Following the the OP's logic, beer is illegal! Who knew? 
I do agree that the impairment thresholds as they currently stand are utterly ridiculous. But it is a legal fact that you always could get a DUI in the state of Washington for using cannabis in a moving car. Last time I had to take my dipshit friend to court, the kid right before him got DUI for smoking in his car, no blood test needed.
A lot of the fear surrounding the "green DUI" has been intentionally generated by certain parties in the medical mj camp, who wanted to keep the herb illicit, and their profit margins sky-high. They were the only credible, well-financed opponents to legalization in Washington.

I do agree that the impairment thresholds as they currently stand are utterly ridiculous. But it is a legal fact that you always could get a DUI in the state of Washington for using cannabis in a moving car. Last time I had to take my dipshit friend to court, the kid right before him got DUI for smoking in his car, no blood test needed.
A lot of the fear surrounding the "green DUI" has been intentionally generated by certain parties in the medical mj camp, who wanted to keep the herb illicit, and their profit margins sky-high. They were the only credible, well-financed opponents to legalization in Washington.