Why Aren't There NYC Vape Stores?


New Member
This would be so much more convenient for us vapers but are there specific laws against this kind of retail store? I know that stores by st. marks sell many low level bongs with ROOR stickers but there aren't any actual stores that support the vape market with good products.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I'm sure there are plenty that cater to the e-cig market but unfortunately vaping MJ just isn't that popular or well known yet (especially on the east coast and in a non-medical state). The best you will probably find is 1 shelf at a LHS with some vape stuff on it that is more than twice what you would pay online. Unfortunately, the market just isn't big enough (even in one of the largest cities on earth) to support a brick and mortar store on vaping alone. Most LHS need people to buy the ridiculously overpriced China glass in order for them to make their rent.


New Member
That makes a lot of sense. I'm sure companies like pax/arizer have wholesale prices that do not allow for much leeway. My pops has a small business in the city and it's closing down in the next year since the rent is nearing 10,000 a month...his store is literally a walk-in.

Hopefully NY can resolve these issues within the decade and we can have some brick and mortar stores.


Well-Known Member
You're on the wrong side of town bro! I don't know if there's any Laws or regulations against it... I remember big crackdowns years ago on bongs and such but haven't heard anything regarding vapes.

Anyway, village bazaar on sixth and washington has a nice selection of vapes. Last time there I saw pinnacles, paxs, newer model mflbs... Even picked up a VBWT without logo a few days after I saw them on here for $70.
NY gifts has a great glass selection and oil pens.
The SmokeKing on Christopher and seventh has real nice glass too and lots of oil accessories.
There's also a few on fourth street btwn 6-7 but I find those places to be a bit naive on what's good in vapes. Mostly the thinking is high priced item = better.

All of these places can be haggled w a bit. I've gotten stuff for half what they offered at first just by offering cash.

Also, my local newspaper joint/smoke shops in the Boros even carry lots of glass accessories and even had the pinnacle and a NO2. Overpriced to boot... But they had em.

Btw... Noticed lots of these shops have a huge selection of oil accessories. Has oil become really big in NYC?

This would be so much more convenient for us vapers but are there specific laws against this kind of retail store? I know that stores by st. marks sell many low level bongs with ROOR stickers but there aren't any actual stores that support the vape market with good products.


New Member
I'd probably buy a pax ploom from the website rather than from a store since they might be fakes from china but i would definitely check that place out.

Oils are still not that big. Buying wax costs me anywhere from 50 to 100 (haven't paid that price yet though) for decent quality stuff.


I'd probably buy a pax ploom from the website rather than from a store since they might be fakes from china but i would definitely check that place out.

Oils are still not that big. Buying wax costs me anywhere from 50 to 100 (haven't paid that price yet though) for decent quality stuff.

I live in the MMJ capital of the US and prices can be $50-$80 per gram of top shelf errl. Shit I just paid $70/g for one of the Cani Cup winners. Totally worth it for the flavor alone IMO.
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