting, they are worse than ever.
My BC routine (before coronavirus) was usually about 3 hours of very active exercise every day.
Getting into biking season here in MN so that helps for physical/mental too, along with cannabis.


Well-Known Member
There's no blanket guarantee that cannabis will treat cure or prevent anxiety and depression... For me cannabis highlights/amplifies whatever is going on in my life emotionally and mentally. So if times are good, I use some weed and things are great. If times are shit, I've learned the hard way that using cannabis during those times only exacerbates and stirs the shit. So I'd rather abstain during those times. When it's really bad, abstaining feels better than using. So I must treat cannabis with respect. Only then will it treat me with respect.
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Well-Known Member
There's no blanket guarantee that cannabis will treat cure or prevent anxiety and depression... For me cannabis highlights/amplifies whatever is going on in my life emotionally and mentally. So if times are good, I use some weed and things are great. If times are shit, I've learned the hard way that using cannabis during those times only exacerbates and stirs the shit. So I'd rather abstain during those times. When it's really bad, abstaining feels better than using. So I must treat cannabis with respect. Only then will it treat me with respect.

I have the same experience as you: when my anxiety is on high, I abstain. Cannabis totally enhances/highlights/amplifies what's going in my mind and feelings.

However, that being said, I can have some mild anxiety, vape some homegrown that was harvested at the correct time so it doesn't come with any racing thoughts or added anxiety, and it's incredibly relaxing. Besides, in a weird sort of way, I'm proud of my anxiety and I own it. Who, like MinnBobber implied above, doesn't experience anxiety in this world of ours today. You have to be the mindless walking dead not to.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing some research myself, vaping everyday through a whole week, then not vaping at all for a whole week.

I've realized that I like to use Cannabis daily for my anxiety mainly, but in a "recreational" way. I mean, because of my job and other shit I have a lot of stress,and cannabis helps me to relax and enjoy othe things like music, food, movies, even in my personal relations with the family.

I can go through it all without cannabis, of course, but I feel really good when I do an evening session listening to good music, then talk with the kids and wife, have dinner (everything is delicious!) enjoy a movie....the only drawback is that I use to eat more (I'm in good shape, I've been working out and doing sports my whole life) so I have to be careful with the junk food and craves, and sometimes I get too much sleepy at the end of the night.

I wouldn't say that I "medicate" myself because I need it, more likely because I enjoy it.

Anyway, having my own doubts about vaping everyday, kinda makes vaping something less special, you know, "It ain't a party if it happens everyday".

Tryin' to find a balance between how much I love to vap daily and how much I love to do it as a special treat in weekends or a bad day.
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