Why do you vaporize?

Synergistic Shotgun

Well-Known Member
Why not, its better in every way, IMO. Especially for active daily users... I really didn't care for smoking often, until I was introduced into my friends vapor bros in the dorms last year.

Then again, its always nice to have a fully packed fat swisher rillo or white owl after a really long day...
Synergistic Shotgun,


Well-Known Member

I can usually handle joints, but anything bigger than that results in an asthma attack which is no fun!


Well-Known Member
i get really smashed with vape vs smokin. Also i started to develop a harsh smokers cough.....at first it was all curiosity though



It's easy to take a lot in and it's very efficient. I like the pure taste, as well, and health of course is a good thing, and highly related to the first point, I'm sure.

Vaporizers pay for themselves.


War Criminal
Even though we all seem to say the same thing, I may as well throw in my :2c:

I prefer the high, and it's a much smoother come down
It's way healthier
Super efficient
Duff hash/brownies rock :p

Back when I smoked I always coughed like a mad man for the first hour after I woke up, but now my lungs feel fine all the time.

Totally off topic, but let's all take a minute to think about how fucking awesome it is that the federal government has said they will stop prosecuting medical marijuana growers/dispensaries as long as they comply with state law. :brow:


Well-Known Member
I bought a VG to see what vaping was like. I am really glad I did. So much better than smoking. Plus I've also quit smoking cigarettes so that's helped. Just last night I burned a J with some friends, I cannot believe how bad smoking tastes now. I vape whenever possible now. I'm a convert :D. :2c:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the wonderful world of vaping. I also hit a bowl the other day. I coughed like a sissy girl hehe. My lungs do feel much better since I rarely smoke now.


Well-Known Member
I like the high i get from vaping, no odor in the house, and no coughing up a lung from combusting.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
I have asthma at times and the vape should help with that. I've only just started but I can tell you for sure that smoking makes it much worse. So far vaping is also bringing on asthma but part of it is that this is THE worst time of year for me to get asthma (gas heat, pollen in So.Cal, etc.) so it's hard to say. But from what I have read and from what I can tell at this early stage of the game, vaping is definitely better for my health than smoking.


Well-Known Member
I have started vaping as I already smoke ciggies and want to cut down on total smoke inhalation. Ciggies will hopefully be next on the list to cut out entirely. I want to discuss something though, i'm sure this has been addressed ad nauseum... I am not on the bandwagon at all that vaping conserves weed. I'm glad it does for you all, I have no idea how people make these claims. In my experiences, I'd say I use almost an extra 10 percent of spice then normal. Its frustrating because I always read about this conserving business, but it just ain't happening for me.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone who vapes uses less. I use about the same compared to smoking.

As a general rule:
When I see people who make claims I look at their previous post to see if we have the same preferences. If so than it is a better chance you might have similar results but if their preferences are different than I believe its likely you will not achieve the same results.


Amongst the corn
First time I tried it I was amazed by the flavor. The high was clean and bright, almost that new feeling again. The rest just fell into place.. I don't like to smoke- hated the aftertaste & afterburn in my throat, healthier- I get bronchitis in the winter.. Still won't vape when sick- but at least my lungs aren't constantly irritated.
The economics are a plus too.
Love the flavor though, really do.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
yolky said:
...I want to discuss something though, i'm sure this has been addressed ad nauseum... I am not on the bandwagon at all that vaping conserves weed. I'm glad it does for you all, I have no idea how people make these claims. In my experiences, I'd say I use almost an extra 10 percent of spice then normal. Its frustrating because I always read about this conserving business, but it just ain't happening for me.
What vaporizer do you use, yolky?
I used very tiny amounts per day when I combusted it, so my use has gone up slightly since beginning to vape. Part of that is that I am learning to use my vape, the Vapor Genie and so i "need to practice more". But also it does seem to work better with a bigger load (like maybe .015 gram) but that is still way smaller of a load than MOST people use.

From what I gather from the posts of PD users, some are using about .025 per stem and that works very well for them. If so, then that is indeed also a much smaller amount than most people that I know use for combustion. Again, for me, .025 would be an increase in what I have been using for combustion. The other factor of efficiency is that they are taking the vaporized herb and getting more mileage out of it in various ways, so that too is part of the efficiency.

I am guessing that if one was rolling a joint, most people would roll at least .10-.30 or more so if that were the case, I am guessing one would get higher using that same .10-.30 in a PD or MZ or Vapor Genie - those are the ones I either know or have read enough about to say this.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
I was just wondering why everyone here chooses to vaporize?
i keeps my head from exploding ... like today, when i have more work on my desk than i can dare to think about ... yes, the Bud Toaster is busy -- i'm glad these batteries are fast recharge.

and i'm packing less bud in the vial and getting the same number of hits. i'm guessing there is much better airflow around and through the bud with a less dense pack.
Hippie Dickie,

trouble ethyl

Well-Known Member
I do it for pretty much the same reasons as everyone else.
Getting the most from my herbs
trouble ethyl,


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
While I had given up tobacco years ago, I still had a smoker's cough because of combusting. Nonherbally-aware friends were urging me to seek medical attention, as everyone knew I had given ciggies up. Also, it bugged me that it always seemed I'd get a coughing fit at theater or concerts - disturbing folks bugs the heck out of me.

I rarely cough now.
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