Why does bud have to be moist?


Calm Consistency
In my personal experience, dry bud just doesn't taste, smell, or vape nearly as good. Gets a hay-like soily flavor, and browns much faster.
There is of course a balance between it being too moist or too dry.

I want buds nice and thick in sticky terpenes that make it hard to break the bud open :D

Babylon Drifter

Black Taoist
I think most people just like to complain. If you're vaping, drier bud far outperforms bud with higher moisture content. I use a MFLB exclusively and it really functions best with drier herb. Vaping moist bud just means the first few hits are drying the herd before it vapes better.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Moist buds gives you much more flavorful first hits during that tryout phase before you get the big clouds, I miss it because it's been a while since I've had some unfortunately


Unknown member
Moist buds gives you much more flavorful first hits during that tryout phase before you get the big clouds,

Currently drying some homegrown. Still too moist for smoking for sure (was in this situation lot's of times when i still combusted).
Needs to hang a couple more days before i'll cut it up and store it so definitely not ready.
Smells good tho...
Almost there tho...
Ofcourse i got curious (and running low on dry/ready greens anyway)...
So I cut a small nug off (branches still bend not snap, moist/soft to the touch) and threw it in my SB runt.
Did like 4 tryout hits that were really really very tasty, little to no vapor at first but a very interesting, increasing and developing terp-trip.

At that point i poked in the nug and it broke apart, stirred and tamped it a bit
look and behold: it started to produce huge and tasty clouds!
Got as least as much out of it as a normal bowl!
That initial taste i got while preparing the moisty nug stayed with me however so i followed up with a second nug just to harvest those terps. Still enjoying the aftertaste right now!

Suddenly no more stress because i am running out of dry bud, SB to the rescue!


Less soul, more mind
Trichomes get brittle when the buds are very dry, which makes them break (during transportation, handling etc.). Since those trichomes carry the ball in which both THC and terpenes are stored, this will lead to an uneven distribution of said compounds (hence the often less terpy, almost hay like aroma).

That might not be an issue for a small bag of herb, but once bigger amounts get very dry, it can heavily harm the quality.


Well-Known Member
So long as its been dried OK I don't find much difference although too wet and my throat closes lol

You Seem Stunned

New Member
Dry is fine since it's oils you're trying to evaporate. The downside is taste is diminished. I put all my extra dry ground herb in a separate jar that's only used for edibles or when I don't really care about flavor.
You Seem Stunned,
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