Why do you use marijuana?

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Well-Known Member
this is ment to be a fun and informitive thread, but just like the title askes, Why do you use the sacred herb?

For me marijuana helps me relax, focus and make it through the day organized. When i dont have any, i dont sleep well, i havent slept well since i was a kid, and the little things throughout the day seem to bug me alot more. when i vape, i just relax for a while, then i can get whatever i need done, in a timely fasion without getting distracted from my work.

after a 2 and a half year break from school, vaping helps keep my head in my books. i do better on tests when i vape one a few hours before class, so as im not completely stoned but have the lingering calming effect.

all in all it just makes life more up beat, happier, and more enjoyable. So what does it do for the rest of you stoner fuckers haha

Modnote: New thread here.


Well-Known Member
Would Winston Churchill be the Churchill we knew if he was not smoking cigars and drinking whiskey all day? I imagine he would not have been as passionate about fighting the Nazis from the start if he didn't have those lubricants in his system.

Everyone seems to have their 'thing' to relax in life with. If not a drug, then it is either Type A work behavior or chasing the pleasures of overconsumption of food.

I don't care for any other drugs... alcohol and nicotine are toxic poisons to me.

I have no problems getting up and working all day without having to inhale... I am fine with making it my "when all responsibilities are taken of by the end of day" relaxant.

So thats why marijuana is it for me. The ability to relax, to review my whole day in a different perspective, to find it easier to enjoy food despite stomach pains, and the ability to sleep at night without having a racing mind keeping me up.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana makes it harder for me to concentrate, makes me easily distracted, and if I have too much of it, it gives me a headache

So why do I consume the stuff?

It makes my life feel a little more interesting, I like to consume it when I am doing something relaxing, like listening to music, or making love, it brings me to a more enjoyable (less serious place)

I believe it is a recreational substance personally, may be different with other people

Acolyte of Zinglon

i personally use it for fun and for medicine, primarily medicine, but the line quite often gets blurred (maybe having fun is my medicine?)

i have bipolar disorder, weed lifts my spirits during a depressive phase, asnd more importantly it chills me the fuck out when im n a manic state. even more important, it facilitates my primary means of escaping an anxiety attack, it makes me more distractable. it may sound like a negative thing but when im in an anxiety attack, its usually something irrational that my mind will just not let go of, my best defense is to try to derail the entire train of thougt and distract mself with something else
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Well-Known Member
I use it for chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety and depression. Another medicinal aspect that's never mentioned by its advocates in the press is the psychotherapeutic effect it can have. Since smoking regularly this past year, I've had some amazing personal insights that have helped me improve my life in general.

Detractors always say pot makes you lazy and unmotivated. Well, on an impairment level, it can make you less productive while under the influence, but I've found that it actually clears my head and makes me MORE motivated to make positive changes in my life, in the long run. Every time I medicate it works as little "hard disk defragmenter" that helps me sort out whatever mental problems I'm experiencing at the time. MMJ advocates and doctors really underplay the value of this particular benefit, always focusing on the physical instead of the spiritual.

Imagine how mellow the world would be if I-inhales became as commonplace as cell phones. I'm actually starting to see glimpses of it in the area where I live (near Oaksterdam). Numerous times, I've been behind someone in line at a store or something and caught a whiff of that distinctive skunky smell and know they've been medicating. No impatience or cutting in those lines, no matter how long! Use is really spreading now and I think it's a great thing for society in general (as long as people aren't driving on it, I guess).


Well-Known Member
try to put a full stop a few times in there, it makes it much easier to read


Well-Known Member
Makes things more intresting. I also laugh a lot harder, to the point that the muscles in my head and neck start to hurt.:lol:

I'm also pretty convinced it has benign medical effects - it's finally surfacing in US medical literature that THC makes cancerous cells eat themselves - autophagy it's called observed in brain and I think lung cancer (THC fights lung cancer but I'm not sure if it's the same mechanism. It's also been shown to dela alzheimers by destroying one of the pathogens that help cause the disease. When you add in the vapor factor, I don't really see the downside anymore.


I jus' wanna get thrown and be able to kick back and have something to pass around...has a feeling of community ;)



Well-Known Member
stevecam said:
try to put a full stop a few times in there, it makes it much easier to read
Hey, man. It's called a paragraph. I see them all the time in books. ;) J/K, sorry bout that. I forgot the words tend to blur together in this format, especially when read thru a thick vapor haze! Anyway, it's fixed now.


Out to lunch
stevecam said:
try to put a full stop a few times in there, it makes it much easier to read
Hey stevecam. Try to use caps and punctuation when appropriate. It makes it much easier to read (you did get one comma in though :lol:).

You know that old saying-'those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. ;)

Seriously, he used good grammar and spelled the words correctly. If you had trouble reading it without a couple of spaces in there, you could have copied/pasted it and put in as many spaces as you liked.

Since we're an international forum, we encourage the use of plain, easy to understand English. But let's not get anal about someone not breaking up a paragraph.

As for reasons for using, mine are the occasional analgesic dosing, relaxation/calming, better sleep, and just enjoying the high. And for me, it's always made sex more enjoyable. :)


Well-Known Member
i get really bored and cant figure out anything worth while to do... so i smoke and i remember what it was like to be 7 years old. its great... just think about it... anything you liked when you were 7 is amazing stoned


god of nerds
1) epilepsy.
(2*tegretol + .2g weed) > 4*tegretol

1 tegretol = $1
.2g weed = 75

do the math.

2) sleep. it helps me to sleep, every time. i'd been consuming at LEAST 3-4 beers prior. And that only helped half the time. (Yeah, and 3-4 beers is like 2-3 bucks, compared to the 75)

3) sex.
4) To unwind. I'll get home right after my wife, we'll each chill for 30-40 mins... do a bowl, clean house without bitching at each other, and either do another bowl and laugh our asses off, or go to the bedroom. (see above.)

5) It saves me money. See #1,#2. I just ran the numbers and it's only a matter of 20-50 bucks a month. But... I'm spending less money to get high every day and get more effective releif of my epilepsy. And not damage my liver. And get better sleep, sex... cleaner house. Oh i could go on and on.

Now if only i could get rid of my $3-5/day pepsi habit.

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